**** july mummies 2018 *****

Well the scan went so well. Saw my baby's heart best flickering away :)
Baby is 3mm and everything was fine. They said since there's a heartbeat then the risk goes down dramatically. So so so happy and relieved!
View attachment 75103
Well the scan went so well. Saw my baby's heart best flickering away :)
Baby is 3mm and everything was fine. They said since there's a heartbeat then the risk goes down dramatically. So so so happy and relieved!
View attachment 75103

Fantastic news so glad everything went well, i bet it was relief?

So how far are you now? xx
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Yes, I will be asking for the screening again. Hoping for a pre-Christmas scan :pray:

Feeling quite crap today, no idea why I've had a nice, long sleep and been munching things all day but juts feeling blah in general! x

Midwife said today the scans are 11-14 weeks but more likely for me to be at 11 because I want the screening. So maybe it'll be the same for you, and you can get in before Christmas fx.

That's a shame hope you pick up soon. This growing babies stuff isn't easy lol. Oh a side note dd picked up a dead spider and threw it at me today. So we're having a wonderful day haha I'm actually looking forward to work tonight :wall2: xx
Aw JemRose that's great news!!! Look at that little bean. Congrats hopefully that helps you relax now :hugs: xx
Hope all is OK gg!
Lol I'm 13 weeks on Xmas day. I doubt I'll get my scan before then cos I'm not even calling for my booking in app until 9 weeks heh.
Lol it was shan was like a scene from casualty lol... I said didn't feel well after they placed her on my belly, and they said I was fine then I said I couldn't hear anything they grabbed baby straight away then I passed out hubby said they pulled the cord and about 10 Drs came rushing in putting loads of needles and fluids in me I woke up and my mom and hubby were crying they said my BP dropped to 30/20. There was blood everywhere! Like it was spilling off the bed onto the floor and everyone was stepping in it aha. I herd the Drs say it was a close one. Idk of it'll happen again. But it was worse because o was taking aspirin and was supposed to stop but my consultant told me I need to take it till birth so she basically nearly killed me. When I was in labour I asked the midwife if I need to take it and she was like OMG no. So she should have been prepared for it but wasn't. Ugh x
I do feel relaxed but now I'm worrying 3mm is too small for 6 weeks? My ticker says 6-7mm??
PeanutButter oh my god your poor husband he must have been terrified! That's so scary. Make sure they know this time and dyou by take any shit, fucking hell. I'd have went mental at the consultant. And yeah surely your midwife would have made everyone aware you might haemorrhage. Thanks goodness everything turned out okay though :hugs:

As for your scan if you want the screening you may get in earlier rather than later. I should have my date next week. And shepherdess got her there and then. Being 9 weeks at booking hopefully shouldn't make a difference. I was 10weeks at my 1st booking and still got a 12 week scan Xx
JR they'd have told you if anything was wrong at the scan hun. Ignore the ticker xx
Well the scan went so well. Saw my baby's heart best flickering away :)
Baby is 3mm and everything was fine. They said since there's a heartbeat then the risk goes down dramatically. So so so happy and relieved!
View attachment 75103

Really pleased for you JemRose. It's good to hear that everything is fine. Lovely to know the little heart is beating away.
Well the scan went so well. Saw my baby's heart best flickering away :)
Baby is 3mm and everything was fine. They said since there's a heartbeat then the risk goes down dramatically. So so so happy and relieved!
View attachment 75103

PS. JemRose.. how did you get a scan so quickly?

She had bleeding. If you have bleeding, severe cramping etc or have had previous mcs or ectopics you can have a scan at the early pregnancy unit. Most people won't be scanned until 12 weeks. You can pay for a private one, lots of people do :) x
Jemrose don’t worry I had a scan at 6 weeks and ours is only 1.9mm so 3 is totally fine. They would say if they were worried I’m sure. Plus the margin of error is something like 2mm so could actually be more than 3 anyway. I think the heartbeat is more important at this point

Yeah I paid for a private one just for reassurance

My midwife appointment today was rubbish!
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Hi ladies. Jemrose, love the scan...what a lovely little bean.

Mine went perfectly, I'll post pics when I get home. I'm 6+5 and measured 7w but there's a bit of variance this early. Heart was beating away furiously, could even see it with abdominal but also had tv to get a clearer look.

Poor Dan got very emotional bless him...but then, so did I, lol.

Feeling much better now xx
Awww ladies, fantastic news about both scans!!! Superb!!!
Shan, should my DD ever throw a spider in my direction I WILL disown her!!!!!
Yay, JemRose! Glad your scan went well.

And GG too. I'm glad you're feeling better as well. That sticky bean is here to stay :)
Aw no katybaby what happened?

Well when I moved here originally I had just been diagnosed with diabetes and put on an insulin pump. So I decided to keep my diabetes care at the old hospital cos it’s only an hour away and they know my history and I had a bad experience with the new hospital who said they would take my pump away

So when we needed fertility treatment we did that at the old hospital too. I’ve got a new job back where we’re from so will be moving back to that area anyway so my old hospital have signed me up for their diabetic antenatal appointments.

Anyway the midwife where I currently live didn’t seem to understand the concept of moving cities whilst pregnant and was insisting I move all my care including diabetes to the new hospital even tho it would only be for 3 months before we move. She was really bothered about which hospital would be paying for my care :wall2:

And then just didn’t click with her she didn’t really tell me anything useful and wouldn’t give me a copy of my notes or test results to take to my first appt at the other hospital.

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