jabs - for or against?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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for a while now ive been debating on jabs and whether to let Sofia have them, i know it would be better in the alternative parenting part but i want people to see this and leave opinions....

ive read a thread on here before about it but i cant find it, so anyone thinking or thought the same? or just delaying them?
I do worry about the jabs and other stuff that can happen virus never forgive myself if he got one of the illnesses! So he's had them all so far! I will be paying to have MMR jab separate though! A midwife advised that! X
thanks, yeah that does worry me a little i guess that they have the jabs for a reason obviously, just dont know if i want to put her through it and how necessary it is. Melio said something about it i think, hope she sees this thread!
I do worry ESP because of the amount if stuff that's all in 1 jab x
I really worry about this, ella developed excema after her last lot, I blame the jabs for it :-( she's had them all so far but I'm not happy about them, hubby unfortunately is. I definitely don't want her to have mmr tho- its an ongoing battle with hubby about that one!
I delayed Paiges jabs and would do this again if I have another. I feel that 8 weeks is just too young for a baby to have them and I cannot understand the logic in doing it this young.

However I would never not have them done. I understand peoples logic, in that the things they are doing protected against aren't around anymore, but I believe this is because there are now preventatives against them. Lately there has been an increase is measles, which I think may have something to do with a larger amount of people not having their children vaccinated.

Im also not too sure of the autism studies. Paige will be having her mmr jab as I dont believe there is a link between the two, just that symptoms start to show around the same time as the jabs. Obviously people are going to disagree with me, but thats why they don't have their babies vaccinated and I do :)
well said melio , also about having the MMR jab separately, i asked my GP about this , he's great and said having them separately in his opinion is no better, if it were they would do them separately, he said if a child is going to take a reaction they re taking a reaction to something so whenever they get that bit which will be one of the three they wil;l react anyway.... basically having them separate if they are gonna react isnt going to do anything, i may sound like im talking crap lol but it made sense to me pmsl! ALSO a woman i know her child had a reaction to mmr and it was her who told me bout paying for separats but as it turns out her sons was allergic to one of the ingredients (she only found this out recently) so he wuda reacted anyway, hes ok just was sick after.

ok im waffling, Madison has had all her jabs to date, and will have any else offered, in my opinion they wouldnt waste money on something if the benefits didnt outweigh the risks :) xx
Thanks for finding the thread melio that's the one! Im more thinking of delaying them now. I too agree that 8 weeks is too young. May I ask how you explained this to the HV and doctor melio? Can I just ask them to do them when she's a bit older?
so you have to ask for a seperate vaccination for mmr and you have to pay for it? and how old when they should have that one?
I've never had any doubts in my mind to not vaccinate Isla. I had all mine so why not give her the same treatment? My immunities passed on to her as soon as I started to feed her, but I feel giving her the vaccinations will do more good than harm.

Just my opinion. :)
I went to each appointment that was made for Odhrán for his vaccinations, I never had any doubts, I would worry more about the illnesses he could get rather than the jabs x
I was more worried about the illnesses than the Jabs so Tegan is having them all But a bit later than usual she had her first at 10 weeks second at 15 weeks and hasn't had the third lot yet x
I just took liv to have hers when they tell you too. To be honest I never even considered her not having them or having them delayed as I would rather her be poorly for a day after her jab then have a chance of getting one of the illnesses no matter how rare they are. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her because of a choice I'd made x

I've mainly gone along with jabs just because it's the 'done thing' and didn't know any different until I read about it on here! But I agree with Meeah, I'd rather deal with the side effects of jabs than risking Lizzie getting anything really awful. My MIL was telling us about a sensory workshop she went to the other day and there were people there who'd become deaf-blind through measles (I think, it was one of those three lol), and I just thought that was terrible if it could've been prevented.
I delayed the first lot by accident really, as even though they would have done the jabs I didn't want to take her as she had a cold. I put it off until she was 3 months but then chose to wait another 6 before taking her for the second lot. You just don't go to the appointments they send. I rang up to cancel the first one and they said that I didnt need to cancel, I just dont turn up. After the first lot you can book the appointments yourself as they can be done by any nurse :)
Cahal has had all of his jabs, but it was after a lot of research and soul searching. The first one was OK, he was grumpy for a few days but otherwise fine. The second lot caused problems though, he had a reaction (we don't know which one caused it) that caused a non-blanching rash. I rushed him to the hospital upon the advice of my GP where he was admitted straight away as they suspected at the time that he was developing meningitis. We were in hospital for 3 of the most miserable, upsetting days of both our lives, and whilst I'm truly, truly thankful that it was a reaction to a jab, and not actually meningitis (at least that's the theory, the docs weren't really sure) it made deciding to get the third jab really hard. I delayed it for a further 4 weeks upon the advice of my health visitor who was concerned that his body needed time to recover from the meningitis treatment before being bombarded with more drugs. He had his 3rd jabs at 20 weeks and although I was checking him over every 5 minutes (or so it seemed!) we didn't have any problems this time.

I've done a lot of research into MMR and have decided to pay for them to be administered separately. I feel that the MMR is given in one injection simply to save money, it is more convenient for the state than the child, and too much for such a young body to cope with in one go.
Amy is way overdue for all he jabs I don't think she needs them really and plus her peadiatrian said it's best not get them as they could affect her badly and wait till he see her tbh her immune system must be really good as all she's had is colds and chest infection and can fight them off with out the need of antibiotics which they won't give her I don't see the need for the as they never had them in the olden days apart from a couple for Polio and diphtheria yes it provost a risk her not having them but I think she would be affected badly by them and end up in hospital But I suppose it's each to their own and what you think is best for your child aswell
I just took liv to have hers when they tell you too. To be honest I never even considered her not having them or having them delayed as I would rather her be poorly for a day after her jab then have a chance of getting one of the illnesses no matter how rare they are. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her because of a choice I'd made x

I agree.

I took Emily to her hers when they told me and didn't think anything of it. I truly believe that health professionals know better than I do. I put all my faith in these people in regards to Emily and she is the healthiest, happiest baby :-) she had no problems at all with her jabs, she cried for about 10 seconds then was fine. She never even got grumpy later on!

I know now that if ever she gets poorly (god forbid) I have done everything i should have to prevent it. If i hadnt taken her i would be on tenderhooks everytime she was under the weather xxx


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