Alexis I don't know... I am so confused.
I'm 4 days late. 2 days ago had spotting red round cervix, then it went light pink/orangy now today its dark brown mixed with cm and dead looking no fresh at all. Never come onto tissue or anything so if I wasn't feeling round cervix I'd have not seen it. Unsure if iv had this before... Negatice tests.
Can you implant about 10-12 dpo? That would fit with spotting , niggles I got and being late. Do I dare hope?
Chart below. This app is normally spot on too
I have a LOT of very promising symptoms. Im still holding out to test on the 31st but might be tempted earlier.
View attachment 76893
OMG OMG. I caved. 11DPO. No hold at all. Ive peed 100 times and drank pint after pint. I just Im in complete and utter shock.
Congratulations!View attachment 76893
OMG OMG. I caved. 11DPO. No hold at all. Ive peed 100 times and drank pint after pint. I just Im in complete and utter shock.