Is this how things usually go?


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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I found out I'm pregnant on 1st Dec, didn't see my GP til 12th.

So I saw my doc on Monday, and was booked in for an antenatal clinic at my GP surgery on Monday 19th.
But no mention of a midwife yet.

Has any1 else gone to antenatal clinic before midwife? Or is that where I meet the midwife? What happens at my first antenatal appointment? I'm new to all this so really don't know.

But I haven't heard any1 else talking about antenatal clinic, just booking in appointments.

Thanks in advance for any responses :) xx

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Hi hun. Firstly congratulations on your pregnancy :)

It appears to be different over here than in mainland. I got confused when I was reading other threads about booking in appointments and then waiting on scan dates. I saw my GP shortly after I got my BFP and he told me not to book in for antenatal appointment until closer to Christmas when I would be over 12 weeks and midwife would be able to hear a heartbeat. Since then however I have had booking in appointment and scan (here it's all one appointment), when I was 10w1d (early due to previous MMC). The midwife did scan first and then took me to another room where she took bloods, weight, height and asked what seemed like millions of questions, whilst poor DH just sat in waiting room.

Here's to healthy pregnancy xxx
do you have any health risks? I saw my local midwife at a surestart centre first both times in my pregnancys. I attend antenatel clinic at my hospital because I have diabetes in pregnancy. So I saw them from 8 weeks this time, where I had early scan and saw dietician, diabetes nurse, two consultants and midwife. I had my booking in blood done at 12 weeks with my scan x
whats an ante natal clinic?

ive seen the midwife, but never heard of this.
I first met my midwife at 12 weeks x
That might be your booking in? Over here we have a book in, then a 12 week scan with bloods, then an antenatal every 4 weeks until 36 (?) weeks.
Hmm, not sure.
I guess I'll find out on Monday lol. X

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