** January 2019 **

Yes Mayflower - everything the UK is built for the cold, not the heat! My hubby imported a convertible from the UK and the roof melted haha.

My husband and his sister have an 8 year age gap and they never speak, it's sad. So I think it's better that you're having a girl, they've got more of a chance at being close. Good luck without the a/c, that kind of heat can make you sick very fast so drink lots of water.
CI1979 - my midwife always books my appointments in advance otherwise I wouldn't get seen, she's so busy! So at my booking in appointment, she booked my 16 week appointment. I'd call them to make sure you get seen!
Just called and left a message. Hopefully get an appt in the next week or 2 lol. Still haven't heard the baby's heartbeat, was told she'd listen at the 16 week appt so something else to look forward to I guess.

So damn muggy, praying for a nice thunderstorm and rain overnight please!!!
Just called and left a message. Hopefully get an appt in the next week or 2 lol. Still haven't heard the baby's heartbeat, was told she'd listen at the 16 week appt so something else to look forward to I guess.

So damn muggy, praying for a nice thunderstorm and rain overnight please!!!

Me too! I had a few errands to run on my lunch break and I feel all sticky now it’s horrible! It’s not sunshine beating down hot either it’s really cloudy so humid 🤢

Has your midwife put an appointment in your notes? That’s where all mine go xx
Hi there ladies!

Feel like it has been forever since I have been on here. My laptop crapped out on me and I had to wait until I was home to get it fixed!

I met with our midwife last Friday! All went well. Found out I am slightly anemic with an iron level at 10.6. Leafy greens and red meat should help out with that!

I ordered a crib set and was expecting it this coming Wednesday, however, it is scheduled to be here early on Monday!

We find out the gender in 8 days! I am so beyond excited!! <3 <3

Baby's HB is starting to slow and is now in the low to mid 160's. Hope everyone is doing well :love:
Glad all is ok WheelDon2, we'll find out baby's gender in 9 days lol.

My midwife called back and is on holiday next week so booked for the 10th August now when I'll be almost 18 weeks. Oh well, at least we've got the gender scan to look forward to in the meantime!
Glad you're all good Wheeldon. Was the travelling a struggle??

My baby is most likely a girl! It still had a little bit of a nub so she couldn't be 100% sure but she was leaning girl. She could see the 3 lines and no scrotum, but the small nub was throwing her off. I'm going back in 2 weeks to double check. Really hoping she's right and it is indeed a girl!!
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Can we take a moment to appreciate that it's about 10 degrees cooler in the UK and it's raining :dance:
Can we take a moment to appreciate that it's about 10 degrees cooler in the UK and it's raining :dance:

No rain in the midlands yet mayflower! It is bloody lovely to be cooler though I was cooking yesterday!

How far along are you winterwolf? It came up on my Ovia app at around 15+4 that everything is fully formed by then! Fingers crossed! Xx
I'm only 15+2 so I knew there was a good chance it wouldn't be clear, but I'm so impatient that I went for it anyway haha. Looks girly for now, so hopefully that nub shrinks... :) actually my Ovia update today was that baby's external genetalia should be fully formed! Won't be long now.

Glad you guys are feeling some relief from the heat.
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I am totes happy about this weather I've opened every window and am in deed laid on said lapping up that cold breeze just felt some little prods on my right side I'm laid on my left it was like where bump comes out on the right felt like this prods. Hope it was my baby I'm 16w tuesday. Looking forward to my scan Monday. XX
I'm so curious to find out how many boys and girls we'll have, and who will give birth first!
I am totes happy about this weather I've opened every window and am in deed laid on said lapping up that cold breeze just felt some little prods on my right side I'm laid on my left it was like where bump comes out on the right felt like this prods. Hope it was my baby I'm 16w tuesday. Looking forward to my scan Monday. XX

Jealous! I still don't think I've felt baby move. Good luck with your scan. Hopefully they'll be able to tell the gender for you too. :)
Hi ladies. Been off for a while - this damn heat was killing me. We moved house mid week and that was not fun it this wheather. Was really enjoing the thinderstorm yesterday :)
I'm so curious to find out how many boys and girls we'll have, and who will give birth first!

That will probably me, i am high risk on preterm birth :cry:

We have a few ladies due 2nd and 3rd of jan then nothing till svetlana! So it could well be you! I am starting to get really nervous about the birth as last time had a episiotomy the recovery was hideous! I have an appointment with the midwife on the 14th so I think I might mention it and see what she suggests x
If you wanted to come over you could just set an account for that purpose. It means you could see it all but wouldn't have it as account with people you knew in real life up to you people will still be coming on PF as well x
Hi Sarah. Can I be added to the fb group? Can't work out how to pm on here but my fb is Jane Tennant (Jane Tanton) xxx
I am so pleased it is so much cooler today, enjoying the breeze &#55357;&#56898; had to leave work early yesterday, I couldn&#8217;t cope with the heat at all. Feet have gone back to normal size, I felt completely swollen in the heat.

Feeling jealous of everyone with gender scans soon, we are waiting to our 20 week scan so just over three weeks to wait, had a dream that It was girl and I was disappointed because my gut says boy, we aren&#8217;t actually bothered what we have as it&#8217;s our first so not sure what the dream was all about, I blame the heat!

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