** January 2019 **

I'm 17+5 today, getting so close to 18 weeks which feels somewhat like an accomplishment! All in all, I am a little cranky but that's because my family has a lot of drama going on lately and I am super tired! I feel like I am back at 9 weeks where I need a nap everyday even though I hardly do much of anything these days, can't imagine how I will feel when I start student teaching next week. <3

MrsBridge- I really like the name Olivia Rose Bridge.. that is super pretty!! I think if you have your mind set on a name, don't let anyone change your mind. It's whatever you and your husband want... doesn't really matter what anyone else has to say about it.
Good luck student teaching Wheeldon. It's worse than real teaching so if you can do it, you'll be able to do the job. :)

@mayflower So cool that we have another baby boy here! That makes 6 girls, 2 boys. Is your husband someone who's always wanted a son? It'll be a nice change after the two girls I reckon.

With the names thing - our top girls name has always been Winter and that's gotten some mixed reactions. Some love it, some hate it! I think as long as it's easy to spell/pronounce then you can't go too wrong. Little kids get very upset when their names are spelt wrong/read on the roll wrong at school so that's my main criteria for picking a name. Olivia is a lovely name so if you and hubby like it, that's what counts.
Winterwolf - yes he wanted a son, although now he claims he didn't mind what it was this time!

I love the name Winter, I wanted to call my last baby Winter or Wynter, I'd have also considered it as a middle name, but my OH didn't like it all.
Aw, I'm glad he gets to have a son then! That'll be sweet.

Thanks! My OH doesn't like "boring" names so Winter was right up his alley haha. Agreeing on a boys name was impossible because of it though...
Cannot believe we are nearly half way. Sickness still going on for *cry* I have two weeks to my anonomly scan where I hope to find out the gender once all else is checked X
Hi Ladies! We had our anomaly scan today. Baby appears fine, they were not able to do one of the measurements though, so I'll have to go back next week for that. As for the gender, sonographer said: "baby's legs were crossed all the time, but i think i got a glimps at the very beginning and its 90% boy".
I am not convinced though. We'll see if they'll be nice and have another look next week.
I think we've decided on a name, it could still change, but for now we've decided on Sebastian William, Seb or Sebby for short.
Svetlana hopefully they'll get a better view next time!! Yes those of us who post regularly are on fb - It is quiet around here now :(

Mayflower I love the name Sebastian!
How do I get on FB? I think I missed the moment when everyone joined fb group.
If you PM me your facebook username I'll add you to the group. :)
I also love the names Alfie, Dylan, Albie..... my favourite at the moment is Maverick but I don't dare use it! So for now, I think he'll be Sebastian.

William is my Dad's middle name, and was his dad (my grandad's name).

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