***July 2018 Testing Thread***

tested this morning- BFN I think.

My period is due a week today, so I'm 8days before missed period, and 7 days from period. I had positive ovulation test on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22nd so I'm not sure how many dpo I am. do I go from when I had my first positive? I didn't notice any other signs so I'm unsure of when actual ovulation occurred.

Am I crazy to have tested today? I'm pretty sure it was a negative this morning, but keep thinking I see something on this pic but again I think I'm just seeing things I want to see. Have a look what you think.
this is the same picture but I have uploaded it larger so I think the picture is clearer


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I keep thinking that I see something too.....but heck, I don't know. I think it's really way too early
I keep thinking that I see something too.....but heck, I don't know. I think it's really way too early

yes I think it is too early. Its crazy the things we do when we want something so much.
Sorry Hun I don’t see anything, but I think it’s too early. Try again in a few days.
In saying that my first line didn’t show on a picture so it might be there!
Fx for you, we need some more April mummies over in Tri 1!
I'm out. AF turned up.

Sorry sunflower x

I was out from word go I ovulated while at home in Wales and my oh wasn't with me we didn't get any baby dancing in at all but it was fine I had to be at home for my dad and the funeral but fingers crossed for this cycle

Nice to see you back... I thought that might be the case. How are you holding up now? x

I'm out, AF arrived properly now, so back to CD1 for me x

Damn :(

Fx all for next month :hugs:

Thanks I'm good just glad to be back on the ttc train. I was fine with the whole thing as I just needed to be there for my dad and that was more important but glad to be back to it
It's Very very very faint , but it's there isn't it?


  • Line Eyes 4.jpg
    Line Eyes 4.jpg
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I think I see something, but it’s a real squinter. Wait 48 hours and test again and you should see it more clearly.
Fx it’s the real deal! X
Just to confirm again because I cannot contain my excitement

I CAN SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m out af arrived today after having all the symptoms and being late! On to tying next month x
I can definitely see that princessp!! Congratulations!

I think I'm out. My real periods haven't returned yet while breastfeeding but for the past 4 months I've had ovulation pain and two weeks later had 4-5 days of yellow discharge (I googled it and apparently that means bleeding so I'm considering that my period for now). It's pretty frustrating though. Anyway my "period" has now been and gone and I've started the OPKs. Think we were just too late last time and ALL my symptoms disappeared when I stopped taking that awful pregnacare vitamin. See those of you who didn't get the BFPs this time in the August Testing thread!
I'm out. Pinky brown cm this afternoon. Oh well on to cycle 21 ..nothing new here...at least we have been on the IVF waiting list 2 months now! One third of the waiting time done!
Don't think I will join another testing thread as no point.

Good luck everyone still to test.
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I’m out af arrived today after having all the symptoms and being late! On to tying next month x

Sorry AF arrived, fx for next month x

I can definitely see that princessp!! Congratulations!

I think I'm out. My real periods haven't returned yet while breastfeeding but for the past 4 months I've had ovulation pain and two weeks later had 4-5 days of yellow discharge (I googled it and apparently that means bleeding so I'm considering that my period for now). It's pretty frustrating though. Anyway my "period" has now been and gone and I've started the OPKs. Think we were just too late last time and ALL my symptoms disappeared when I stopped taking that awful pregnacare vitamin. See those of you who didn't get the BFPs this time in the August Testing thread!

I never would have thought yellow discharge = bleeding, how bizarre! Fx for next month!

I'm out. Pinky brown cm this afternoon. Oh well on to cycle 21 ..nothing new here...at least we have been on the IVF waiting list 2 months now! One third of the waiting time done!
Don't think I will join another testing thread as no point.

Good luck everyone still to test.

I'm so sorry Alexis :( I can only imagine how devastated you must be. I really hope you get your natural bfp before IVF ... or for IVF to be your answer x
Congratulations everyone who got a bfp in July! Here’s to hoping there’s as many lucky mamas in August!
I've kept a low profile this month as trying to put less attention on trying, but I tested this morning and got my :bfp:
(Tested with a first response 45sec test as no FRER ANYWHERE!!)

Congrats to those that have caught this month, may they stick and be healthy pregnancies, good luck for those still to test and sorry for those that got AF, it sucks balls and I really do hope you get your bfp next cycle x

Hello everyone,
I've been quiet recently as sadly, my pregnancy ended due to a ruptured ectopic and I was in ITU. Lucky to be alive in the end, but absolutely devastated. I hope everyone is still going strong. Sorry I haven't read all the pages as there's so many x
I’m so sorry to hear that Sydney :hugs:

How are you feeling now?
I’m so sorry to hear that Sydney :hugs:

How are you feeling now?

Thanks Vespa. I'm recovering well physically... emotionally a bit up and down as I guess that's normal. I got my period yesterday which was a bittersweet day. Not meant to be having one really, but means the start of our next journey and TTC again.

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