""JANUARY Testing Thread""

emmalouise079 said:
Thanks everyone! Me and DH can't stop grinning!
Please send me lots of Sticky babydust xxxxxxx
I hope January is a bump-er month hehehe!

:dance: B*A*B*Y*D*U*S*T :dance:

Your little joke made me giggle. :D
OMG OMG, Emmalouise :cheer: :cheer: BRILLIANT NEWS congrates hun.

OMG OMG MEL :cheer: :cheer: Come on girl, shivers, damn shivers!!!!
emmalouise079 said:
Thanks everyone! Me and DH can't stop grinning!
Please send me lots of Sticky babydust xxxxxxx
I hope January is a bump-er month hehehe!
congratulations on your BFP hun. sending you lots of babydust!
Good luck this month girls xx
emmalouise079 said:
melissa5317 said:
Ok, so....

I've got a VEEEEEEERY faint positive on an ebay cheapie this morning. I can see the line, but I keep thinking maybe it's just a smudge... Still getting bfn on brand name test.

TBC tomorrow a.m. :) :pray:

Yey! Let's make it 2 in 2 days!!!

Yep mine is officially a BFP! Hurrah!

Happy new year testingthread friends!!!!

Yey! :dance: Congratulations Emmalouise and fx for you Melissa. What a great start to the new year :D
Ok, so tested again this morning and got a bfn, and my temp has crashed this morning. I woke up before taking the temp and didn't 'feel' pregnant (which I have done for about a week now), so I think this may have been a chem. :( Now I'm just waiting for my body to sort itself out so I can try again next month.
melissa5317 said:
Ok, so tested again this morning and got a bfn, and my temp has crashed this morning. I woke up before taking the temp and didn't 'feel' pregnant (which I have done for about a week now), so I think this may have been a chem. :( Now I'm just waiting for my body to sort itself out so I can try again next month.

Aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Like emmalouise says it is not over till the witch turns up.
well quite a good start already for january. we better do better than december - that was a bit low on bfps!!
roseanimal said:
well quite a good start already for january. we better do better than december - that was a bit low on bfps!!
We had ALL best get our BFP in January, I dont like everyone going off to tri 1, really pleased for them when they do, but I want everyone to go together :wink: (can dream)
Hi Donna can you add me for 30 Jan please, AF turned up today boo hiss, thanks x
Donna's here said:
roseanimal said:
well quite a good start already for january. we better do better than december - that was a bit low on bfps!!
We had ALL best get our BFP in January, I dont like everyone going off to tri 1, really pleased for them when they do, but I want everyone to go together :wink: (can dream)

i'll see what i can do this month - but if you don't come with me!! TROUBLE!! :lol:
Good luck to everyone testing in January :pray: :hug: :hug:

I'll probably be testing in February...possibly March. I had a 53 day cycle this time round; very frustrating. :wall:

Hope to see lots of BFP's this month :hug: :hug: :hug:
Firstly, congratulations emmalouise079 :cheer: :cheer: Hope you have a H&H 9 months.

Melissa - will keep my fingers xed for you, don't give up just yet :pray:

Donna's here, please could you add me for testing on 17th (although I know I'll give in earlier :oops: )

Tina & Gabs - sorry your cycles are messing you around, I know how frustrating it is :hug: :hug:

Not been posting much lately but just wanted to belatedly wish everyone TTC a Happy New Year - lets have a 1st tri invasion this month! :cheer:
Congratulations to you emmalouise, what a fab way to start the new year!!

Melissa dont give up just yet. Ill keep everything crossed for you hun xx

Tested BFN on an ebay cheapie yesterday but if Im having a longer cycle again I would be too early anyway. No signs of AF yet though :pray: :pray:
BabySols added mate, good luck :hug:

Tina, I'll prob be joining you in Feb really, fingers crossed it all sort itself out quickly :hug:

Emma79 added hun, goodluck & happy new year too :hug:

Cyprus08 no af is good news, starting not to trust those ebay cheapies both ways! Fingers crossed hun :pray:
Donna i love you avatar!!! :D

Calming colours and a cute bear!

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