Cahal has had all of his jabs, but it was after a lot of research and soul searching. The first one was OK, he was grumpy for a few days but otherwise fine. The second lot caused problems though, he had a reaction (we don't know which one caused it) that caused a non-blanching rash. I rushed him to the hospital upon the advice of my GP where he was admitted straight away as they suspected at the time that he was developing meningitis. We were in hospital for 3 of the most miserable, upsetting days of both our lives, and whilst I'm truly, truly thankful that it was a reaction to a jab, and not actually meningitis (at least that's the theory, the docs weren't really sure) it made deciding to get the third jab really hard. I delayed it for a further 4 weeks upon the advice of my health visitor who was concerned that his body needed time to recover from the meningitis treatment before being bombarded with more drugs. He had his 3rd jabs at 20 weeks and although I was checking him over every 5 minutes (or so it seemed!) we didn't have any problems this time.
I've done a lot of research into MMR and have decided to pay for them to be administered separately. I feel that the MMR is given in one injection simply to save money, it is more convenient for the state than the child, and too much for such a young body to cope with in one go.