yeah I'm only on CD23 shortest cycle Ive had is 26 days, so shouldn't be AF, had some cramps on right lower side today too! hoping they are good signs x
I'm still waiting for my cycle to start for our first month of TTC. AF was due yesterday & I would have been ovulating on the 14th, due to test on the 29th. But no, my periods late for the first time since June. just want to get started! xxx
Well we last DTD on the 10th December and ovulation was the 17th so not totally impossible I guess but highly unlikely. I joked to OH earlier, "I bet your little guys have been loitering about up there all week!" but no I'm almost certain AF will show, probably come tonight/tomorrow morning. xxx
If my period comes tomorrow, my next one will be due 30th instead of 29th and my cycles are usually bang on 28 days. Something must have thrown me off this month, maybe all the stress... Lol xxx
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