Anyone In A High Risk Pregnancy ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2006
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I was just wondering if anyone was in a high risk pregnancy ?

I found out nearly 1 year ago that i suffered with type 2 diabetes :(

Since i have found out i was pregnant my diabetic clinic put on insulin to control my blood sugars :?

I have also been told by my MW and the hospital that i will have to have my baby 2 weeks before my due date :cry:

tbh im happy in one way because i get to see my baby quicker :dance: but in another way i wish it could stay in until the due date .

My MW has told me that if they leave it in until my due date there is a large risk has with me having diabetes i am pron to have a big baby .

They have also booked me in for loads of scans growth and cardiac ones.

I also have to go to the antenatal clinic every 2 weeks and the diabetic clinic every week.

So i was wondering if there was anyone else going through a simular thing
Hi, I was high risk due to a kidney condition.

I had to visit clinic every week during the second half of pregnancy (my employers just LOVED that :wink: ) and had lots of extra scans and stuff. All was well though and I was induced at full term. They said going overdue would be too much strain on my kidneys but induction was so tricky he was a week over anyway.

The extra treatment is a blessing and a curse. It's disruptive but necessary. And I won't lie, I hated induction. It felt so unnatural, but lots of low-risk pregnancies end that way too.

The most important thing is you and baby are well. Good Luck with the pregnancy! :D
if the growth scans are normal then could you not refuse induction?
I basically find out next week, i have to have a Cardiology/heart scan due to a heart murmer, what care/labour i get depends on the results from that.
nathanmum said:
if the growth scans are normal then could you not refuse induction?

Not that i know too but i will ask
Hi Wend :wave:

I have been told I'm High risk because I had pre-eclampsia with my first pregnancy which meant I needed to have a caesarian 3 weeks before my due date, I'm 41 and had some bouts of anaemia in the past. So all in all I'm high risk but... I feel great! LOL :lol:

I think the good thing is these days they are so much more vigilant and will keep a really close eye on us. :) I am also likely to get a delivery date a few weeks before the due date and I'll see my baby sooner too. :dance:


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