Journal of Kayden James


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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No need for anyone to respond, want to do this for myself more than anything!!

Kayden was born on 27 October & 19:16 weighing 6lbs 8 (7lbs heavier than his big sister)

Had a good pregnancy apart from the usual aches & pains & a pretty straightforward birth.

Since coming home Kayden has been brilliant. He is awake more at night than he is during the day & is still trying to find a routine with his bottle feeding. Most nights he goes to bed after a bath & bottle at 8pm, he'll get up once for a feed around 12ish then from 12 to around 6am he is up & down (this is the hardest part of our day) and from 6am onwards he sleeps.

He had his first walk outside today taking his big sister to school. Very strange to be pushing a buggy again. & it seems Kayden attracts alot of money - ppl kept putting money in his buggy & we ended up with nearly £10 from this mornings school drop off.

Kayden is his daddy's double but has fair hair & light coloured eyelashes & brows like me.

Cant wait to read my about your little prince hunny :)
Your going to be rich by the time Kayden is one if everyone keeps doing that lol x x

Baby Kayden - 5 days old today!!

I dont have any pics to add, but I have some on my camera I will upload tomorrow.

Kayden slept a bit better last night, he went to bed at 9.30 after a bath & feed, woke at 1am for a feed, was up untill around 3.30 then slept til 8am. So 4 hours then 5 hours, which was good. Keeping him awake a bit more during the day seemed to help a bit.

He got his heel prick thing done today, he was crying but was ok after. Thats us having no more MW visits til Sunday. We've just been doing the school run with big sister & seeing visitors.

I'm feeling alot better today. My cut down there seems to be better (i'm not able to see it) but it feels not as sore & i'm now able to pee w/out pouring warm water down there, its still slightly sensitive but alot better than I thought, wonder if the arnica has helped with that, coz with my 1st I had a similar cut (infact it was in the same spot) and I couldn't pee for around 4 weeks.

Kayden has been really good with crying, he only cries when he wants fed or if he has some wind. He is very content just lying there staring around! Such a happy wee baby.

Hope everyone is well.

04/11/11 - 8 Days old.

Last night Kayden slept well, he went down at 8 after a bath & feed - woke at around 12pm then 3 exactly, then went straight back to sleep untill 7am.

He's been drinking 4 ounces during the day, but at night takes around 5/6 at night

Tonight he went down at 8.30 & hasn't settled since then (its 00:15) he sleeps for 20mins then wakes up - he's had 7 ounes in 4 hours.

I feel alot better coz I got quite alot of sleep last night.

Here's a couple of pics - some from yesterday @ 1 week old.



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Kayden is just gorgeous hunny :)
Hes doing so well, hope he managed to settle and you got some rest x x
05/11/11 - 9 days old

Kayden has still been having his 4oz of bottle every 3/4 hours & falling asleep straight away after, but we seem to have an issue with bedtime, he gets a bath, bottle (in the quiet bedroom) & into his crib & he goes in ok & sleeps for around 20 mins then wakes, & he does this for a few hours untill around 12 -1am. Then he sleeps til around 3am has a bottle & goes back to bed til around 7am. Just dont know why he has an issue with going into his crib at the start. So I have loads of time to myself during the day and not alot in the evening


Apart from that Kayden doesn't really cry that much at all, but has been quite grumpy tonight coz he has a sticky eye, its a wee shame, got the MW tomorrow morning so we'll see what she says, he seems to be in a bit of pain..wee soul!

We're going visiting again tomorrow so its gonna be another long 1

Day 11 - 07/11/11

Had a good night last night. Kayden had bath & bed at 7.30, slept through til just before 11pm, another bottle & back to bed then up at some point between 4 & 5 for a feed, then I had to wake him at 7am to get ready for school run.

Its strange getting him down early & having the night to myself, feels if he should be with me.

We got discharged from the MW yesterday & the HV should phone this week to arrange to start coming round.

And tomorrow we have an appointment to register his birth! And will probably spend the next day trying to sort out child benefit/tax credits ect. Cant wait to make him official.



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Day 13 - 09/11/11

Yesterday Kayden had a great night he went to bed after a bath & bottle at 7.30, slept through til 12 midnight, then slept til 4.30 & I woke him at 7am. So that was 4 1/2 hours between feeds, best yet.

Today has been a bit harder, Kayden has been quite grumpy today & hasn't slept for long during day or tonight, apart from when out in the buggy (around 2 hours) he got a bath & bottle as normal but didn't settle til around 10.30 - its now 12 & so far so good, fingers crossed for a good night.

Apart from that he's been getting between 4/5 oz every 3 hrs still during the day & 5/6 oz at night.

12/11/11 - 16 Days old!

Kayden is such a little angel, I love him more than i'd ever thought possible, didn't think I could love any baby more than my 1st...its an amazing feeling.

Nights have been going the same, Kayden's pretty much like clockwork. Daytimes have been good, we've had loads of visitors today. He's smiled twice once at his daddy & once at a friend (could be flukes but we're sure they were proper smiles!) Didn't notice first baby smiling til later but she had a dummy whereas Kayden doesn't so might not have noticed.

Having a relaxing day tomorrow Kayden's big sister is going to her gran & grandads for the day.

We had the best night yet last night.

Kayden slept from 7.30pm til 1am - 5 1/2 hours!! Which meant we had the whole night to chill out get a take away & watched x-factor & a couple of movies. 7 y/o was more of a pest, she didn't go to sleep til 11pm, but she just watches dvd's in her room anyway.

Then Kayden slept from 1am til 6am - 5 hours again.

He went back down after the 6am feed but only slept until 8 which is fine.

16/11/11 - 2wks 6 days old

Kayden has been doing great he goes down straight after his bottle at 7ish & sleeps til 12ish then another feed & up again at 4/5 & I wake him at 7 on weekdays for another feed then out for a cpl of hours. He doesn't sleep at all from 7 until around 2pm which is hard coz he doesn't like being left for too long & there's only so much i can do to entertain, so its hard when it comes to mornings ect, but he sleeps most of the afternoon/early evening most nights I have to wake him for his bed time feed.

Kayden's been drinking 4oz during the day & 5 at night he guzzles his bottles so fast he was making himself sick & had bad wind so we got dr brown bottles a few days ago & since then he's been drinking alot more calmer & no sickness or wind.



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Wow - its been nearly a week since I updated this.

24/11/11 - Kayden is officially 4 weeks old - and in 3 days will be his 1 month anniversary - has totally flown in.

We had a really good few days during the week, night times are pretty much like clockwork, so far no more than 5 hrs between feeds & he now goes straight into his cot after his bottle & falls asleep straight away. For the last 2 days he's had a really sore tummy, he's still been sleeping the same at night, but he hasn't been sleeping at 7 its more closer to 10 & he's so upset & in so much pain, he has never slept alot during day times anyway - & today he only slept for 45min thro day (not counting time sleeping in buggy) & he's been 3 hours so far tonight. So he's gona be a tired wee boy tomorrow. Cant believe how much he's cried today, HV coming tomorrow so will be discussing changing formula.

Kayden has been draining his 5oz bottles but still has 2 a day where he'll only take 3oz rather than the full thing.

Will be taking some 4 week pics tomorrow & i'll upload!

27/11/2011 - 1 Month Old Today!!!

Yesterday Kayden had a good day during the day, really alert & interested in things & copying gestures, he didn't really have any long naps, I thought he would have been shattered tonight but he's been pulling his legs up & he seems quite upset, he was like that from 7-10 & he's now been sleeping for 3 hours, but think he'll wake soon as he only drank 3oz of his last bottle.

Tomorrow is the first day in about 2 weeks that we've got absolutely nothing to do all day, no school runs, or anything, I do need to go to the corner shop which is 4 steps from my house but apart from that..nothing. Gona sleep whenever Kayden sleeps 2moz & get back into my jammies when I get back from the shop!

I will post some pics later!

28/11/2011 - 4 wks & 4 days old.

Kayden's doing well, his day-time routine is now following more of a pattern, he now takes 2/3 naps of around 2 hours. He gets bath, babymassage & tummy time @ 6pm & bottle & bed at 7. Last night he was sound asleep by 7.30, woke up again at 12, then at 4 then 7. Its alot of feeds but we do it in super quick time, takes 25mins including a nappy change, toilet trip for me, making bottle from scratch & winding after. He's out like a light every time & sleeps right thro w/out waking til the next feed. Hope one of the nighttime feeds will drop soon though!

Its daddys 1st birthday with a son this year - and also his last til he turns 30 so we got him a wee card & pressie but we need to wait til big sister gets home from school first.



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03/12/2011 - 5 weeks & 2 days old.

Kayden done amazingly last night. He went into his crib at 7.30 & only woke 3 times for bottles between 7.30 & 1.30pm this afternoon & went back in his crib each time. The night feeds are getting better as he's draining a bottle in 15/20mins & back into crib with no crying ect. So I had a great sleep last night. He's such a clever wee boy.

He's also been draining his 5oz but HV said wait til he's drained all of the bottles for around 3 days before starting on 6. Wanted to try the hungry milk but she said it can lead to both child & adult obesity so trying not to go down that route. She said if he's extra hungry to give him an extra oz so i've been making up 1oz bottles too.

Went xmas shopping yesterday & got so much attention coz he's so tiny. He's like a wee doll sitting in his buggy.

08/12/2011 - 6 weeks old!!

Kayden is 6 weeks old today, the time has flown, he's coming on brilliantly, he's so nosey & alert & wants to be sitting up watching everyone. His big sister has became alot more helpful & is spending time singing/talking to Kayden & he smiles cute!

Last night Kayden slept for 10 hours, he was a very tired wee boy as he'd fought the sleep all day.

Today is 6 week check with HV where Kayden will be weighed ect.

Thats Kayden almost done with the tiny baby/first size & is on to 0-3 months, which means a whole new wardrobe make-over. After 7 1/2 years buying pink girly dresses & stuff, its refreshing to buy wee boys clothes! I love it. But boys defo have less choices than girls with clothing.



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16/12/2011 - 7 weeks & 1 day old.

OMG where has the time went!

This week has been hectic, so many Christmas things going on, panto, parties, nights out, buying, wrapping ect. Hard trying to work everything around feeds & school run & various other dentist & doctor appointments (got chipped tooth that requires alot of work)

Kayden had his 6 week check today, with HV then doctor. He's meeting all his development targets, following with eyes, smiling, ect so she's happy to sign us off & doc says he's healthy & he's longer than average for his age, he's taken after his sister & his granpa (who's of us are 5ft odd) & he's 11lbs the doc said that is great considering he was 6.8 at birth - he's fairly making up for it.

He's still been taking the same feed wise, 5oz every 3hrs during day. At night he's dropped his 12pm feed altogether & he's slept 10 hours twice & every other day apart from that he's slept at least 7 hours in a row, then the rest broken up. Last night longest he had was 5hrs in a row.

Kayden is smiling alot more this week, they say that at this age they copy, but he does look genuinely like he's happy. His big sister is always smiling away & singing & talking to him so that must be helping too. She's a right wee mummy, telling me to stay sitting down while she gets up & attends to him looool



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