Ivf - frustrating


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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:wave: Hi Ladies!!!!

I am new to the forum. Joined because I am at my witts end with my IVF and the news I received today, and was hoping to speak to other people in a similar situation?

I was 21 when I first started TTC with my husband, after 2 years of no luck we visited our GP who run some routine tests that came back fine. He then referred us to the Fertility Clinic, where once more they run some more tests that came back with no answers, and diagnosed as "Unexplained Fertility". We were then put on the IVF waiting List.

At 25 I went through my first cycle of IVF. It was a very frustrating and upsetting round of treatment that seen me down regulating for a further week and a half, going through severe side effects such as cramps, back ache, head aches, hot flushes, depression and suicidal. I then had to stimulate for 2 weeks longer. During Egg Collection I kept bleeding constantly as well and could feel the whole procedure. They recovered 10 eggs from 10 Follicles and they were all graded excellent! Even better they all fertilised and went to Blastocyst. Due to the results and my age they decided on single transfer. However at Day 10 I started bleeding BFN.

At 26 I went through an FET, 5 Embryos were thawed and the best 2 were transferred graded at C. Again it was a BFN.

Six Months later I went through another FET, the remainder of my embryos were thawed and I got a Grade C & B transferred. At Day 12 I tested and had a faint positive, by Day 15 Test Date it was a negative. My bloods suggested there was a higher amount of FSH in my blood stream which did give the "impression" that perhaps a chemical pregnancy occured at some point.

Due to the new goverment the funding at our clinic was reduced. It wasnt until August this year that I was able to start my 2nd NHS Fresh Funded IVF Cycle. I felt amazing throughout this whole cycle. My Baseline Scan showed 22 follicles, My 7 Day Stimms blood test showed I was the perfect hormone level..... Mhy 10 Day Stimm Scan on Friday the nurse was concerned about a fluid pocket she had found in scan. She told me to continue stimming over the weekend and a Doctor would scan me on Monday.

Had my scan today and the fluid had got worse. :wall2::wall2::wall2::wall2:

They are doing Egg Collection on Wednesday and hoping to get 10 Embryos to Blastocyst. THen it is my decision what happens next. I have been given 2 options but they advise me to go with option 2.

OPTION 1 - Continue to ET with Double Transfer but reduced success rates due to Fluid in my Fallopian Tubes

OPTION 2 - Freeze Embryos, Have Key Hole Surgery with the view to removing my tube. Then have FET 4 months later.

After trauling through the internet I understand Option 2 is the best option which gives me the best results.

I am just so gutted, devestated and running out of hope.

THis treatment I was sooo positive, and took each day as it came but this news has really knocked me for six. I'm only just turned 28 and have went through so much already that I cant help but feel if this is everything iv been through at 28 it doesnt leave me much hope for the next 10 years?

Loads of thoughts are going through my head right now that iv never even contemplated such as surrogacy and adoption. Right now I feel like I cant cope with IVF.

I know I have another Fresh Funded cycle of IVF (My area gets 3) and all the subsequent Frozen Transfers.... I really just dont know what to think right now totally gutted :oooo::roll::roll::roll:
Meant to add that throughout all my treatments Iv really kept good care of myself eating organic and good food. Iv had regular accupuncture, reiki and reflexology. Along with hypnosis sessions and fertility yoga and mediation. I feel iv given each cycle my all and done everything recommended to help raise the success rates.

Thats why I dont look back on any of my cycles feeling like i "didnt give it my all" as I have done everything in my power to increase my chances. Its like :wall2: hitting a brick wall with my body
Hiya and welcome Lainey :wave:

I'm really sorry about how your IVF cycles have turned out but there are a few of us on here who have had failed IVF cycles and can relate to how devastating it can be :hug:

I had my frist IVF cycle just a few months back and i was super positive and we got 14 mature eggs and none of them even fertilised :cry:

No one knows why and we only get one funded cycle.

Luckily our first cycle is regarded as incomplete so we get another go with the same funding which i started recently - just dr'in at the moment and just feel like poo about the whole situation.

It's good that you are trying everything to maximise your chances and you just have to try and look at the positives of your current situation... i mean all those blasties is definitely a positive :)

It's sad that you are having to wait for your ET and might have to have a tube removed but it's for the best - making blasties is just half the battle, you need to carry to full term and the delay will help you to achieve that :hug:
Hiya and welcome Lainey :wave:

I'm really sorry about how your IVF cycles have turned out but there are a few of us on here who have had failed IVF cycles and can relate to how devastating it can be :hug:

I had my frist IVF cycle just a few months back and i was super positive and we got 14 mature eggs and none of them even fertilised :cry:

No one knows why and we only get one funded cycle.

Luckily our first cycle is regarded as incomplete so we get another go with the same funding which i started recently - just dr'in at the moment and just feel like poo about the whole situation.

It's good that you are trying everything to maximise your chances and you just have to try and look at the positives of your current situation... i mean all those blasties is definitely a positive :)

It's sad that you are having to wait for your ET and might have to have a tube removed but it's for the best - making blasties is just half the battle, you need to carry to full term and the delay will help you to achieve that :hug:

Hi Louise thank you so much for your lovely post :wave:.

You are so lucky that you get it classed as incomplete so it doesnt effect your funding. That must be terrible having such a good response and spending weeks taking the drugs to get to that stage.

One thing I have learnt about doing IVF for so many years is its all pot luck. You can never predict your IVF or the outcome - your literally still in the hands of mother nature regardless that science and technolgoy is involved.

xxx Wishing you all the best on your journey chic xxxx
Hi laney,
It's such an emotionally draining rollercoaster, but hang in there. All the meds and stress will be making you feel super emotional right now.
Wishing you the very best of luck, whichever option you choose xx
Hey just a wee update!!!!

Was in hopsital today for my egg collection adn they got 8 eggs from 10 follicles... Bit disappointing as they counted 22 follicles but because of the fluid they didnt want to go near the follicles located near the fluid.

They are going to call me tomorrow after fertilitsation has occured with the grades....

If they are Graded A, they suggest freezing them at Day 3, then booking me in for key hole to have my tubes removed, then do a FET in the new year.

If they are Graded B or below they suggest doing a double transfer even with the fluid being there and freeze the rest and hope for the best.
Try not to be disappointed Lainey :hug:

So will they aim for blasties if they are graded B?

I think it's a bit strange that they are insisting on having the tube removed asap if they are still comfortable allowing you to see have a shot at a multiple pregnancy based on embryo quality...

I would have thought they either be totally fine with you having the transfer or totally against it - not doing either or :eh:

I hope you get plenty of embies :dust:
Try not to be disappointed Lainey :hug:

So will they aim for blasties if they are graded B?

I think it's a bit strange that they are insisting on having the tube removed asap if they are still comfortable allowing you to see have a shot at a multiple pregnancy based on embryo quality...

I would have thought they either be totally fine with you having the transfer or totally against it - not doing either or :eh:

I hope you get plenty of embies :dust:

The consultant that they are at cross roads until my eggs fertilitse over night tonight.

She said with Grade B its a 50% chance they survive the thawing process. If they transfer double Grade B to me its a 50% chance of attachment. Since Iv been through so much with this round of IVF she doesnt want me to go through all the down regging again for none of the embryos to survive the thaw. This means either way my success rates are exactly the same (and reduced)

where as if they are graded A then she recommends freezing them as high chance they will survive the thaw and I can have an FET
I understand the reasoning about whether or not to freeze the embryos depending on their grade, but i don't understand about her allowing you to risk pregnancy at all if it is so dangerous and if it isn't so dangerous then why is she stopping you at all...

If you can risk pregnancy with Grade B embryos then why not with Grade A embryos iykwim :eh:
I understand the reasoning about whether or not to freeze the embryos depending on their grade, but i don't understand about her allowing you to risk pregnancy at all if it is so dangerous and if it isn't so dangerous then why is she stopping you at all...

If you can risk pregnancy with Grade B embryos then why not with Grade A embryos iykwim :eh:

I think its because with FET there is a chance Grade A will still remain Grade A after a thaw.

Grade B may not survive the thaw, so the chances of success are exact same if they get put in fresh or put back in frozen with the removal of tube - sorry maybe am not explaining it well but the way the consultant explained it made complete sense
No Lainey, i understand what you are saying - i think it's me not making myself clear :)

You want to have ET right away ideally but the doctors are trying to stop you because of the fluid so that implies that have a good reason for stopping you having ET.

But, if they will let you have ET depending on the embryos then it can't be that dangerous for you to have ET so why won't they let you have it regardless of the embryo quality if they can take that risk at all?

There is still a very good chance of you concieving with two grade B embryos, so i don't understand why they won't just let you try to conceive if they are grade A instead of making you wait.
No Lainey, i understand what you are saying - i think it's me not making myself clear :)

You want to have ET right away ideally but the doctors are trying to stop you because of the fluid so that implies that have a good reason for stopping you having ET.

But, if they will let you have ET depending on the embryos then it can't be that dangerous for you to have ET so why won't they let you have it regardless of the embryo quality if they can take that risk at all?

There is still a very good chance of you concieving with two grade B embryos, so i don't understand why they won't just let you try to conceive if they are grade A instead of making you wait.

I totally get what your saying, when I came home yesterday I said to my husband look FET hasnt worked twice for us. Surely my best shot is ET - even with the fluid, especially since it has the highest percentage.

Then I went on the internet and started googling like mad and it kept coming up that certain types of fluid in the tubes kills/attacks the embryos - so this has now worried me.... so what chance has a Grade B got of surviing? But then again i cant find anywhere that says this in regards to IVF where they place the embryo in the correct place???

Deep down I wqould rather put the 2 best in right now and hope for the best and freeze the rest for an FET. If it doesnt work then get my tubes removed and go for FET - Iv seen people on the net that have got a pregnancy with Grade C on an FET.

I think IVF is all down to luck rather than science... but in away i feel I am being pressurised by the hospital to just wait for FET - but like I said before its not "SCIENCE" that makes an embryo attach and grow - its mother nature and pure luck.

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