Ok, if you had doubts about the wedding you probably shouldn't have gone through with it. Going to your ex instead of talking about it with your husband wasn't a good move either, but what's done is done! You never cheated, right? So your husband will need to either trust you, forgive you and get over it, or leave. He knows you regret what happened and he's just making you feel worse, which is not good for you or baby.
Your husband sounds exactly like my ex - very very controlling. It's a form of abuse and it always leaves the victim feeling like they're at fault, like they're a bad person, like the abuser is actually being very fair... In my experience that men like that do NOT improve, they get more and more jealous and more and more controlling. You've made one little mistake but if he's like most controlling men he'll hold it over your head forever. Constantly asking who you're talking to and making you feel bad. You shouldn't have to explain every conversation you have to your husband - that is not a loving, trusting relationship. I'd say leave him, but only because I've been there before and I wasted 4 years trying to make it work. Only after meeting my hubby now do I realise just how messed up my last relationship actually was.
I'm sorry you're in this situation. Try to focus on baby and how no matter what happens, they'll have a mother who loves them (because they will). x