** January 2019 **

Pest control people came in for an "inspection" and instead they sprayed my entire house for bugs. I walked in as they were on their way out. So pissed off and so worried about baby!!! :( they told me it's harmless but they're all 19 year olds so it's hard to trust them! I mean if it kills bugs surely it can't be good for baby??

(I rent so legally they can do this)
Pest control people came in for an "inspection" and instead they sprayed my entire house for bugs. I walked in as they were on their way out. So pissed off and so worried about baby!!! :( they told me it's harmless but they're all 19 year olds so it's hard to trust them! I mean if it kills bugs surely it can't be good for baby??

(I rent so legally they can do this)

Thats awfull winterwolf! I would be so pissed with the landlord! They sure must give you notice before doing anything like this.
They gave me notice of an inspection so they're saying that's good enough. Totally isn't, I would've gone to a hotel for the night if I'd known in advance that they were spraying. :(

In more cheerful news, baby was moving a lot last night! For the first time I can say it definitely was baby I was feeling! Kept me awake for about half an hour. So cool!

How's everyone else? Baby moving yet? Bought anything new?
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Hi WinterWolf, I agree, not on to not let you know that's what they were doing :( I'd be furious!

I thought I could feel baby move a couple of weeks ago but I think maybe not now as I haven't really felt anything since. I've felt a little pressure occasionally low down at the sides but I'm not sure what that is. Got my gender scan on Sunday so I'm really looking forward to it as my last appt was over three weeks ago and I'm starting to get anxious again that things aren't ok. Why do we do this to ourselves???
I feel so poorly today, and I've got such a heavy feeling in my pelvic area that it feels like the baby is going to fall out!
I've been the same since Tuesday, a huge amount of wind and belly pain. Even walking hurts every time my feet hit the ground :( so I've just been going to the loo and staying there till I feel better. I'm not sure why I've been feeling like this, wish it would stop!
I've got lower stomach/pelvic aches and pains too. I think it's just because baby is starting to get bigger, we need to start growing faster. Not sure though. Hope you're feeling better soon x
We find out the gender tomorrow with a 4D scan! <3 <3

AHHHH!!! Soooo freakin excited!!
So exciting WheelDon2!! Mine's Sunday, any guesses for yours? We've got a majority guess of girl here. We shall see xxx
Good luck Wheeldon and CI, hopefully they get some cute shots :) my re-scan is tomorrow. Hoping it's still a girl! CI, everyone except my hubby has guessed boy for us.
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It's a GIRL!!! :love:

I posted on FB, however, not all you ladies are on there.

Our little girl has beautiful long legs, likes to dance, and even gave us a thumbs up after we found out she was a little girl! <3


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Yay Wheeldon, so cute! We had our rescan today and our baby is 1000% girl too. 3 girls so far on this thread!
Wow wow wow!!! That's fantastic WheelDon2!! And 3 girls so far, super excited for my scan now. Parents in law say a boy, othwr half says a girl. My children say a boy and so does my bff. I'm on the fence with this one although convinced it was a girl at conception so will just have to wait for lunchtime and my scan.

So excited for you all, girls clithes are much nicer lol xxx
Wow wow wow!!! That's fantastic WheelDon2!! And 3 girls so far, super excited for my scan now. Parents in law say a boy, othwr half says a girl. My children say a boy and so does my bff. I'm on the fence with this one although convinced it was a girl at conception so will just have to wait for lunchtime and my scan.

So excited for you all, girls clithes are much nicer lol xxx

Hehe good luck! Either you'll have our first wee boy or we'll be 4 for 4 with the girlies. My intuition was rubbish - I was sure baby was a boy. We'll see if yours is better! Enjoy your scan x
I've got my gender scan next Saturday, I keep swinging between girl and boy. This pregnancy has been much easier so far than the two girls, and its heartbeat is much slower than the girls was.
I&#8217;ve still got 15 days until my gender scan, feeling massively impatient!! Most of the people I know due in autumn are having girls. I think mines a boy but keep having dreams where I am told at the scan it&#8217;s a girl so I feel confused, hasn&#8217;t stopped me buying some gender neutral clothes though, do love searching In the sales x
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The ks WinterWolf, been awake since 5.10am!! Xxx

Eek! Awake with excitement or just the standard pregnancy insomnia? Its 5pm here!

I've got my gender scan next Saturday, I keep swinging between girl and boy. This pregnancy has been much easier so far than the two girls, and its heartbeat is much slower than the girls was.

ooh, if the pregnancy has been easier, it might be a boy! They say less nausea means boy. But maybe since you only had a baby a little while ago your body isn't as bothered by the hormones this time?? It will be interesting to see.

I’ve still got 15 days until my gender scan, feeling massively impatient!! Most of the people I know due in autumn are having girls. I think mines a boy but keep having dreams where I am told at the scan it’s a girl so I feel confused, hasn’t stopped me buying some gender neutral clothes though, do love searching In the sales x

They say you dream the opposite of what you're having.. but who knows. I've had equal amounts of boy and girl dreams. Hehe its fun looking through baby clothes!! I've bought a few green/lavender clothes too. I don't like the idea of girls only wearing pink and boys only wearing blue/grey. A little variety is good.
Winterwolf - when I was in hospital last time, I'd dressed the baby in a pale green and white stripey babygrow. The paediatrician who checked on her (also heavily pregnant) was admiring the babygrow but asked if we'd known she was a girl, I said that "yes we did know we were having a girl" her reply was "oh why is she in green then?" My reponse was "ummm I just liked the colour?!l

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