Had to phone an ambulance for Kayden today :( - UPDATE 07/03 - Its still happening :(

It really gripes me if someone makes a mistake and then social services gets mentioned. It's what gives social workers a bad name and people always say it as a scare tactic! It's a horrible thing to say :( shame on him for making you feel worse :( he probably would have done the same!
You def did the right thing in calling an ambulance xx
oh hon how bloody scary. And oh should not be going on at you like that cos you did the right thing to call the ambulance, and it's great that he is fine. I have put Owen on the sofa when he was little, never thought twice about it, will now. You are certainly not a bad mum but can imagine you are thoroughly shaken by whats happened. OH should be giving you a hug and reassuring you. xxx
Ah hun that must have been awful and given you such a fright! :hug: Def not a bad mummy. God, I'd have never known that at all!!

As for OH, pffft! Easy for him to say! Bet he didn't know that either!! Typical bloke!

your not a bad mum hun geesh i think i would have done the same thing you used your brain and the way ur other half spoke to u he is outta line what happends if that was him that had done it by mistake n u spoke to him like that
OH has had a bad experience with social workers when he was a kid (i've nver been involved at all) He said that they will think it was bad parenting skills & that I need to go to classes loooool he's such an idiot at times. What, for propping a child on a sofa, fair enough give me a row for it but not say that. Oh dont worry he'll be regretting it when he has to be up early every morning to hold LO for me :wink:

i would have cracked him tbh so well done for u not doing.
your not a bad mother you did the right thing calling ambulance :hugs:
dont listen to OH he was just in shock...
has he ever been checked for heart murmer, just saying because my sister in laws son has one and he gets blue around the mouth and shortness of breath??

Dont know if he's been checked specifically for heart murmour, just the usual baby checks, but I had one when I was wee. Might take him to doc's for checks. Paramedics didn't seem that bothered tbh. They said if it was serious they wouldn't be sat there, they'd be in the ambulance

keep an eye on his mouth if it seems blueish after crying or sleeping and if he pants alot when breathing,then maybe get him checked out!!xxx
Oh babe I've only just seen this! In no way are u a bad mum I can't believe ur oh went mad at you!! We all do it! So glad he's okay and please try not to feel so bad it's not ur fault!!! :hug:
Really sorry to read this, glad he's ok now. Thousands of Mummys would have done the same thing lots of times. Try not to blame urself, ignore Ur OH :hugs: zx
OMG must have been awful for you, I had no idea something like that could happen either, glad he is ok xxx
You're not a bad mummy at all!! I never ever knew that about uneven surfaces! Xxx
Well, Kayden's been just as usual for the rest of the day, so I can only assume it was something to do with the car seat/way he was sitting. It scared me so much how easy it is for something like that to happen :shock:

Thanks for all your kind messages

Oh I've just seen this, how terrible, poor Kayden. Im a second time mummy too and never heard of this before I've propped Kynon up on sofa loads of times and so has my hubby. Hope your oh has said sorry to you now, your def not a bad mum and did nothing that most of us wouldn't do, I know your always checking things and keeping up to date wit the latest advice. This should really be something we are told about somewhere esp as it sounds like it could happen so easily. I think it was good you reacted quickly and Im sure that's what the paramedics thought too, when your baby isn't breathing right your not going to mess about.
So glad Kayden is ok now, when I started reading your post I had a real lump in my throat! X

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gosh, people should really tell you all this! you should see some of the postitions that my lo gets into?
so glad that he is ok again.
Gosh, poor you, you must have been petrified. You are in no way a bad mother. I put Lennon sat up on the sofa on my bf v pillow every morning and have an older child and I never knew anything about this! There was absolutely no need for your oh to be such an idiot, you didn't purposely hurt him! Hope you are feeling better now xxx

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Thanks so much everyone. I spent so much time worrying that bottles are made right & other things that probs wont ever do as much damage as what happened yest.

Today Kayden has only been on a baby friendly surface apart from when I lay him on my bed to change his nappy (made sure the sheets were perfectly flat first). And no probs today, he's good as new.

I done a bit of research last night & found this, worth a read ladies......

What is positional asphyxia?
Positional asphyxia can occur when the airway of an infant becomes obstructed due to an abnormal position of the baby’s neck or body. A baby’s airway is very soft. Because of this, when the baby’s neck is bent too far onto the chest, too far back, or too far to the side, the airway can become compressed making it harder for the baby to breath. Infants aged one year and younger are especially susceptible due to their lack of head and neck control. In many reports infants placed in an unsafe sleep environment are at the highest risk; however positional asphyxia can also occur anytime the infant’s neck is not properly positioned and the baby is not appropriately monitored.
“Babies positioned correctly should have their chin up, with nose and mouth free of any type of obstruction at all times,” said Eileen Tyrala, M.D., a general pediatrician at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. “Infants are especially at risk for positional asphyxia, and parents should frequently check their baby’s head and neck position to ensure they are correctly positioned.”

Tips to avoid positional asphyxia
Parents and caregivers are reminded of additional safety tips to avoid positional asphyxia:
  • Avoid placing infants to sleep in an unsafe sleep environment, including on adult beds,
  • Never put an infant in a bed or crib with soft bedding, pillows, stuffed animals or plush toys.
  • Make sure baby’s face is visible at all times, and is not covered by any bedding, pillow or toys.
  • Make sure baby’s crib mattress and crib sheet are the appropriate size, and fit the crib snugly.
  • Be sure that baby is not hunched, with chin touching chest, while someone is wearing baby in a carrier, baby is in a swing, or while baby is placed in any juvenile product.
  • Baby’s head should never be covered by any fabric or covering.
  • Don’t cover the heads of babies with a blanket or over-bundle them in clothing and blankets

OMG only just seen this hunny, massive :hugs: to you and Kayden. It must of been so scary, glad everything is ok now.
Your not a bad mummy hun, i never knew about the positioning thing either and both of us are second time mummies! Will watch how I position Lexi now, thanks for the info hun x x
Hey little miss was so shocked to read this! Hope you are feeling better today ... Big hugs x xxxxx

OMG so sorry you had to go through that, must've been so frightening. You so didn't do anything wrong though so don't blame yourself, sounds like it could've happened to anyone and is easy to do. I used to sit Oscar like that before he could sit unaided and it never would've occured to me and about the blanket on the mat too, nothing about that seems dangerous so you weren't to know. Just shows you are delicate LOs are.

Hope you're ok xx
Thanks again ladies

I just cant stop thinking of all the times i'd left him like that before....for alot longer times, normally with eldest LO sitting next to him, but she wouldn't even have known anything was up (she'd think he ok unless crying) And also all the times I left eldest LO like that as a baby, but she wasn't as chubby around the neck as Kayden. I'm kinda glad it happened in a way coz I would have kept doing it, untill he's more mobile. And imagine what would have happened if I'd left him longer than a cpl seconds and it had happened. Doesn't even bear thinking about.

Upon doing the research it seems that their chins shouldn't be against their chest. I said to OH, LO is never allowed chin at chest, if u see him like that, even in buggy or where ever, move him. His response...I know that anyway looool - I tell you what, its great living with someone who knows everything :roll:


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