** January 2019 **

I am so pleased it is so much cooler today, enjoying the breeze �� had to leave work early yesterday, I couldn’t cope with the heat at all. Feet have gone back to normal size, I felt completely swollen in the heat.

Feeling jealous of everyone with gender scans soon, we are waiting to our 20 week scan so just over three weeks to wait, had a dream that It was girl and I was disappointed because my gut says boy, we aren’t actually bothered what we have as it’s our first so not sure what the dream was all about, I blame the heat!

It's probably better to wait so you can be more sure. Now I have "omg is it really a girl?" Thoughts floating around in my head all day (because our preference is girl) and I know if it grows a doodle in the next few weeks I'll be disappointed! Whereas if they said boy first time, I'd have been totally fine with it! Lesson learnt, harmony test for gender next time haha.
Also all this birth talk freaks me right out!! I've been watching One Born Every Minute and that does NOT help calm me. It seems that 90% of the time say no when people ask for an epidural in the uk. Is that true? Maybe it's just the show... either way, I feel so sorry for the women who are screaming/crying and the midwives just say "you don't need anything you're doing fine". I'd be livid.
Also all this birth talk freaks me right out!! I've been watching One Born Every Minute and that does NOT help calm me. It seems that 90% of the time say no when people ask for an epidural in the uk. Is that true? Maybe it's just the show... either way, I feel so sorry for the women who are screaming/crying and the midwives just say "you don't need anything you're doing fine". I'd be livid.

I didn’t get an epidural the first time round the anesthetist took AGES to come on purpose I think x
Go you!! I don't think I could cope without one but we'll see!
Also all this birth talk freaks me right out!! I've been watching One Born Every Minute and that does NOT help calm me. It seems that 90% of the time say no when people ask for an epidural in the uk. Is that true? Maybe it's just the show... either way, I feel so sorry for the women who are screaming/crying and the midwives just say "you don't need anything you're doing fine". I'd be livid.

OBEM is nothing like reality, don't panic! I also think the midwives go by how far/how well you're doing and whether you'll manage to getting the epidural before the baby comes. All the midwives I've had in labour have been lovely, and very supportive.

First time, I had to wait 8 hours for an epidural because the only anaesthetist was doing an emergency surgery. When I did finally get it, it lasted about 20 mins before it wore off and they couldn't get it back again.

Second time, I waited about 20 mins from asking for one, to getting it. And it was amazing!
Also all this birth talk freaks me right out!! I've been watching One Born Every Minute and that does NOT help calm me. It seems that 90% of the time say no when people ask for an epidural in the uk. Is that true? Maybe it's just the show... either way, I feel so sorry for the women who are screaming/crying and the midwives just say "you don't need anything you're doing fine". I'd be livid.

OBEM is nothing like reality, don't panic! I also think the midwives go by how far/how well you're doing and whether you'll manage to getting the epidural before the baby comes. All the midwives I've had in labour have been lovely, and very supportive.

First time, I had to wait 8 hours for an epidural because the only anaesthetist was doing an emergency surgery. When I did finally get it, it lasted about 20 mins before it wore off and they couldn't get it back again.

Second time, I waited about 20 mins from asking for one, to getting it. And it was amazing!

That's good to know that the midwives were all lovely and the show isn't like reality.

Oh wow only 20mins the first time.. Well at least you got some relief I guess. At the end of the day as long as baby is born safely, that's all that matters. Are you planning on getting an epidural again, or trying the natural route?
Also all this birth talk freaks me right out!! I've been watching One Born Every Minute and that does NOT help calm me. It seems that 90% of the time say no when people ask for an epidural in the uk. Is that true? Maybe it's just the show... either way, I feel so sorry for the women who are screaming/crying and the midwives just say "you don't need anything you're doing fine". I'd be livid.

OBEM is nothing like reality, don't panic! I also think the midwives go by how far/how well you're doing and whether you'll manage to getting the epidural before the baby comes. All the midwives I've had in labour have been lovely, and very supportive.

First time, I had to wait 8 hours for an epidural because the only anaesthetist was doing an emergency surgery. When I did finally get it, it lasted about 20 mins before it wore off and they couldn't get it back again.

Second time, I waited about 20 mins from asking for one, to getting it. And it was amazing!

That's good to know that the midwives were all lovely and the show isn't like reality.

Oh wow only 20mins the first time.. Well at least you got some relief I guess. At the end of the day as long as baby is born safely, that's all that matters. Are you planning on getting an epidural again, or trying the natural route?

With both labours, I've gone in saying "I'll see what I need as labour progresses" I had no firm ideas about what I wanted, especially the first time as i'd never experienced it and didn't know how I'd cope. Unfortunately both labours ended in emergency c-section, so this time I'm having an elective c-section.

I don't know how it works in Aus, but in the UK (even if consultant led) a midwife is with you for your entire labour. They've seen it all before, so ask their advice and see what they suggest. Both times I left the epidural to last, and tried paracetamol, gas and air, diamorphine first.
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I had an epidural with my first but I was 21. I was so out of it by the time the epidural came that I can't remember how long I had to wait. But the midwives were really supportive. I think i went in far too early as I didn't know what to expect and had pethadine whif I ubfortubately didn't agree with me and made me really sick for the duration. Maybe if I'd gone in later and had gas and air I might have not had an epidural, who knows.

Second time round I was a little older and all went a bit more smoothly with a water birth and had and air.

This time round who knows whether my age will play a factor, I trying not to assume it will be easier because it's my 3rd as I know there are a whole host of complications that can arise. Weirdly I'm more nervous this time round.
I had an epidural with my first but I was 21. I was so out of it by the time the epidural came that I can't remember how long I had to wait. But the midwives were really supportive. I think i went in far too early as I didn't know what to expect and had pethadine whif I ubfortubately didn't agree with me and made me really sick for the duration. Maybe if I'd gone in later and had gas and air I might have not had an epidural, who knows.

Second time round I was a little older and all went a bit more smoothly with a water birth and had and air.

This time round who knows whether my age will play a factor, I trying not to assume it will be easier because it's my 3rd as I know there are a whole host of complications that can arise. Weirdly I'm more nervous this time round.

My friend who is now a midwife had the fear with her third as they say it’s the worst one for whatever reason! Her baby was absolutely enormous so I will spare you the details as we are talking over 11lbs 😱 I was my mother’s third baby and the easiest by far she said I was born in 45 mins at home 😂

Are you all having your mom with you? I think my mom assumed I would want her again but I really don’t this time round x
My mum and partner were with me for labour first time, but she had to wait when we went to theatre. Second time just me and my partner, and this time it'll just be the two of us again.
These birth stories make me feel better hehe. I'll see how I go naturally but definitely want the option of an epidural!

@MrsBridge my mum will be at the hospital (hopefully - she lives 7hrs away so if baby comes early or very fast she probably won't be up in time), but she won't be the room when I actually give birth. She's suuuper squeamish so would not be any help when it came to crunch time. Her plan is that she'll show up when I'm in early labour and when it's time to push she'll go sit in the waiting room then come back when everything is cleaned up. I'd have my mum in the room if it were up to me but she's pretty adamant she's waiting outside! Hubby will be there though so I'm not bothered :)
My parents are off on a two week holiday 4 days after my due date so if baby doesn’t come on time they won’t be around to meet it straight away. I will probably decide I want my mum around half way through labour but my husband is quite calm and level headed on should be able to keep me sane through the process. I really don’t want anything that involves needles, so scared of them, would have thought with the amount of drips and injections I had at the beginning of this pregnancy I would be sorted by now but just as scared but I will be open minded when the time comes as no idea how thinrgs will go.
I think that's the best plan - research all the options so you're fully informed, write a birth plan of things you're certain you want, but go in open minded.
I didn't have an epidural with daughter. I had gas and air with pethadine worked a treat. That's my plan this time fingers crossed. But I'll accept anything if I need it.

My scan today at 13.40 wish me luck guys X
I've got such an urge to go baby shopping! There's no point until I know the gender (and even then I don't NEED anything unless it's a boy) but I'm getting desperate now lol
Hi girls. Looking forward to hearing about your scan sarah. I think i felt a little wiggle earlier, just by my belly button. How are you all today? Im so glad its cooled down!
Hello ladies scan went well couldnt see gender not too bothered just happy this baby is all happy and healthy. Heard heart beating too which was lovely. I have an anterior placenta so won't feel a lot but I had some flutters this afternoon when I laid quietly XX
Glad your scan went well and baby is healthy, that's all that matters! :)

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