""JANUARY Testing Thread""

Negs make me sad. Plus they give me false hope that maybe it was 'too early' when really I should have just sat on my hands and left it lol.

Plus I am fed up of having those few days of joy (and terror/worry!!) at being pregnant only to have it crushed when I miscarry. At least this way I can kid my brain into it being 'my body getting back to normal' or an 'odd cycle' :lol:.

Childish I know but still... :roll:

Thanks for adding me. I am going to start charting temp as soon as my thermometer arrives (you can't get them here :shakehead: ) - I have already given in and started making notes on CP and CM :puke:

I really will do anything now :lol:
Please could you put me down for the 5th? I'm due on the 9th, but I'm gonna start testing from the 5th. Thanks!

I joined up last month and got af on 11th dec. So I guess that makes me due to test around the 9th of January so can I be added too. TRied really hard this month :lol: but if no luck then going to use Ov kits from next month to see if that helps.

Hi, I just joined this the other day. Can you please put me down for Jan. 3rd!

Good Luck to All!
Aww, I'm quite sad - regardless of what happens this month, I won't be testing in Jan b/c my cycles are too long! I'll miss you ladies...see you in Feb (unless I get my bfp... :pray: ) :hug:
Jadey, 24th is my birthday so hopefully a lucky day :D
Cori, Joan and pak, good luck ladies xxx

Melissa :hug: :hug: :hug: That will be me too. Mine as you know has gone so wrong which means I wont get to test in January either, so I guess I'll start Febs one early so we dont feel left out :wink:
Donna's here said:
Melissa :hug: :hug: :hug: That will be me too. Mine as you know has gone so wrong which means I wont get to test in January either, so I guess I'll start Febs one early so we dont feel left out :wink:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

yea do a feb one!!! if my cycles are wah they are my next af is due second/third week of feb so gonna get lots of BDin in asap!!!

Good luck to all Jan Testers..(yes Im sad and made this when very bored!)

someone has too much time on their hands ;)

Thanks Storm, how sweet :)
Hiya! I'm excited....

I don't know when i'm supposed to test atm as not sorted out my charting.
Please could you put me down for testing at the last day of each month for now then when i find out the day i should be testing ill let you know!


Fingers crossed for all!! xx
Love the picture Storm xxxx :hug:

Suzie, good luck hun :hug:
Baby-Briggsy, popped you in as the 31st hun, let me know when you know better, good luck too :hug:
Count me out already!! :( AF wasn't due till 3rd, but she got me this morning.

Feeling like poop, & now i'm really worried about LP length, 7 days from opk + which I know is BAD news :( :(
MrsU said:
Count me out already!! :( AF wasn't due till 3rd, but she got me this morning.

Feeling like poop, & now i'm really worried about LP length, 7 days from opk + which I know is BAD news :( :(
Thats not good hun! I'll pop you back in as the 30th January, you should be roughly due then! Now, Holly Hobby had a short luthal phase too and she swore on prostagen cream after ov and she fell pg! Just gonna check what she used (need to find her blog)
MrsU, she's taken off her blogg. Maybe try pm her and asking her what cream she used. She's a lovely lady I'm sure she wont mind.
Thanks for that Donna's here :hug: I'll give her a pm now!
And thanks for putting me in again at the end of the month, at least I get another go (must stay positive), fingers crossed my cycle will be a bit longer next time xx
MrsU said:
Thanks for that Donna's here :hug: I'll give her a pm now!
And thanks for putting me in again at the end of the month, at least I get another go (must stay positive), fingers crossed my cycle will be a bit longer next time xx
No worries hun. Hope the creams as magic for you as her :hug:
Donna' here, don't know if i'm being a bit dumb (this the first ever forum i have joined so I am clueless), but I've found hollyhobby on the member search, but she doesn't have a pm button, so I don't think I can pm her??! Or am I doing it wrong, i've never send a pm before! :oops: thanks again hun :hug: xxx

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