** January 2019 **

That's no good. I've been pretty unwell too - don't think I could handle being pregnant if I already had kids to take care of. x_x So are you going to find out baby's gender then?
I've had lots of little pains all over my stomach this week. Stretching I guess? I also have a cough - coughing hurts my stomach too. I guess I'm just generally uncomfortable at the moment.
Anyone still here? Not long to go until tri 3... :)

We've started assembling the nursery and I've made two baby blankets so far. There's so much stuff to buy, it's a bit overwhelming. But we're getting there. Hope everyone else is doing well..
I've not been very active on this forum, as I find the group im in on Facebook to be better. You should join, its a closed group, so none of your friends can see you have joined it on Facebook x
I'm in the group, I like talking on here too as not everyone joined the group. There's only about 5 or 6 of us regularly talking on Facebook.
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Hiya. Sorry, I’ve been really quiet since first trimester. Just not really been sure how to handle it all so kind of kept to myself. Probably not the best idea! How do I join the facebook group? x
Hi Hayley, nice to hear from you again. How've you been doing?

Search "PFs January 2019 Mummies" and it should come up. Request to join and someone will approve you pretty quickly.
Thanks. I’m not too bad thanks, just getting over a bad cold which was hardwork! But other than that all’s going well. How’re you doing?

Okay perfect, I’ll do that now thanks ☺️ X
Oh no. I've been lucky that I haven't gotten any colds/flu whilst been pregnant so far! I'm doing well. Just started maternity leave actually :) I had a low lying placenta so have a scan on Tuesday to see how that's doing. 9 weeks to go until my due date! Eek!!
I’m struggling to find you on Facebook for some reason! ‍♀️.

Just to let you all know. I gave birth to my little girl Rosie on the 30th December 2018. Hope you’re all well!
The group is called “PFs January 2019 Mummies”

Congrats on the birth of your daughter!! Rosie is a lovely name. We’ve had 4 other births out of 12 in our little group already. :)
Did you find it? I think I set it as private please let me know if you want to be added as I will take it off private till you find it.


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