""JANUARY Testing Thread""

Just had a look hun and shes either turned off pm's or her in box is full :( I'll ask Melissa, she might know and then I'll pm you x
not long to go now girls and we will be in Jan! just want to say a huge huge good luck to us all :hug: :pray:
Well I'm very naughty and I tested yesterday AND today. Far too early I think!

But i got a very faint little pink line yesterday and a darker (but still faint) line this morning..................... :pray:
eeeek! good luck emmalouise! what a way to start the new year :D

got everything crossed for you! (everything! i've only got 4days until testing :D)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
holly said:
eeeek! good luck emmalouise! what a way to start the new year :D

got everything crossed for you! (everything! i've only got 4days until testing :D)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thankyou! I'm trying not too get excited but even DH can see the line!!!

Thanks for crossing everything!! :rotfl:
Ooh, hope it's not too early to say congrats to you! :hug:

Donna, looks like I'll be joining you ladies this month after all, but can't give you a date as I have NO idea what my body's up to at the moment. Maybe put the 7th for now to give me a week to get it sorted. :)
Mmm not really sure as my cycle is 28-30 days and I am 4 days into AF what would that work out as? Shall I say the 29th Jan?

That should be safe hehe

I never did this with my first as she was an accident really so its all new to me :D
emmalouise079 - :pray: Thinks it's gonna be our 1st for the January thread. triple check in the morning, good luck hun xxxx

Melissa & Sahara, added girlies, best of luck :hug:

Mum_2besoon, you never know, hope she stays away :hug:

:Just want to wish all you lovely ladies a fab new year and can we all put our glasses together and toast our BFP in 2009. Baby dust all round girls xxxxx :hug:
OMG emmalouise that has to be the first BFP of the new year.... how exciting, fingers crossed it's a strong one today :pray:

Happy new year all, here's to a huge amount of BFPs in Jan :D
Ok, so....

I've got a VEEEEEEERY faint positive on an ebay cheapie this morning. I can see the line, but I keep thinking maybe it's just a smudge... Still getting bfn on brand name test.

TBC tomorrow a.m. :) :pray:
melissa5317 said:
Ok, so....

I've got a VEEEEEEERY faint positive on an ebay cheapie this morning. I can see the line, but I keep thinking maybe it's just a smudge... Still getting bfn on brand name test.

TBC tomorrow a.m. :) :pray:

Yey! Let's make it 2 in 2 days!!!

Yep mine is officially a BFP! Hurrah!

Happy new year testingthread friends!!!!
Congrats, hon! :hug: I have to say, I was hoping to be the first BFP of 2009, but I happily bow out of that race to you! :D Hopefully my faint turns into a real + in the next couple days!
:cheer: :cheer: Congrats emmalouise079 :cheer: what a fab start to 2009 :D

Good Luck melissa :pray: Sending you loads of babydust :pray: :hug:

Good Luck everyone else I really really hope that we all get our BFPS this month :pray: :hug: :hug:
Woohoooo Emma! :dance:

Melissa - sounds like it might be your turn, good luck :hug:

Glad I decided to snoop and see if there was any new year news :cheer:
Congrats emmalouise079 :cheer: such a FAB start to the new year!

:pray: for you melissa, keep us updated! xx
Hurray what a fabby start to the New Year :dance: :dance: Congrats
Thanks everyone! Me and DH can't stop grinning!
Please send me lots of Sticky babydust xxxxxxx
I hope January is a bump-er month hehehe!

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