jabs - for or against?

The only reason why Tegans second lot were delayed is she had a temperature so the Nurse wouldn't do them which means her third lot will also be late as they won't do them less than 4 weeks apart. i agree with what Erin said the health professionals no allot more than i do x
i am really in 2 minds about it. i do also feel like its a great thing to do and whatever, but its NOT immunisation to all these things which makes me think she prob doesnt need them so early on, im actually more considering delaying them rather than her not having them. i really dunno what to do.
Obviously as I delayed them, Im going to encourage delaying them. But when I look back, 8 weeks old is tiny, and even I sometimes have an off day after a jab, so an 8 week old baby would have more of an effect. As long as the baby wont be going to nursery (bugs spread so fast in those places!) then Id say there isn't a problem in delaying. Maybe delay each injection by 4 weeks? So a bigger gap between each one, so giving Sofias body time to recover fully from each lot. This then makes her a little older each time than normal as well, so her body is bigger to help her recover quicker.

They do cry a bit more when theyre a little older but thats only because they are more aware but its literally for a few seconds longer.
I would have had them done on my little one on schedule but he has had a cold for some weeks now that still hasn't cleared so I have to wait untill he is fully recovered. My oldest had them according to the schedule and we never had any other issues except the 10 seconds of crying on the 2nd and 3rd lot. For the first one he didn't even wake up!
Joe's got his second lot a week today. Like a lot of people, I didn't question having him immunised as I believe they'll do him more good than harm. I truly would never forgive myself if Joe caught anything I could've prevented him catching.

As for the MMR jab, I cannot bear to see my angel be pricked with needles so he'll be having just the one jab. I know that's selfish but I'd rather him have all three to get them out of the way.
its very important they have them as it helps them fight infections again some very nasty illnesses such as mumps, polio etc, believe me the jabs bother the moms ALOT more than the babies,

some babies will cry but nothing to worry about and they stop after a min or too.

i wouldnt risk not having them done because you would feel a million times worse if they contracted one of the many illnesses they are getting protected from.

put it this way if someone offered to give ur baby a jab to stop them getting things like cancer, etc would u hesitate to decide? the illnesses are very nasty hence why they are offered the jabs.

i hope this is of some help to you hun x

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