I've just enrolled on a home course - help needed!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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I've just enrolled on A level biology course from ICS.
I understand how it all works etc, but they've sent me a huuuuge textbook, and I mean huge, like 400 pages, and that's just for one unit! :?
What i want help with, is how to study it. I know if i read it through, I'll forget everything by the time I move onto the next chapter. I thought of copying it onto paper, but i'll just copy it and it won't really bury itself.
What can i do?
How are you assessed? Is it written assignment or test?
theres a test paper at the end of each unit, and on one of the unit (theres 6 alltogether) theres an essay to be written.
Then there's an end exam in June at a test centre
Best thing to do is taking lots of notes. I always get myself record cards and write a keyword on one site and the explanation/details on the other. The actual handwriting helps memorising, and later you've got a handy set of revision cards. I couldn't revise without doing a lot of handwriting.
widowwadman said:
Best thing to do is taking lots of notes. I always get myself record cards and write a keyword on one site and the explanation/details on the other. The actual handwriting helps memorising, and later you've got a handy set of revision cards. I couldn't revise without doing a lot of handwriting.
do you read through the text then take notes or just copy it all out?
Read through and take down notes in your own words at the same time. Summarise what you are reading as you go and it should stick in your mind better than just copying word for word because you have had to think about it. Then you can use your notes as revision aids :)
Melanie said:
Read through and take down notes in your own words at the same time. Summarise what you are reading as you go and it should stick in your mind better than just copying word for word because you have had to think about it. Then you can use your notes as revision aids :)

Exactly what I was going to say :D xx
I take notes in my own words and find it does stick in my head for when i need to do my assessment!! Ive passed every assessment so far so its worked for me!
I do a similar sort of thing as above...but i write notes first on A4 paper, sometimes copyng straight from the book sort of thing, then i go back and shorten them onto record cards as above... works a treat :)

Good luck chick im sure you will do well x
thanks for your help everyone.. fingers crossed im really crapping it, i'm blown away by how much info there is :doh:

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