**** july mummies 2018 *****

Hi!!! Sorry I've been so quiet. Was a bridesmaid for my sister on Saturday and it has well and truly taken it out of me. I had 5 naps yesterday!!!

I feel sick as a dog, honestly I want to just be sick and get it over with! My stomach turns at even the thought of food :(

Hi lovely. Hope the day went well.

I'm like that too. Mine flips when I go into my fridge :/ xx
morning Ladies, I'm in the constipation crew to. I get so uncomfortable late at night. I was reading about this new "sleeping on your side" campaign yesterday and while I know that's generally for later in pregnancy I've found the last few nights if I end up on my back I wake with bad constipation pains. I'm going to try some wheatabix later, I've got a day out with oh and dd so I'd rather do that first in case things change too quickly (which they often do with my ibs)

I was pretty nauseous all day yesterday but it was so wet and cold here husband suggested sacking off sheep work and making a start on the spare room. we got loads of stuff shifted and rubbish to the tip which was great and I was glad to be able to break on the sofa when the nausea was really bad

off for a day in the city today which I'm looking forward to, mainly as I've wanted a McDonalds for weeks haha

I've been looking at the sleeping on your side thing. TBH I thought all pregnant women knew this. When I was heavily pregnant I couldn't lie on my back at all, without feeling crushed and not being able to breathe. Something about everything pressing on a major artery. Thought everyone felt the same.

If the constipation doesn't shift try some prune juice (mixed with cranberry to make it drinkable) Have to buy some today cause I'm still the same :/

Jealous you got a start on baby's room lol . Mine is literally the junk room. Not looking forward to clearing it!

Enjoy your McDonald's lol xx
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A week ago today I found out I was pregnnat! Still not had any contact from the midwife.

Apart from a little sore breasts (which today aren't as sore) and some cramps I have no other symptoms, does anyone else have the same? It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant....is this normal? Even thou I've done 3 tests I'm wanting to do another x

I'm currently 5 + 5 days and ive no symptoms either. all ive had is cramps. just my 3 positive tests telling me I'm pregnant. ive not got my midwife apt till 7th dec, ill be 8 weeks that day.
A week ago today I found out I was pregnnat! Still not had any contact from the midwife.

Apart from a little sore breasts (which today aren't as sore) and some cramps I have no other symptoms, does anyone else have the same? It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant....is this normal? Even thou I've done 3 tests I'm wanting to do another x

I'm currently 5 + 5 days and ive no symptoms either. all ive had is cramps. just my 3 positive tests telling me I'm pregnant. ive not got my midwife apt till 7th dec, ill be 8 weeks that day.

With my first all I had was cramps until about 9 weeks really. My breasts were sore both times but it eased off really quick (5 weeks ish) The worst thing about 1st tri is all you have to go on is your tests until you get a scan :/
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A week ago today I found out I was pregnnat! Still not had any contact from the midwife.

Apart from a little sore breasts (which today aren't as sore) and some cramps I have no other symptoms, does anyone else have the same? It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant....is this normal? Even thou I've done 3 tests I'm wanting to do another x

I'm currently 5 + 5 days and ive no symptoms either. all ive had is cramps. just my 3 positive tests telling me I'm pregnant. ive not got my midwife apt till 7th dec, ill be 8 weeks that day.

I'm the same as you both. 5+5, and no symptoms other than sore boobs, sore nips, and awful cramps. I think it's normal and "blessed" according to other women lol. My sister is 9 weeks pregnant and already been hospitalised twice with severe sickness... I do know what you mean though. I feel like maybe if I was sick, once, I'd feel like, oh yeah I am pregnant after all. But I think something might be starting as I'm starting to feel not much appetite for the first 2/3s of the day over the last few days and a bit queasy.... Hopefully it all begins to feel more real soon
A week ago today I found out I was pregnnat! Still not had any contact from the midwife.

Apart from a little sore breasts (which today aren't as sore) and some cramps I have no other symptoms, does anyone else have the same? It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant....is this normal? Even thou I've done 3 tests I'm wanting to do another x

I'm currently 5 + 5 days and ive no symptoms either. all ive had is cramps. just my 3 positive tests telling me I'm pregnant. ive not got my midwife apt till 7th dec, ill be 8 weeks that day.

I'm the same as you both. 5+5, and no symptoms other than sore boobs, sore nips, and awful cramps. I think it's normal and "blessed" according to other women lol. My sister is 9 weeks pregnant and already been hospitalised twice with severe sickness... I do know what you mean though. I feel like maybe if I was sick, once, I'd feel like, oh yeah I am pregnant after all. But I think something might be starting as I'm starting to feel not much appetite for the first 2/3s of the day over the last few days and a bit queasy.... Hopefully it all begins to feel more real soon

Roll on the first scan, that's when it really becomes real for you x
A week ago today I found out I was pregnnat! Still not had any contact from the midwife.

Apart from a little sore breasts (which today aren't as sore) and some cramps I have no other symptoms, does anyone else have the same? It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant....is this normal? Even thou I've done 3 tests I'm wanting to do another x

I'm currently 5 + 5 days and ive no symptoms either. all ive had is cramps. just my 3 positive tests telling me I'm pregnant. ive not got my midwife apt till 7th dec, ill be 8 weeks that day.

I'm the same as you both. 5+5, and no symptoms other than sore boobs, sore nips, and awful cramps. I think it's normal and "blessed" according to other women lol. My sister is 9 weeks pregnant and already been hospitalised twice with severe sickness... I do know what you mean though. I feel like maybe if I was sick, once, I'd feel like, oh yeah I am pregnant after all. But I think something might be starting as I'm starting to feel not much appetite for the first 2/3s of the day over the last few days and a bit queasy.... Hopefully it all begins to feel more real soon

Roll on the first scan, that's when it really becomes real for you x

I can't wait!! It's going to come round so slow!!

When has everyone got their 12 week scan? Hoping to get my date next week!!
No idea Sarah. I have my booking in appointment on 28th Nov so hopefully the letter will arrive a couple weeks after. Hoping for a pre-Chrismas scan x
No idea Sarah. I have my booking in appointment on 28th Nov so hopefully the letter will arrive a couple weeks after. Hoping for a pre-Chrismas scan x

Me too but I think it will be the first week back on January
No idea either. I'll be 12 weeks on the 4th of Jan. Im thinking January.
Shan and a couple others I've noticed you've asked who's taking screening on 12 week scan. What is this screening for? Down's?

I had a maternal cousin with Down's so if it is for that then I will be taking the screening x
I'm so sorry for this impending emotional offloading, but I am feeling rather fragile today. All day I have felt shaky, exhausted and as if I just want to cry and cry. I've got to pull myself together as I have a lot to do today but I have been feeling just emotionally and physically drained. I can't tell anyone else about it and am so grateful on days like today for this place where I can voice this and not feel bad about it.

Sorry for not having a more valuable contribution today, I hope you're all feeling a little stronger than I am today.
I've been so nervous about joining in... but having reached 7 weeks today I'm going to join the thread.

I'm due July 10... got my BFP 3 weeks ago after a very unlikely months (we only dtd twice, could have sworn it wouldn't have been a BFP month).

I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks last time (but I knew it was coming because I had a scan at 8+6 and found the baby had failed to develop). I'm find myself alternating between being calm....excited...and worrying that it's all going to happen again.

Symptoms have been light but fairly consistent... tender boobs, exhaustion (which I definitely did not get last time), and what I think is my version of morning sickness which is a combination or burping, wanting to cough/gag, feeling like I've eaten too quickly and I need to swallow to keep it all down...

Last time I had fairly frequently spotting, it ranged from light to dark brown and light pink to dark red... at this point in my pregnancy last time this has already worried me on several occasions. This time I've had nothing. I'm choosing to see this as examples of how this IS a different pregnancy, hopefully with a different outcome.

I'm off to the GP tomorrow to get my flu jab.
Shan and a couple others I've noticed you've asked who's taking screening on 12 week scan. What is this screening for? Down's?

I had a maternal cousin with Down's so if it is for that then I will be taking the screening x

yes the screening is for downs but also a couple of other conditions like Edwards, you'll get information on it at your booking appointment

welcome Fela. sounds like this pregnancy is very different to your last, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months
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Shan and a couple others I've noticed you've asked who's taking screening on 12 week scan. What is this screening for? Down's?

I had a maternal cousin with Down's so if it is for that then I will be taking the screening x
Jem - i think the screening means they check the back of babys neck and also take more blood from you to check for Downs. It also checks for a couple of other things, but i cant remember the names!

I am hoping to get the date for my 12 week scan through soon. When i see the midwife on Friday she dated me at 8+5 which confused me as the scan i had the day before only dated me at 7 weeks! Bonus for me as i get the dating scan sooner than i thought!

Nausea has hit me so bad the last few days. I have completely gone off food. I will be starving hungry but just not want anything to eat at all. I have been surviving on toast, bagels and crackers!

All i really want is just plain stuff... anyone else getting this at around 7-8 weeks?
A week ago today I found out I was pregnnat! Still not had any contact from the midwife.

Apart from a little sore breasts (which today aren't as sore) and some cramps I have no other symptoms, does anyone else have the same? It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant....is this normal? Even thou I've done 3 tests I'm wanting to do another x

I'm currently 5 + 5 days and ive no symptoms either. all ive had is cramps. just my 3 positive tests telling me I'm pregnant. ive not got my midwife apt till 7th dec, ill be 8 weeks that day.

With my first all I had was cramps until about 9 weeks really. My breasts were sore both times but it eased off really quick (5 weeks ish) The worst thing about 1st tri is all you have to go on is your tests until you get a scan :/

yeh I know what you mean, at the minute it doesn't feel real yet. it will do once weve had the scan. ive booked an early scan to have on the same day as my midwife apt (having it that evening).
A week ago today I found out I was pregnnat! Still not had any contact from the midwife.

Apart from a little sore breasts (which today aren't as sore) and some cramps I have no other symptoms, does anyone else have the same? It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant....is this normal? Even thou I've done 3 tests I'm wanting to do another x

I'm currently 5 + 5 days and ive no symptoms either. all ive had is cramps. just my 3 positive tests telling me I'm pregnant. ive not got my midwife apt till 7th dec, ill be 8 weeks that day.

I'm the same as you both. 5+5, and no symptoms other than sore boobs, sore nips, and awful cramps. I think it's normal and "blessed" according to other women lol. My sister is 9 weeks pregnant and already been hospitalised twice with severe sickness... I do know what you mean though. I feel like maybe if I was sick, once, I'd feel like, oh yeah I am pregnant after all. But I think something might be starting as I'm starting to feel not much appetite for the first 2/3s of the day over the last few days and a bit queasy.... Hopefully it all begins to feel more real soon

I think itll feel real when we have our scans
A week ago today I found out I was pregnnat! Still not had any contact from the midwife.

Apart from a little sore breasts (which today aren't as sore) and some cramps I have no other symptoms, does anyone else have the same? It's making me feel like I'm not pregnant....is this normal? Even thou I've done 3 tests I'm wanting to do another x

I'm currently 5 + 5 days and ive no symptoms either. all ive had is cramps. just my 3 positive tests telling me I'm pregnant. ive not got my midwife apt till 7th dec, ill be 8 weeks that day.

I'm the same as you both. 5+5, and no symptoms other than sore boobs, sore nips, and awful cramps. I think it's normal and "blessed" according to other women lol. My sister is 9 weeks pregnant and already been hospitalised twice with severe sickness... I do know what you mean though. I feel like maybe if I was sick, once, I'd feel like, oh yeah I am pregnant after all. But I think something might be starting as I'm starting to feel not much appetite for the first 2/3s of the day over the last few days and a bit queasy.... Hopefully it all begins to feel more real soon

Roll on the first scan, that's when it really becomes real for you x

I can't wait!! It's going to come round so slow!!

When has everyone got their 12 week scan? Hoping to get my date next week!!

I don't know when mine will be yet. my first midwife apt is on 7th December and that's when they'll book my 12 week scan. I have booked an early scan though to have on the evening of the 7th dec when ill be 8 weeks.
Shan and a couple others I've noticed you've asked who's taking screening on 12 week scan. What is this screening for? Down's?

I had a maternal cousin with Down's so if it is for that then I will be taking the screening x

Yes hun they'll ask you at your booking appointment if you want it. Has to be done by 13 weeks she said. I think it's mainly age of the mother that increases the risk and if you have a child already with downs. Cousins won't increase your chances. Oh and pataus and Edward syndromes xx
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