July 2016 Mummies to be!

Oh gosh unicorn that sounds horrendous! I really hope the sickness subsides for you.

Yay happy due date buddy x
Thank you, I really hope I've come out of it now, I'm feeling so much better :-)
I've only got half a uterus so don't have much chance of getting to that date, but I'm very happy to be due date buddies with you :-)
Yay, congratulations on the scans ladies, lovely to see your pic Lou, do you have a gender guess?
I'm due the 27th July, so same as you SesameSeed and very clode to you Mel :-)
I am feeling much better! The sickness seems to have been taken over by headaches, which I much prefer! I was sick the usual 10 times or so on Monday, had an awful night sleep because I had a splitting headache all night but was only sick once Tuesday morning and a few times in the evening. For the rest of the week I have been sick 2 or 3 times in the morning and once or twice in the evening and for the rest of the day I don't feel sick at all, it's amazing :smile:
Most people said it would take till 16 weeks to stop being sick so if this it is I feel extremely grateful, I was really struggling xx

Thanks :) i think boy but just a feeling, no idea from the pic lol
I feel lucky, I've been sick about 7 times in total but when it happens it's brutal! I hope it holds off for you! I'm hoping the second tri will be peachy lol xxx
Sorry I've been absent! Lots going on!

We put in an offer on a house and the seller accepted!
We have the inspection in a few days and hopefully all's well!

I also had another scan. I will try to post a photo later on.
Wow, a house move is brave NBkm3, I can hardly manage going to work let alone moving house lol. Exciting though :-)
I think I may have spoke too soon, yesterday was a bad day and the tiredness and headaches have really ramped up too!
I've got a hairdressers appointment today, I'm thinking about going for a hairstyle that will be more suited to having a new born, ie need less work and haridresser visits etc xx
Congratulations nbkm! Take it easy on the move though!

Difficult unicorn, it is a while away and tri 2 is meant to be the glowing tri so you could hold off? Xxx
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I haven't worked in ages. Haha. I know I couldn't manage. I will have loads of help, so my role will mostly be pointing. lol
I found out with my first two, but I really don't want to know this time! I'm terrified they will accidentally let it slip.
I'm not finding out either. I want it to be a surprise at the birth :D
I planned to not find out for my 3rd as i already have one of each but i really really want a girl sooo badly :( (only because i have a name picked out) my daughter is so caring and loving and clingy like their Dad (i love it); my son is too cool to show love, he hates hugs, i told him that i failed an exam yesterday and he said "oh" then asked me for his lunch money :-) ... so he is very laid back. this is also why i want a girl.

have my 20wk scan on 4 March and cant WAIT to find out the sex! i booked it late afternoon so that the kids can come to the scan with us (if they are allowed), we will all have a bet on the sex :-) ..

they still dont know that i am expecting, hoping to hold it off for as long as possible.
So good to see that there are still some people here in Tri1. :) I will move to Tri2 after my nuchal scan on Friday, as I'll be 13 weeks on Sunday. Exciting/terrifying!!

NBkm3: you are quite brave to do a house move now! But better now than after Baby comes, I bet.

Lou1103: I'm just starting to show now (12.5 weeks), but not enough that anyone at work has noticed, I think. Just enough to stop wearing 2/3 of my wardrobe to prevent it being obvious. :) Unfortunately, this means I now have to do laundry twice as often!
Bless! I just look bloated still, have looked like this since about 8 weeks. My jeans are tight and hurt now when i sit lol but have been using a hair bobble around the button xxx
hey Lou, yes i am really showing; but i wear baggy t-shirts at home and i am used to permanently holding in my belly, trying to stop this though. Like you i just look bloated as my belly button still sinks in. i love secret pregnancies and plan to announce to family after 20week scan. will tell work at the same time too. :-)
Well done! We told family when i was about 7/8 weeks (I told my mom when i get my bfp) lol I've always been
Rubbish with secrets xxx

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