** January 2019 **

Our girl one was going to be Peggy Jane... 1st name after DH grandmother and middle name after my mum. But that's all out the window now we have one with some equipment on the way!! We just can't find one we feel passionate about :(

That's awful WinterWolf, I really feel for you and you're right, pregnancy is definitely harder than I remember the first 2 times.
Hi ladies. Ive not been sick for a week but was almost sick on my way to Work yesterday. I have names for both set but we are keeping them secret. Not even telling family that way no one can judge ha ha. I literally can't stop eating grapefruit. I dont even like it! Xx
Hi ladies. Ive not been sick for a week but was almost sick on my way to Work yesterday. I have names for both set but we are keeping them secret. Not even telling family that way no one can judge ha ha. I literally can't stop eating grapefruit. I dont even like it! Xx

We did this too! Everyone tried to guess but we didn't tell anyone until we announced their births!

I had my hair cut this morning, she asked if we'd thought of any names, I said "no not yet, we have an Ella and a Madison so it's got to go with them" she said "oh I prefer ella, not Madison, that's awful, what a mouthful" and then she realised I said I already had an Ella and a Madison and couldn't back track or apologise quick enough :wall2:
Hi ladies. Ive not been sick for a week but was almost sick on my way to Work yesterday. I have names for both set but we are keeping them secret. Not even telling family that way no one can judge ha ha. I literally can't stop eating grapefruit. I dont even like it! Xx

We (well I) didn't want to share the name of our little girl as it is quite different and my family is judgmental. My husband decided that we should share it and so we did. I got a lot of great feedback on our names and have nipped rude comments on the name in the butt real fast. I absolutely will not have anyone make fun or hate on my baby girl's name!

So both of my grandmas are old fashioned and when they called to ask how the name was pronounced, you could hear in their voice that they were trying to be nice and not say that they don't like the name.... "oh it will grow on me" that type of thing haha

Our baby girl's name is Zaviah Elise Wheeldon! <3
Pronounced (Zah-vee-uh E-leese Wheel-dun)
I love the name Zaviah! I've seen it before spelt with an
X I think. I have a Finley and and Isla xx
I love the name Zaviah! I've seen it before spelt with an
X I think. I have a Finley and and Isla xx

I've seen Xavier for a boy but pronounced same as Zah-vee-uh.

I'm staying at my parents tonight with the kids, my mum is trying to guess names I like.
Hi everyone, I'm a bit late to the party but may I join please?

I am due our second baby on 19th Jan.

We have a little girl who will have just turned two when the baby is born (also a Jan baby... £££! bad planning).

We had a gender scan at the weekend and we believe we are having another little girl but I am not convinced, I posted about it on here last night. We shall see!
Hi everyone, I'm a bit late to the party but may I join please?

I am due our second baby on 19th Jan.

We have a little girl who will have just turned two when the baby is born (also a Jan baby... £££! bad planning).

We had a gender scan at the weekend and we believe we are having another little girl but I am not convinced, I posted about it on here last night. We shall see!

Welcome, same due date as me.
Hi everyone, I'm a bit late to the party but may I join please?

I am due our second baby on 19th Jan.

We have a little girl who will have just turned two when the baby is born (also a Jan baby... £££! bad planning).

We had a gender scan at the weekend and we believe we are having another little girl but I am not convinced, I posted about it on here last night. We shall see!

Welcome :)

That will take the tally to 6 girls and only 1 boy so far!
My gut instinct is still telling me that I&#8217;m having a boy but still have 12 days to wait until we have our scan to find out. I have now gone in to my usual 2 week melt down and panicking if everything is ok. Haven&#8217;t felt as much flutters as usual so that&#8217;s worrying me, I seem to worry about anything, everything and nothing, it&#8217;s a bit frustrating
Hey everyone! Welcome to the new lady! Sorry I have been a little quiet lately on here I am spending a lot of time on my work laptop at home as it is busy busy! Good for the commission it will bring but it always puts a little bit of strain on relationship with hubby as I do it unpaid and he doesn’t understand why!

I am starting to feel a bit better about the weight thing it’s not really major for me to gain in second trimester I’ll expect it to hit me like a train in the third lol! Still getting achy legs and hips which is driving me mad as it hurts!

Love your name wheeldon! We really like Olivia with Rose as a middle name but the reaction I am getting from my family is just putting me off now my mom tried shortening it to olly which quite frankly makes me violent &#128514; and my little brother went to school with an Olivia and said she was an idiot so doesn’t like it &#128580; looks like she might be an Aria after all! Reminds me of my fave hotel in Vegas! X
Ohh that reminds me, I was weighed yesterday at the midwife and I hadn't gained any since she'd last seen me so I was happy with that :)
hey ladies im here to find help to cope with the miserable situation im in. April 25 was my wedding, we were in love but thing got out of control just a couple of months before our marriage that had me thinking to call off the wedding coz we were foreva fighting. and he always used to suspect me with my ex who i wasnt even in touch with and the biggest mistake of my life was to find a shoulder to cry in my EX and it was my fault that i let feeling run wild and my emotions took over me and got a little overbored that i started to get back the old feelings for my ex for the start he comforted me but later advised me to carry on with my marriage and this was all over the telephone. so i got married and after a few weeks found out i was pregnant and was very happy then came a boom my husband took the old phone that i was using and happen to hear some of my old conversations with my ex just before our marriage.. and the storm started then which is till on.. i tried to tell him that his continuous suspection towards me was the one which forced me to do thinks that i never wanted to do. and that our relationship was lacking a lot of things where understanding and trust was the most it lacked.. and that we used to fight like cats and dogs and that i decided to call of the wedding to scared to think of a future with him. but he has started to accuse me that i knew it from the beginning where as the fact was when there was fights i was true to him but only when i had second thoughts abt the relationship on the whole that i needed a counselor a friend that i can speak my heart out.. but things took a different shape and i blame my self sole for that. now im trying to tell him it all over it was jus that part of my like whn i was lost and im true to him now.. but he wouldnt believe me anymore. now its like dictatorship i should not be found online he asks me who im msging.. if i come on Facebook he wants to know wat im doing.. he wakes up from his sleep asking y is my phone next to me and asks if i msg my ex and delete all the msges.. and he claims the reason for him to ask me this is becoz he had a dream of me doing so.. im now in my 2nd trimester and im a working woman. plus i have to cook, clean and take care of all the work at home. he wouldnt help me at all.. the smallest of the things like everning serving the food for dinner has to be done by me and given to him in his hand. evening if im down with aches.. like last night i has a terrible back pain and couldnt sleep. he jus asked me wat happened and continued to play his play station despite knowing that a little massage wd help..
i feel sick and i wanna throw up all the time due to which whn he tries to kiss me i avoid fearing that i might throw up and i have told him how im feelin, and even my breast hurts whn touched so whn i tel him not to.. and that it hurts he says that im not interested in him and that someone is teaching me to do so.. whn i try to share my feeling with him that i jus need a little support from u.. he flares up with me and i end up crying every single day.. i dont feel like living.. im not able to even connect with my baby.. i keep telling my baby why are u here.. mommy cant keep you happy.. im a bad person.. i feel totally down and dont feel like living anymore.. i seriously need held.. pls i dont have anyone to share this with.. pls help me. i love my husband a lot and i know ive made a mistake which has hurt him.. but what can i do now to make things rite.. im doing everything possible.. im going mad..
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Ok, if you had doubts about the wedding you probably shouldn't have gone through with it. Going to your ex instead of talking about it with your husband wasn't a good move either, but what's done is done! You never cheated, right? So your husband will need to either trust you, forgive you and get over it, or leave. He knows you regret what happened and he's just making you feel worse, which is not good for you or baby.

Your husband sounds exactly like my ex - very very controlling. It's a form of abuse and it always leaves the victim feeling like they're at fault, like they're a bad person, like the abuser is actually being very fair... In my experience that men like that do NOT improve, they get more and more jealous and more and more controlling. You've made one little mistake but if he's like most controlling men he'll hold it over your head forever. Constantly asking who you're talking to and making you feel bad. You shouldn't have to explain every conversation you have to your husband - that is not a loving, trusting relationship. I'd say leave him, but only because I've been there before and I wasted 4 years trying to make it work. Only after meeting my hubby now do I realise just how messed up my last relationship actually was.

I'm sorry you're in this situation. Try to focus on baby and how no matter what happens, they'll have a mother who loves them (because they will). x
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i hve not cheated on him. it was jus over the phone that i have shared my present state to my ex and as days went by the ok byes led to love u bye.. and more over my ex is from a different city altogether.. im not trying to say what i did was rite. i know i was at fault for doing so.. for which i cry every single day.. i have apologized to my husband a million times and he still keep throwing it to my face randomly.

leaving him cant be an option coz at the end of all this trauma he says that he is doing all this because he loves me a lot.. which if u look at it doesnt make sense. making you partner who is already feeling guilty more pathetic with hurtful words and and then claiming the reason for him doing all this torture is because he loves me and cant live without me.. again pushing me to a point of confusion and depression.

Ok, if you had doubts about the wedding you probably shouldn't have gone through with it. Going to your ex instead of talking about it with your husband wasn't a good move either, but what's done is done! You never cheated, right? So your husband will need to either trust you, forgive you and get over it, or leave. He knows you regret what happened and he's just making you feel worse, which is not good for you or baby.

Your husband sounds exactly like my ex - very very controlling. It's a form of abuse and it always leaves the victim feeling like they're at fault, like they're a bad person, like the abuser is actually being very fair... In my experience that men like that do NOT improve, they get more and more jealous and more and more controlling. You've made one little mistake but if he's like most controlling men he'll hold it over your head forever. Constantly asking who you're talking to and making you feel bad. You shouldn't have to explain every conversation you have to your husband - that is not a loving, trusting relationship. I'd say leave him, but only because I've been there before and I wasted 4 years trying to make it work. Only after meeting my hubby now do I realise just how messed up my last relationship actually was.

I'm sorry you're in this situation. Try to focus on baby and how no matter what happens, they'll have a mother who loves them (because they will). x
"He still keeps throwing it in my face" - yep, because he's abusing you. Saying he's being a jerk because he loves you is also what abusive partners do. I don't have any advice other than leave, sorry x

You'll get a lot more people offering advice if you start a new thread about this.. There's less than 10 of us who read this thread regularly!
Anyway.. back on topic. How far along is everyone today? How are you all doing? My sickness is FINALLY settling! Though now I've started crying all the time. Like I cried yesterday because I drove past the hospital and thought that baby will be born there soon. Poor hubby is so confused as I'm nothing like that. I never ever cry. Haha.
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Anyway.. back on topic. How far along is everyone today? How are you all doing? My sickness is FINALLY settling! Though now I've started crying all the time. Like I cried yesterday because I drove past the hospital and thought that baby will be born there soon. Poor hubby is so confused as I'm nothing like that. I never ever cry. Haha.

16+6 today.... gender scan tomorrow at 10am!

We live with my FIL, and I'm sure he thinks he's just a lodger or something, he does absolutely nothing around the house - doesn't Hoover, doesn't cut the grass or tidy the garden, doesn't clean the kitchen or bathroom. I don't know if it's pregnancy hormones but between him and my OH I'm starting to get really peed off. I do 95% of the house and child care, plus working 3 evenings a week.... GRRRRR :slap:
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Anyway.. back on topic. How far along is everyone today? How are you all doing? My sickness is FINALLY settling! Though now I've started crying all the time. Like I cried yesterday because I drove past the hospital and thought that baby will be born there soon. Poor hubby is so confused as I'm nothing like that. I never ever cry. Haha.

16+6 today.... gender scan tomorrow at 10am!

We live with my FIL, and I'm sure he thinks he's just a lodger or something, he does absolutely nothing around the house - doesn't Hoover, doesn't cut the grass or tidy the garden, doesn't clean the kitchen or bathroom. I don't know if it's pregnancy hormones but between him and my OH I'm starting to get really peed off. I do 95% of the house and child care, plus working 3 evenings a week.... GRRRRR :slap:

I'm 18+6 today, my second scan is on Thursday, so excited :dance:

Cant imagine living with in laws. My mother in law is staying with us for 2 weeks and I am already holding myself back not to snap. I mean she is really lovely and helps babysitting and around the house - but I cant stand all these questions and advise... its just so intruding :shakehead:

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