Is it sperm or EWCM? (TMI warning!)

Defo EWCM. I always get extra when I poo.

All looking positive babe.

And OMG I hate the way semen turns in water. I don't get why it seems to somehow get stickier/solidify.

I let DH come on me in the shower once. Regretted that! Now that's an on dry land occasion (which of course no longer happens now we're TTC)
Defo EWCM. I always get extra when I poo.

All looking positive babe.

And OMG I hate the way semen turns in water. I don't get why it seems to somehow get stickier/solidify.

I let DH come on me in the shower once. Regretted that! Now that's an on dry land occasion (which of course no longer happens now we're TTC)

solidify.......its like gelatine huh? and my god i lol when i read the shower scenario..........been there done that.............NEVER again lol
semen will never be clear like ewcm and will never stretch like it either. so if you have it handing out your foof its defo ewcm! jealous!! sounds like youve got loads!!
OH. MY. GOD!!!

This thread = LMFAO!!!!!

Love it. Lol.
Ok..... So whilst we r on the subject of spermoidss and gloop and wee and basically TMIing!!!!!.....

I am currently doin the old 'legs in air' sexy pose after BDing.... Yes I am lyin here on my fone on pf in the process :)
so anyway im now desperate for a piddle.
But I darent go just incase my OHs produce seeps out too.
I mean... Duz it?
I know its not the same ahem... Hole... But sum does come out sumtimes duznt it? But is tht all of it? Or duz most of it stay putt???

To pee or not to pee..... Tht is the question.

Lol kezza, its usually just the fluid that the sperm get transported in that leeaks i think so peee away!

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I think after about 20 minutes all the sperm that are going to make it into your uterus have made it.

Some people say its only after like 20 seconds!!

So if you need a pee go do it. Xxx
I always pee after BD (and after having my legs up of course) as it helps prevent UTIs - any germs that may get into the urethra after Bd-ing are flushed out. This applies to any time of the month, not just ttc sex. My mum's friend who's a nurse gave me this tip and touch wood I haven't had cystitis in years. I agree with cupcake and lynette - I think any sperm that's going to make it up your uterus has already started swimming in that direction so won't get pee'd out.... xxx
Oooooooooo goody gumdrops!!

Well i went anyway but good to know i didnt squirt them all out :)
Oh i didnt know the stuff that comes out after is just the stuff that 'transports' the little taddies!
Learn somet new!

I always need a piddle after BDing!!

Thankyou ladies!!!!!!

Yeah I think the semen is just there to get them out of the man.

And then once they're inside you they jump across to EWCM and then up into the cervix.

The semen doesn't go inside the cervix I don't think. Xx

:sperm: Clever little spermies :sperm:


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