******January 2018 mummies **********

Hi ladies,

So I’ve had a tough start with breastfeeding. Combination of tongue tie (which is now sorted) and a forceps delivery which has affected his jaw muscles. It’s really hard as I want to breastfeed. We bought a pump and I’ve been pumping my milk and topping up with formula.

In the last couple of days he has started taking to the breast more so I am hoping that’s a good sign and maybe his injuries are improving, but the constant cycle of trying to get him to latch on, then pumping my milk and giving him formula is proving tiring and frustrating.
Poor you Kathryn.. seems a few of us have had issues with feeding, my little boy lost 8%? He’s taken ages to gain it back :(

Fingers crossed you’ve turned a corner and he is able to feed better.
How is she getting on now Hoping?

I’m going dairy free for 7 days to see if it might be a dairy allergy as she has little red spots on her head, back and chest/arms. I think they are itchy as she’s been scratching her face which she hasn’t done before. Apparently reflux symptoms are common with babies with a dairy allergy. She’s actually been feeding a lot better but is clearly uncomfortable after most feeds and seems to be in discomfort a lot of the time, particularly lying down or in the car seat. I’ll see if she’s any different but at least we can rule it out. Sleeping at night is getting there though - she’s going from 9/9.30 to 1.30/2 in a block now and then awake again around 4.45/5 so only two wake ups which I think is good going for a BF baby at 5 weeks?

Kathryn sorry to hear you are struggling with feeding. I hope things improve for you.

How’s everyone else?
Kathryn massive well done for sticking with it, not sure I’d be so patient!! My little one is feeding ok but cries constantly when not asleep or on the boob!! He’s so frustrating as he just seems so unhappy and I struggle to settle him without just letting him feed constantly. Think I may try infacol for wind x
Kathryn massive well done for sticking with it, not sure I’d be so patient!! My little one is feeding ok but cries constantly when not asleep or on the boob!! He’s so frustrating as he just seems so unhappy and I struggle to settle him without just letting him feed constantly. Think I may try infacol for wind x

I feel like our LO is the same Karen. Feels like she’s only ever happy for 5 mins before the crying starts again. I’m not used to this as our boys were both quite content babies, except for the usual evening times. It’s very frustrating!
Kathryn massive well done for sticking with it, not sure I’d be so patient!! My little one is feeding ok but cries constantly when not asleep or on the boob!! He’s so frustrating as he just seems so unhappy and I struggle to settle him without just letting him feed constantly. Think I may try infacol for wind x

I feel like our LO is the same Karen. Feels like she’s only ever happy for 5 mins before the crying starts again. I’m not used to this as our boys were both quite content babies, except for the usual evening times. It’s very frustrating!

Know it’ll pass with time, shame to wish the weeks away!
Karen and Hoping - you're not alone!

My little girl is often upset with wind of some kind, slightly different i'm not breastfeeding. I use the Dr Brown's bottles, plus colic drops and she's now old enough for gripe water but last night she was still screaming for about 2-3hrs, by 11pm she conked out at last. It makes me feel so helpless as nothing really calms her down, and if it does it's only for less than 5 mins. I really hate colic, had actually forgotten about that phase!

She has got a lot better since i swapped her formula to Lactose Free - unable to get the brand I use on prescription though so it's costing us more but it's worth it, if it makes her slightly happier. She is a good girl at night, literally once she's asleep about 11pm, I only get up with her once about 4/5am - milk and she goes straight back down. I'm sure that won't last!

Unlike my son, she isn't bothered about a dummy - only has it if she has real bad tummy pain and she also hates the car seat! My son loved both, typical eh? haha.

Alipops x
Rory is three weeks today, BF is going well even tho she’s lazy and tends to have a bad latch which hurts my poor nipples :( I have to detach her a few times to get it corrected as my boobs and nipples are huge and her mouth is tiny lol, I am pumping too so OH is helping with the night feeds and we top up with formula when needed. I’m still suffering with vaginal pain tho feels like gravel rash down there and had to get gp to cut the knot off a supposedly dissolvable stitch that was rubbing and driving me mental ugh. Still slightly bleeding but hopefully will be done soon :)
Hope the BF latch has improved mystery? I had similar problems in the beginning but at nearly 7 weeks our LO is a pro now! I’m really loving BF although not loving the lack of sleep! She’s is going to bed between 7 and 8 which is great as we have some evening now, but she doesn’t go more than 2-3 hours at night without waking. I know it’s normal for a BF baby, but I’m not used to it. My older 2 were bottle fed and slept in big chunks at night by now. In fact the 2nd was sleeping through the night with a dream feed at 11pm! How’s everyone? This thread is very quiet!
Hiya Hoping,

We're having mixed days at the moment. Some days she's fab, other days (like the last 2!) she's refusing to sleep during the day and just seems colicky throughout the day - it's very draining. However, she does seem to conk out by the evening so on a good night we can get her to bed for 8pm/9pm and on a bad day 11/11:30pm, then she'll wake anytime between 3am-5am - have her milk, then straight back to bed, until 8am ish depending what time she fed.

It's just during the day, when i'm on my own with her she can be so draining - as she just seems to be almost permanently mardy! She also dislikes the car seat, so if we go in the car she cries for pretty much the entire journey.

I'm not sure what the answer is to all this yet to be honest, i'm just trying not to get frustrated!

Alipops x
Hi Ali. How old is she? Our LO was like that until about a week ago so I feel your pain! She seems to be settling now and is happier for stretches in the day and I can lay her on the play mat at times for 15 mins without her crying. She’s also become super smiley which is lovely. I’ve gone dairy free for now as suspected she might have a milk protein allergy so not sure if that’s made a difference to her or not. I think there is so much going on in their little tummies in the first few weeks it takes some time for them to settle. I’m going to try reintroducing a bit of dairy this week and see if it upsets her or not. Would be good as hoping to combi feed at some point and give her some formula but will need the dairy free stuff if she is allergic. I think your little one is on that? Did you get it prescribed? Does it help?

I’ve actually got a sick bug - started last night and still feeling horrid although no sick since the early hours luckily. I’ve been expressing milk for OH to feed but feel my supply has dropped. Think it’s quite common when you are ill and dehydrated. Apparently I should feed her even if I’m ill so going to try and do the next feed now I’m feeling a bit better.
Hi Ali. How old is she? Our LO was like that until about a week ago so I feel your pain! She seems to be settling now and is happier for stretches in the day and I can lay her on the play mat at times for 15 mins without her crying. She’s also become super smiley which is lovely. I’ve gone dairy free for now as suspected she might have a milk protein allergy so not sure if that’s made a difference to her or not. I think there is so much going on in their little tummies in the first few weeks it takes some time for them to settle. I’m going to try reintroducing a bit of dairy this week and see if it upsets her or not. Would be good as hoping to combi feed at some point and give her some formula but will need the dairy free stuff if she is allergic. I think your little one is on that? Did you get it prescribed? Does it help?

Thanks for your reply Hoping.

Louisa was 6 weeks old yesterday, so hopefully each week she'll be getting more settled with her tummy from now on. She definitely isn't constipated as poos regularly and they are fine consistency wise. My mum reckons it's just colic, but during the day. Like I said previously, fortunately she is good once she goes to sleep for the night.

We moved her over to SMA Lactose Free formula about 3 weeks ago now, and she has improved. When she was 3 weeks old she was just beside herself screaming, I recognised that and her constantly pulling up her legs etc, from when Zachary had the same issues. I couldn't get it on prescription as they don't offer it now, just other types of lactose free formula. Also, the process has changed and you have to trial it for 4 weeks, then go back to regular formula to see if the intolerance is still there. I didn't like the idea of that, so we're just buying it. I can only order 4 tins at once from Boots as it's a 'dietary management' formula, 2 tins is the equivalent size of one tin of regular formula so i'm forever ordering it or popping in to see if they have any on the shelf!

I don't think she'll have a lactose intolerance when she's older, as my eldest doesn't I think it's just something to do with formula they don't agree with. My eldest moved over to regular dairy products from 18 months. However, with Louisa I think i'll introduce them from 12 months as it's taken a long time for my eldest to "like" regular cheese/yogs/milk as he had dairy free options until he was 18 months old, just in case.

I hope you're feeling better soon, nothing worse than being poorly with a newborn/children to manage as well.

Alipops x
Hope the BF latch has improved mystery? I had similar problems in the beginning but at nearly 7 weeks our LO is a pro now! I’m really loving BF although not loving the lack of sleep! She’s is going to bed between 7 and 8 which is great as we have some evening now, but she doesn’t go more than 2-3 hours at night without waking. I know it’s normal for a BF baby, but I’m not used to it. My older 2 were bottle fed and slept in big chunks at night by now. In fact the 2nd was sleeping through the night with a dream feed at 11pm! How’s everyone? This thread is very quiet!

Hi hoping, wondering how you breastfeed and get your lo down??? I am cosleeping and really want to be able to feed and then put him in crib but he just wakes and cries!
Bub hasn’t ever coslept with us and I hope to keep it that way lol she’s been a dream baby now, only wakes once at night now
Hope the BF latch has improved mystery? I had similar problems in the beginning but at nearly 7 weeks our LO is a pro now! I’m really loving BF although not loving the lack of sleep! She’s is going to bed between 7 and 8 which is great as we have some evening now, but she doesn’t go more than 2-3 hours at night without waking. I know it’s normal for a BF baby, but I’m not used to it. My older 2 were bottle fed and slept in big chunks at night by now. In fact the 2nd was sleeping through the night with a dream feed at 11pm! How’s everyone? This thread is very quiet!

Hi hoping, wondering how you breastfeed and get your lo down??? I am cosleeping and really want to be able to feed and then put him in crib but he just wakes and cries!

Hi Karen, I generally feed her and she falls asleep on the breast. I let her get well settled upright on me for about 10 mins or so (also make sure no wind as she’s a fussy feeder) and then put her in the basket. She usually stirs but will settle herself. Sometimes she completely wakes up so we have to start the process again and I might have to feed her a bit more. We get there but it can take an hour from the start. In the night she is usually half asleep the whole time so I can feed her in bed and generally put her down within 10 mins of feeding and she’ll wriggle a bit and then settle. Last night she was harder to settle and wasn’t down properly until 10pm but she did then sleep till 3.20 so I got a good stretch of sleep! I think it’s perserverance at this stage until they get used to it.
I’m in a complete mess.

My back has caved in essentially. I’m in absolute agony. I’ve cried more than the baby the last 5 days. I’ve been prescribed dihydrocodeine but it passes into breastmilk so I have the guilts for that. Fraser won’t go in his basket at night. And in the day sometimes.

I’m finding it hard to cope with the pain. The baby I can deal with as long as the pain is manageable - which it hasn’t been.

Fraser is growing well. And is staying awake a bit more and we’ve had some smiles. So that’s nice. But boy it’s been hard!
I’m in a complete mess.

My back has caved in essentially. I’m in absolute agony. I’ve cried more than the baby the last 5 days. I’ve been prescribed dihydrocodeine but it passes into breastmilk so I have the guilts for that. Fraser won’t go in his basket at night. And in the day sometimes.

I’m finding it hard to cope with the pain. The baby I can deal with as long as the pain is manageable - which it hasn’t been.

Fraser is growing well. And is staying awake a bit more and we’ve had some smiles. So that’s nice. But boy it’s been hard!

That sounds horrible I’m so sorry you’re in so much pain.

Has anyone started having sex again yet? How’s that going for you? We’ve dtd twice but I’m not enjoying it I’m still to sore where the tear scars are :(
Hope the BF latch has improved mystery? I had similar problems in the beginning but at nearly 7 weeks our LO is a pro now! I’m really loving BF although not loving the lack of sleep! She’s is going to bed between 7 and 8 which is great as we have some evening now, but she doesn’t go more than 2-3 hours at night without waking. I know it’s normal for a BF baby, but I’m not used to it. My older 2 were bottle fed and slept in big chunks at night by now. In fact the 2nd was sleeping through the night with a dream feed at 11pm! How’s everyone? This thread is very quiet!

Hi hoping, wondering how you breastfeed and get your lo down??? I am cosleeping and really want to be able to feed and then put him in crib but he just wakes and cries!

Hi Karen, I generally feed her and she falls asleep on the breast. I let her get well settled upright on me for about 10 mins or so (also make sure no wind as she’s a fussy feeder) and then put her in the basket. She usually stirs but will settle herself. Sometimes she completely wakes up so we have to start the process again and I might have to feed her a bit more. We get there but it can take an hour from the start. In the night she is usually half asleep the whole time so I can feed her in bed and generally put her down within 10 mins of feeding and she’ll wriggle a bit and then settle. Last night she was harder to settle and wasn’t down properly until 10pm but she did then sleep till 3.20 so I got a good stretch of sleep! I think it’s perserverance at this stage until they get used to it.

I am going to try and get him in his own crib this week and keep at it instead of give up!
Hi all, abit late to the group!! How are you all coping? I’ve found it all abit hectic. Just survived the two week Easter hols with 5 kids ! :)
Amber is 15 weeks old today .. can’t believe how fast it’s all going!
She sleeps really well, she is such a happy baby.
She had her 12 week injections on Tuesday, it’s just one injection and drops in her mouth. Her leg is red and hard at the site, is that normal? She hasn’t been unwell. But she has been abit unsettled and screaming in the evening, so maybe it’s borhering her? Hate all this they have to go through :( x x
Hi all, abit late to the group!! How are you all coping? I’ve found it all abit hectic. Just survived the two week Easter hols with 5 kids ! :)
Amber is 15 weeks old today .. can’t believe how fast it’s all going!
She sleeps really well, she is such a happy baby.
She had her 12 week injections on Tuesday, it’s just one injection and drops in her mouth. Her leg is red and hard at the site, is that normal? She hasn’t been unwell. But she has been abit unsettled and screaming in the evening, so maybe it’s borhering her? Hate all this they have to go through :( x x

12 week injections??? We only have 6 weeks and 4 months needles here lol, we r doing well bub is 3 months old and I’ve decided to try for another already lol I’m 33 this yr so I’m not getting any younger

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