Aw no katybaby what happened?
Well when I moved here originally I had just been diagnosed with diabetes and put on an insulin pump. So I decided to keep my diabetes care at the old hospital cos it’s only an hour away and they know my history and I had a bad experience with the new hospital who said they would take my pump away
So when we needed fertility treatment we did that at the old hospital too. I’ve got a new job back where we’re from so will be moving back to that area anyway so my old hospital have signed me up for their diabetic antenatal appointments.
Anyway the midwife where I currently live didn’t seem to understand the concept of moving cities whilst pregnant and was insisting I move all my care including diabetes to the new hospital even tho it would only be for 3 months before we move. She was really bothered about which hospital would be paying for my care
And then just didn’t click with her she didn’t really tell me anything useful and wouldn’t give me a copy of my notes or test results to take to my first appt at the other hospital.