~Join the forum Celebdaq league~


yay am in profit now!!!!
urchin said:
Cool have added you.
If you are a new celebdaq member it takes a day or so for you to appear on the list...if you are already a member it adds you straight away.

get on you with all your little funky symbols!!!!!
I've never got one of them!!!
Even when i used to play it years and years ago!!!
HayleyB said:
urchin said:
Cool have added you.
If you are a new celebdaq member it takes a day or so for you to appear on the list...if you are already a member it adds you straight away.

get on you with all your little funky symbols!!!!!
I've never got one of them!!!
Even when i used to play it years and years ago!!!

I haven't really looked at it for months, I need to get back in the hang of it again.
I only started playing again last month...
can't even remember my first account details!
Looks like you've been making money while you've been away!!

urchin, you have got loads! :clap:

Did you make the 25m in one week?? because as soon as you hit a million on a monday, they put you back to 10k?? Or am I doing something wrong?!
They take away a million but in return you get one of the symbols. Eventually the 1mil symbols add up and you get a 5 mil symbol etc.
:rotfl: i really haven't got a clue!!!!!! am losing money now!!!
How on earth did you make so much urchin????
Am really looking forward to when everyone's names are on there too!!!
Cos before its just been me and DH, but he's given up, cos he's pants!!!

Can anyone tell me how to see the whole league and not just the top 3?

Since I'm NEVER gonna reach those dizzy heights. I'm losing already! :oops:
jo said:
:rotfl: i really haven't got a clue!!!!!! am losing money now!!!
How on earth did you make so much urchin????


1) Dividends: Every day we count how much press coverage each celeb gets. Then on Friday the shares you own will pay out a dividend, depending on how much press coverage those celebrities received. The more press coverage a celeb gets, the more money you make. To get the full pay-out you have to own the celeb from Monday to Friday.

2) Capital Gains: Just like in the real world, share prices rise and fall as demand for them changes - so as well as receiving dividends, you can make money by day-trading and buying low (when demand for a specific celeb is low) and selling high (as the celeb gets more press coverage and the demand for them increases).Prices are updated every 20 minutes so you can make or lose money on a celeb very quickly.

Basically, you can either buy, for example, loads of shares in BB Pete, cos he's getting loads of press coverage at the moment. Sit on them till friday and see how much dividend he gets.

OR choose someone that you've heard gossip about, eg, when Jennifer Aniston was on Richard and Judy this week, so even though she's not top of the list MAYBE her share prices will rocket if you buy low now and they go up later.
LittleMinx said:
Can anyone tell me how to see the whole league and not just the top 3?

Since I'm NEVER gonna reach those dizzy heights. I'm losing already! :oops:

I think you need to wait a bit till you are added, at the moment you are "pending" In a day or so everyone will be on the list, that not the top 3 its the only members at the moment.
Alicebabe23 - 3987039

Now I gotta work out how to use it! Used to hear them talking about it on Radio1 all the time a while ago..............
^^ thats what got me started on it!!
Chris Moyles used to check how much he was worth on there!!!
(don't even know if he's still on there!!)
ok heres mine not got a clue what im doing yet mind xxx

portfolio for: rachno30 (User ID: 3987090)
My chart posistion>>>JO_lou1605 45745 :oops:

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