**** july mummies 2018 *****

Merry Christmas to you all too. Lol

I'm not sure what happened to me last night but I was sicker than I've ever been. Like couldn't leave the bathroom sick. Sure enough did you know that sudden extreme sickness can be a sign of a late mmc? Ridiculous I know but two hours on google searching " sudden violent sickness at 12 weeks" will do that to you

Christmas shopping today too. Can I be bothered? Um no. But it needs to be done before the crazy people buy everything out because the shops are shut for ONE DAY. I think I may be in a bit of a mood lol

And I bet almost every doctor you actually asked would say that it can just as easily or even, more likely, mean you just had a bad night of sickness. When is your next scan due? Might make you feel better or are you not too worried?

I wouldn't be. I swear to God, for every awful reason for a symptom, there seem to be three or more positive reasons so I've given up trying to decipher it all. Still doesn't stop the googling though, lol.

Anyway, sorry it was such an awful night and I hope you feel better now xxx

Thanks :hugs:

Oh I know. My scan is the 28th and I was feeling fine about it but now I have this slight niggling worry. It's all stupid and irrational. I think I'm feeling okay ish so far. At this point I'm just counting the weeks until 2nd trimester so I'll relax a tad. Dr google has a lot to answer for lol xx

That's almost a week to wait. I'd be tempted to pop to A&E and say you had some cramping and spotting. I know it's naughty, but honestly, we need to avoid stress and if it will help, do it. You don't want a Christmas marred with worry. Xxx
Good mornig! So I see I wasn't the only one with a ruined night?! DD woke up with fever and we hardly got any sleep. Thank God I am off work today!

GG what a night for you lol. Glad you didn't murder Dan, you'd regretted that in the morning :D

Shan, don't google! Hope you feel better now x

Jem how lucky!! Make sure you spend it on yourself x

My hair got thicker and stronger. Just like last time. One bonus I guess lol x
Ah PB, I forgot it was today. Eeek, good luck xxx
Ah no KHTW I hope she feels better soon. DD coughed so much last night she made herself sick and ended up in my bed. Between me and her I just thought fuck sake. I hope the fever doesn't last. There's so much going about too. I swear we better all get a sick free Christmas with these kiddies lol xx

GG I know, I tell people to do that all the time but I'm such a bad nervous liar. Gonna see how I feel later on. I think sometimes I convince myself into a sort of panic, a negative state of mind that's hard to get out of. OH said it's in my head and I just had a bad night. He's probably right like you. Gonna be a long Christmas xx
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Does anyone get pains in the womb when they sneeze? It's like a muscular thing and feels right where the baby is xx

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Yes I’ve had this a few times Laura, scared the crap out of me the first few times...
I was having a pamper night tonight. Did a wee face mask and shaped my eyebrows. When I pluck them I always sneeze like a million times and it hurt so much haha gonna wax them from now on. How u getting on Fela? Xx

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I’m not too bad at all! Mostly just tired and a bit sore in the boob region! One more day in work and then off for two weeks and having my 12 week scan half way through so excited and nervous!

A pamper sounds amazing round about now, I may go get a facial in the new year if there are offers on!

Speaking of hair!! I’ve noticed my hair is growing really quickly! And I mean ALL THE HAIR.. I’ve never had to shave my underarms and legs as often as I am now!

Yay 12 week scan hehe so exciting!
You should definitely get a facial going hehe I had so much fun last night just relaxing.

That's so funny must be the hormones haha now would be a good time if you want to grow your head hair long xx

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I love how hormone fueled this thread has become! Hehe good luck for your scan today PB!

I only have my booking appointment on 8th then no idea when a scan might be. I feel like the booking appointment is really late for some reason xx

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Merry Christmas to you all too. Lol

I'm not sure what happened to me last night but I was sicker than I've ever been. Like couldn't leave the bathroom sick. Sure enough did you know that sudden extreme sickness can be a sign of a late mmc? Ridiculous I know but two hours on google searching " sudden violent sickness at 12 weeks" will do that to you

Christmas shopping today too. Can I be bothered? Um no. But it needs to be done before the crazy people buy everything out because the shops are shut for ONE DAY. I think I may be in a bit of a mood lol

And I bet almost every doctor you actually asked would say that it can just as easily or even, more likely, mean you just had a bad night of sickness. When is your next scan due? Might make you feel better or are you not too worried?

I wouldn't be. I swear to God, for every awful reason for a symptom, there seem to be three or more positive reasons so I've given up trying to decipher it all. Still doesn't stop the googling though, lol.

Anyway, sorry it was such an awful night and I hope you feel better now xxx

Thanks :hugs:

Oh I know. My scan is the 28th and I was feeling fine about it but now I have this slight niggling worry. It's all stupid and irrational. I think I'm feeling okay ish so far. At this point I'm just counting the weeks until 2nd trimester so I'll relax a tad. Dr google has a lot to answer for lol xx

Mine is the 28th too at 1:30pm 😊 I am nervous too.
17 days til my booking appointment. Do they ever do the booking and scan together? Xx

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5 sleeps til my dating scan.

'LL, no...doubtful as the scan will need to be booked in. It does seem a bit late so maybe call and see if they can bring it forward or book the scan ahead of time?
Anyone else on 12 week scan count down with me? 7 days!!!

Tomorrow!!!! Is it weird that I am not nerverous? Just excited.. it may change tomorrow lol. Scan is not intil 15.30! x
Hope nobody minds me posting this, please bear in mind I'm a big girl anyway usually a size 16-18 before pregnancy.

But I'm really starting to think a bump is coming. My mum the other day told me I look pregnant now lol. So just wondered if anyone thought it had grown? Been so worried about being bigger and never looking pregnant just fat. These pics were taken a week apart, one last Friday and one today

Think the only way to tell is to look at my boobs and follow the line down, I do think it's grown and starting to look bump like x

View attachment 75935
Hope nobody minds me posting this, please bear in mind I'm a big girl anyway usually a size 16-18 before pregnancy.

But I'm really starting to think a bump is coming. My mum the other day told me I look pregnant now lol. So just wondered if anyone thought it had grown? Been so worried about being bigger and never looking pregnant just fat. These pics were taken a week apart, one last Friday and one today

Think the only way to tell is to look at my boobs and follow the line down, I do think it's grown and starting to look bump like x

View attachment 75935

I think it definitely looks more bump like.


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