**** july mummies 2018 *****

It gets worse if you aren't careful though. I'm going to have to really sort my diet out and start upping the fibre. I got it bad at 16 weeks last time and wanted to go to the hospital it was so bad. I didn't obviously but the pain can get unreal. I was drinking prune juice by the gallon lol. Not doing that again xx
Me too ���� I've had cramps for the last few days and they do ease when I manage to go but I'm not going like I usually do !!

Gosh what us women go through lol
Hello ladies! So much has happened here and i cant keep up! Sorry for that :(

Have had a bug for the last week and still feeling awful! Work is hell! Even worse than before and had a massive argument with my manager.. not great but she is so bloody horrible. Making me feel bad about taking care of DD when she is ill. I know, she has been ill lots but its not like i have a choice to take care of her when she is ill! Now i have a HR meeting with her tomorrow... scared i will get sacked!

My nausea has gone which is concerning but i did get a 3+ on digi and have a midwife appointment tomorrow so hoping all is good!

Hello ladies! So much has happened here and i cant keep up! Sorry for that :(

Have had a bug for the last week and still feeling awful! Work is hell! Even worse than before and had a massive argument with my manager.. not great but she is so bloody horrible. Making me feel bad about taking care of DD when she is ill. I know, she has been ill lots but its not like i have a choice to take care of her when she is ill! Now i have a HR meeting with her tomorrow... scared i will get sacked!

My nausea has gone which is concerning but i did get a 3+ on digi and have a midwife appointment tomorrow so hoping all is good!


That's rubbish Hun. Sounds like you're having a time of it. Don't feel bad about taking care of dd what else are you supposed to do? Does she know you're pregnant? I wouldn't worry about the nausea, symptoms can come and go. Good luck for appointment tomorrow too. Hopefully that goes well. Mention anything you're concerned with too so they can ease your fears xx
Me too ���� I've had cramps for the last few days and they do ease when I manage to go but I'm not going like I usually do !!

Gosh what us women go through lol

lol it's ridiculous. I just can't wait to get the 1st trimester over with. It's the worst and most worrying part of pregnancy in my opinion. Another 4 weeks at least until my scan ffs :/ xx
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Yup may I join the constipation camp? It is aweful! Roll on Tri 2!!!!

MariaIsabella, how horrible! Your DD is of course your priority and anyone who would question that is a moron!!!!! x
Yup may I join the constipation camp? It is aweful! Roll on Tri 2!!!!

MariaIsabella, how horrible! Your DD is of course your priority and anyone who would question that is a moron!!!!! x

Welcome to our group haha. The wonders of making little people :roll: xx

Edit Oh happy 7 weeks KH :dance:
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A week ago today I found out I was pregnnat! Still not had any contact from the midwife.

Apart from a little sore breasts (which today aren't as sore) and some cramps I have no other symptoms, does anyone else have the same? It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant....is this normal? Even thou I've done 3 tests I'm wanting to do another x
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A week ago today I found out I was pregnnat! Still not had any contact from the midwife.

Apart from a little sore breasts (which today aren't as sore) and some cramps I have no other symptoms, does anyone else have the same? It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant....is this normal? Even thou I've done 3 tests I'm wanting to do another x

Oh gosh, I did far more tests than that, lol. It's perfectly normal. Most women don't get any symptoms until week 6 or 7, some lucky women get through their entire pregnancy with very few symptoms so it really doesn't mean anything.

Congratulations and welcome to July mummies. Do you know what your expected due date is?
morning Ladies, I'm in the constipation crew to. I get so uncomfortable late at night. I was reading about this new "sleeping on your side" campaign yesterday and while I know that's generally for later in pregnancy I've found the last few nights if I end up on my back I wake with bad constipation pains. I'm going to try some wheatabix later, I've got a day out with oh and dd so I'd rather do that first in case things change too quickly (which they often do with my ibs)

I was pretty nauseous all day yesterday but it was so wet and cold here husband suggested sacking off sheep work and making a start on the spare room. we got loads of stuff shifted and rubbish to the tip which was great and I was glad to be able to break on the sofa when the nausea was really bad

off for a day in the city today which I'm looking forward to, mainly as I've wanted a McDonalds for weeks haha
Yup may I join the constipation camp? It is aweful! Roll on Tri 2!!!!

MariaIsabella, how horrible! Your DD is of course your priority and anyone who would question that is a moron!!!!! x

Welcome to our group haha. The wonders of making little people :roll: xx

Edit Oh happy 7 weeks KH :dance:

Thank you! 7 weeks 2 days already! Time is flying! x
morning Ladies, I'm in the constipation crew to. I get so uncomfortable late at night. I was reading about this new "sleeping on your side" campaign yesterday and while I know that's generally for later in pregnancy I've found the last few nights if I end up on my back I wake with bad constipation pains. I'm going to try some wheatabix later, I've got a day out with oh and dd so I'd rather do that first in case things change too quickly (which they often do with my ibs)

I was pretty nauseous all day yesterday but it was so wet and cold here husband suggested sacking off sheep work and making a start on the spare room. we got loads of stuff shifted and rubbish to the tip which was great and I was glad to be able to break on the sofa when the nausea was really bad

off for a day in the city today which I'm looking forward to, mainly as I've wanted a McDonalds for weeks haha

Getting rubbish shifted from home is always a good way to spend your day!

Have a lovely trip and enjoy McDonalds :D
A week ago today I found out I was pregnnat! Still not had any contact from the midwife.

Apart from a little sore breasts (which today aren't as sore) and some cramps I have no other symptoms, does anyone else have the same? It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant....is this normal? Even thou I've done 3 tests I'm wanting to do another x

Oh gosh, I did far more tests than that, lol. It's perfectly normal. Most women don't get any symptoms until week 6 or 7, some lucky women get through their entire pregnancy with very few symptoms so it really doesn't mean anything.

Congratulations and welcome to July mummies. Do you know what your expected due date is?

Hahaha, I am going to do another one today!!

Doctor has roughly said 11th July xx
Go for it Sarah, I tested sooooo many times lol :D x
Ooh Sarah that’s close to mine! Midwife said in due 10th but I know my conception date because we had fertility treatment so I think I’m actually the 12th!
Ooh Sarah that’s close to mine! Midwife said in due 10th but I know my conception date because we had fertility treatment so I think I’m actually the 12th!

Ahhhh yay

I haven't seen the midwife yet �� Hoping to hear something soon thou
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Hi!!! Sorry I've been so quiet. Was a bridesmaid for my sister on Saturday and it has well and truly taken it out of me. I had 5 naps yesterday!!!

I feel sick as a dog, honestly I want to just be sick and get it over with! My stomach turns at even the thought of food :(
Just had a call from my midwife yay! First appointment is next Friday eeeeek!!
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