Journal of Kayden James

22/12/2011 - 8 Weeks old today.

Cant believe Kayden is 8 weeks.

We've now upped his bottles to 6oz, but majority of the times he leaves an oz, apart from when he wakes thro the night & he drains the 6.

We're now finished doing the school run every day for a wee while as big sister is off school for xmas. So we can have some long lies.

Me & OH had our 9 year anniversary 2 days ago & we all had a good day not doing much, watching movies & eating. Kayden was a really good boy.

We went to see santa yesterday.......



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My first journal entry in 2012.

Christmas & new year has past & its been hectic. Kayden has coped really well with all the visitors & visiting ppl & being passed around.

Kayden has been fine, still on 6oz every 3 hrs thro the day & he still been sleeping through, but occasionally wakes at 5/6 but he manages to settle ok afterwards.

This week mummy is busy putting away all the Christmas things & still doing the new year clean & enjoying our last few days before school starts back & its back to early mornings & long walks.

Here's some pics from over xmas & new year!



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Aww, love the christmas outfit! Poppy has that glow worm and she loves it, stares at it for ages. x
13/01/2012 - 11 weeks old

Kayden has been doing great. He's been now been sleeping through the night for a week or so, he goes down at 7ish & gets up at 9ish if left to his own devices but normally i have to wake him at 7 for the skl run. Some days he's fussed for maybe an hour before going down, but tonight it was only 15mins. He's been demanding his feeds more during the day & sometimes wants 6oz every 2 1/2 hours, even though he never drains the bottle. Maybe he's going through a growth spurt or its coz he goes so long through the night. He's getting the recommended 5 bottles a day. Getting weighed & measured on Mon, which will be interesting. Kayden got his jags last week & done really well, but was grumpy about 5 hours after. He's been giggling now too, which is so so cute but its only once a day but we spend all day trying to get him to laugh.

We're moving house this month (not sure what date) its all in the process of getting signed off, its so nerve racking coz we've been here all thro my eldest LO's childhood which is over 7 years, so i'm emotionally attached but we need a bigger house in a nicer area & have no garden where we are just now its a flat. Its an emotional time, tbh duno if i can manage it but i know i have to, i need to see it as enjoyable, if thats possible, its what we've wanted for ages yet im soooo worried, just dont want to make a mistake.

Anyway sorry for the rant. im so excited to finally be able to do a nursery for kayden, a boys room & a girls room, its gonna be so nice.

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Ahh he's growing so fast! He's a cutie! Sounds like hes doing really well, cant wait to get my evenings back again! Must be quite stressful moving just now, be worth it though x
Thanks sarah.

It is good to have the evenings back but instead of going to bed early I stay up late doing housework.

17/01/2012 - 11 weeks & 5 days old

Kayden got weighed yesterday & he's now 13lbs, health visitor says thats excellent for his age, esp given that he was 6lbs 8 at birth. He's doubled in weight!!

Kayden's teething is causing him quite alot of discomfort, & hes finding it hard to drink his feeds due to it, he's more unsettled during the day but seems to be still ok at night, he normally goes down at 8 & I have to wake him at 8am every morning. Once in the last 2 weeks he's woken before 8am. During the day his naps are never any more than 30 mins. he's also moved back to 2 hourly feeds during the day, HV said is down to the teething, some days he'll go back to 3 hours.

Kayden has been reaching out & touching his toys now, he's not able to grab yet, but he reaches out & touches & he's still been giggling away every so often which is the cutest thing.



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25/01/2012 - 13 weeks old tomorrow

Kayden has been doing great, he's such a happy wee boy, always smiling away & chatting. He always has big smiles for daddy he gets so excited but I think thats because he doesn't see him as much oh and he loves singing along with his big sister.

Nights have been the same really, down between 7 & 8 Some nights he fusses for an hour, on a good night doesn't fuss at all & on a bad night can still be fussing at 10 but that doesn't happen very often, 1/2 days out the week he wakes for a feed, but i've noticed a pattern on those days he's drinking less thro the day.

Well, we're moving house on Sunday, i'm so nervous, we live up a tennement (6 in a block) so its gonna be murder moving all the furniture down the stairs, luckily my parents watching the kids that day. So nervous about leaving all the memories this house holds (also bad ones too) we moved here when eldest LO was a cpl weeks old so she's grown up here. But it will be a better life in this other house, private garden, 3 bedrooms, I can finally do kayden a nursery but for the moment his room will have boxes ect til he turns 6 m/o & goes into the big cot in his own room, cant wait to do up his room a wee bit, get some sticker things for the walls.

05/02/2012 - 14 weeks old

Well, thats us moved into our new place, moved in last Sunday. We've moved house before, once when 1st LO was tiny but with 2 kids, omg it was a nightmare, both were away for the move day but the before (packing) and unpacking was horrendous, had boxes everywhere in all rooms, so doing a simple thing like finding a bib/pair of socks took about 25mins. plus washing machine was off until yesterday.

Kayden's been a bit fussy the last 2/3 days, he's been having trouble with his teeth for weeks now, but he's just so unsettled, not taking bottles & waking through the night, I suppose he's still trying to get used to his surroundings, yesterday he only had 3 bottles all day (didn't even finish them) and last night was awake 4 times thro the night & fed 3 of those times.

We've got alot done this week & now its organised chaos, everything has a place though so its a bit easier. Kayden is away to his gran & grandads tomoz with his big sister so we'll get loads done while they're away. my mum & dads dog has took a shine to Kayden & goes up and gives him a wee gentle lick on the cheek & a wee sniff to see if he's ok, he also comes thro & barks if kayden crys, as if to let us know something is wrong, its so sweet. My cat on the other hand (who lives with us obvs) couldn't care less, she walks away & hides to get peace when kayden cries, she gets freaked with the hand waving I think.

07/03/2011 - 18 weeks & 6 Days old

Been ages since I updated this....

Apart from the drama mentioned in the other thread, Kayden has been spot on, he's coming on so much. Now, when he's lying down flat, he'll move about all over the place & is very close to rolling over. His hand/eye co-ordination is amazing now, he can grab something & put it straight in his mouth. He's also getting sooo big, I cant remember what he weighs now, but he's outgrown his 3-6months clothes. He's such a delighful wee boy. Full of laughs & chat. He's so funny when he sees his daddy & sister, he goes mad with excitement. He also knows when he doesn't like someone's face which is sooo funny.

Here's some recent pics of Kayden, you can see on the last pic how far he is able to move, he went from vertical to horizontal in a matter of mins.

Love my boy so much



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05/04/2012 - 23 weeks old - 5 months & 1 week.

Wow, not updated this in ages.

Kayden hasn't been too well for the last month with his reflux, it seems to be more under control the last week, so fingers crossed it settles.

All Kayden's bottles & naps & even where he can sit is all messed up, he had to drastically reduce his milk intake (docs orders) so hes now on a new prescribed formula & he gets 5oz every 2 hours, and he has to sit for 35 mins after a bottle, so he doesn't get much nap time.

Progress wise Kayden is doing great, he's sitting un-aided for a few seconds, he can stand on his 2 feet if you hold his hands (not for long though) he has been saying "iya" for a while...since he was about 12 weeks. He's fully able to grab things now, nothing is safe. He roll over if on his front but not seen him roll when lying on back yet. He's such a happy wee baby when his meds are working. He got his final set of jags yesterday & thank goodness thats him til he's 12 months.

Kayden puts his hands out now, when he sees daddy, so daddy will pick him up, which is cute & when he wakes he shouts at us, rather than crying which is cute, his shouts get louder the more impatient he gets.

Love my boy so much! Here's some pics from the last couple of weeks.



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Aww sounds like he's doing great! Him and Alice are birthday buddies! She's coming on well to, attempting to crawl but hasn't quite worked out the arms yet. It's good to hear his reflux is being helped. He's a cutie pie!!!
oooh didn't know that traci, i knew there was someone about here with the same b/day. Kayden is rolling over & getting every where but not crawling yet.


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