""JANUARY Testing Thread""

roseanimal said:
still no af still bfn! getting a bit impatient now!!
Have you booked a docs appointment yet Rose?

CONGRATULATIONS to FRANKY, seen on another tread she has her BFP :dance:
I'll do it monday I think. see when I can get an appointment with the lady doctor.
af got me.
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who got bfp, babydust to anyone still wating and :hug: and babydust for feb to anyone who got af
right, still no af so going to test again tomorrow morning and call the doctor when it's bfn again!! as just counted and 19dpo from 2nd possible ov

then I should know a bit more about what's happening!
Its a BFN for me I'm afraid. But dont feel down like I did last month cos just knew I wasnt. No proper AF yet which is what worries me a bit, dont know where I am.

Congrats to all of you who got the BFP this month, fantastic! Hopefully more of us soon. x x
i'm out but will post an update thread on how things are progressing with us
congrats to all those who got their BFP xxxx
sorry to all those who got af and are out for the month. :hug: :hug: :hug: lots f babydust for next month to all
lmrcpr, Joan & Suzie Sorry ladies :hug: Fingers crossed for next month!

Rose, good luck at the dr's hun.

Holly, I know :( Tell me about it :shakehead:
Is it too late to join this thread. I though that I may have been too late for this month but upon checking my chart, I reaslied that I did have un-protected watsit on my most fertlie time, so I may be in with a chance. My day of testing will be 17th Jan x
Thank you and yea, fingers crossed. Would be shocked if I did have a BFP!
bugger bugger bugger :( :( :(

well i tested and bfn!

and now i have been drinking and things are always so much worse when you do that!

i feel bad for feeling down when we have only just started ttc but this is awful :( never thought i would cry after a bfn but i am not far off it! :(
aww hun don't cry. it's not over until af so keep happy and put the drink down! :hug: :hug:
roseanimal said:
aww hun don't cry. it's not over until af so keep happy and put the drink down! :hug: :hug:

i know you have been trying so long, so i just feel bad for moaning i am sorry xxx

i have just updated my paypal account so i am going to pay for ff i think, i know i said i wouldnt chart but i am going to have a chat with hubby when i can and tell him i want to temp just to see if everything is as it should be

don't say sorry - you're perfectly entitled to feel a bit sad. I was just trying to cheer you up silly sausage!!

i will chart next cycle too if af shows up. see you there! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Can somebody please change my test date to Monday (a week today)? AF is due on Thursday but I don't want to test then in case it shows up. So will leave it and if no AF on Monday I will test then...

Thanks :wave:
and make us wait longer?! :shock:

well done you being good! I'm usually good when I first post up but on my due day I crack and test :wall:

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