** January 2019 **

Wow!!! Not everyone likes pink... I like orange but haven't seen anything orange for babies yet! I guess the "boys wear blue, girls wear pink" thing is a hard stereotype to break.
3 girlies wow! I still have no incling what I'm having. My pregnancies with my boy and girl were identical, breezed through them both. Been so sick and exhausted with this one so god knows! My dad is gonna do the wedding ring thing today (its my wedding anniversary) and he got the others right. Xx
Wow!!! Not everyone likes pink... I like orange but haven't seen anything orange for babies yet! I guess the "boys wear blue, girls wear pink" thing is a hard stereotype to break.

I do love pink, and my girls have a lot of pink stuff, but I also love lime green, mint green, purple, lilac etc. I tend to dress my oldest in lots of bright, bold colours because they suit her.
Hi everyone! Had my gender scan yesterday at 16+1 and having a girl too! This is girl number 3 for us and my husband says he needs a bigger shed ���� xxx
Hi everyone! Had my gender scan yesterday at 16+1 and having a girl too! This is girl number 3 for us and my husband says he needs a bigger shed ���� xxx

For some reason I can't find you on the first post, when are you due?
Wow!!! Not everyone likes pink... I like orange but haven't seen anything orange for babies yet! I guess the "boys wear blue, girls wear pink" thing is a hard stereotype to break.

I do love pink, and my girls have a lot of pink stuff, but I also love lime green, mint green, purple, lilac etc. I tend to dress my oldest in lots of bright, bold colours because they suit her.

Sounds like we have similar ideas about dressing babies then! My daughter (!) will still have her fair share of pink (my hair and my house theme is pink so she'll match the furniture hah), but I want her to have other colours too. Yes there are so many bright colours for children, just not babies! Very annoying. Still, what I can't get in stores I can get online. :)

Hi everyone! Had my gender scan yesterday at 16+1 and having a girl too! This is girl number 3 for us and my husband says he needs a bigger shed ���� xxx

4 out of 4 girls now! Will CI make it 5 out of 5? This is pretty strange haha
Congrats to everyone on gender scans! 4 girls, wow.
I am convinced we are having a girl as well - though we won't know till 16th.
My dad has just done the wedding ring thing on my belly and its saying boy! Obviously its not anything to go by but he was right the last 2 times xx
My dad has just done the wedding ring thing on my belly and its saying boy! Obviously its not anything to go by but he was right the last 2 times xx

Have you tried the baking soda thing? Or Chinese gender prediction? I hadn’t tried any of these but just for fun lol!

Feeling pretty crappy the past couple of days don’t know if it’s the heat again very emotional too just feel like there is something wrong and not sure what to do I still haven’t gained a single pound and belly isn’t growing! X
Are you having another scan soon mrs bridge? I've lost track of whos had them so far. Yes that also said boy! Xx
Hi fpts yeah my 20 week scan is on 21st August, can’t believe we won’t see her again till she is born then! X I had my gender scan last week x
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Sooooo.... It's a BOY!!! No doubt about it. So nice to be able to look at clothes etc and start planning xxx
Sooooo.... It's a BOY!!! No doubt about it. So nice to be able to look at clothes etc and start planning xxx

Yayy our first little boy! Congratulations!! :)
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My dad has just done the wedding ring thing on my belly and its saying boy! Obviously its not anything to go by but he was right the last 2 times xx

Have you tried the baking soda thing? Or Chinese gender prediction? I hadn’t tried any of these but just for fun lol!

Feeling pretty crappy the past couple of days don’t know if it’s the heat again very emotional too just feel like there is something wrong and not sure what to do I still haven’t gained a single pound and belly isn’t growing! X

The Chinese gender chart was right for me. I didn't do the baking soda thing because ew, haha. Most of the old wives tales were right too!

Weight gain in tri 1/2 isn't necessary unless you're underweight. If you're sick you're not likely to put anything on, it's normal. I weigh the same again and my belly isn't growing either. My mum never looked more than 5 months pregnant when she was full term because she carried towards the back, so that keeps me reassured. Try not to worry, baby is probably fine x
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Sooooo.... It's a BOY!!! No doubt about it. So nice to be able to look at clothes etc and start planning xxx

Congratulations CI! x Have we started to update the list with what everyone is having? X
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My dad has just done the wedding ring thing on my belly and its saying boy! Obviously its not anything to go by but he was right the last 2 times xx

Have you tried the baking soda thing? Or Chinese gender prediction? I hadn’t tried any of these but just for fun lol!

Feeling pretty crappy the past couple of days don’t know if it’s the heat again very emotional too just feel like there is something wrong and not sure what to do I still haven’t gained a single pound and belly isn’t growing! X

The Chinese gender chart was right for me. I didn't do the baking soda thing because ew, haha. Most of the old wives tales were right too!

Weight gain in tri 1/2 isn't necessary unless you're underweight. If you're sick you're not likely to put anything on, it's normal. I weigh the same again and my belly isn't growing either. My mum never looked more than 5 months pregnant when she was full term because she carried towards the back, so that keeps me reassured. Try not to worry, baby is probably fine x

I'm starting to lose weight now! I was a little worried but then I was eating what I wanted at the start to stop feeling sick and now I'm eating more healthy and gone back to exercise.

I know so many people who don't show till much later on and like WinterWolf said if carrying further back this will be the case. When I lie flat I don't show much either. I'm sure all is fine MrsBridge but you could give the midwife a call and she might suggest going in for a check? Xxx
Hey MrsBridge, feeling any better? I weighed again this morning and I've been the same weight for 3 weeks now of that makes you feel any better? My bump is also a bit smaller and I wonder if through all this hot weather we've had it might affect this too?

Thankfully it looks like it will start getting cooler now, hurrah! How is everyone else feeling?
My sickness has nearly gone now, I can cook and shop for food like a normal person!!

Now we just have to pick a boys name which is proving a struggle. We had one for a girl but just can't agree on a boy. Anyone else thought of names yet?
My mother in law came to visit and brought lots of treats. I've weighted myself this morning: +1 kilo in 3 days. I did not think I ate this much(

On a positive side my morning sickness is finally gone and now I just want to sleep all the time. Where is the 2nd tri energy boost? Definitely not my case.

On baby names. We have a list for a boy and a list for a girl where there are all the names we like (6 or 7 each). We've made a bet with DH. He says boy, I say girl. The one who guessed picks the name. Last time I lost, my gut feeling is rubbish lol.
Boys names are so hard!! We had a girl name picked out before conception but have never agreed on a boys name (I love Arthur and Oliver, hubby hates them, his top ones were Frost [yes really] and Orion). Since baby is a girl we're going with our original pick, so she's already got a name :) we can't agree on a middle name for her though!!

I'm glad you girls are feeling better. My sickness is still going strong... haven't vomited for a week now but the nausea still gets me badly every night. Still have no energy. Still have a cold I can't shake. Being pregnant is much harder than I expected.
We've used both of our girls names! Eldest is Ella Florence, (her great Granny's name is Ella) and I've always loved it, my youngest is Madison Kate. I've absolutely no suggestions for this one - boy or girl lol.

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