Is anyone worried about Labour??


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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The only thing that worries me so far is my waters breaking in our bed :shock: I feel really calm and confident about the rest :oooo:

What are your main concerns?
Oh the waters breaking in bed is one of mine especially since DH doesn't even know where I keep the spare sheets and covers LOL I feel quite calm about the actual labour and pushing (hopefully hypnobirthing having an effect) - more concerned over decisions being taken out of my hands or of the midwifes not doing as I ask or at least not discussing options with me
My worry is the pain and how Im going to cope with it... if I will survive on gas and air or if In going to be in agony and screaming for an epidural. And also how long its going to go on for... is it going to be quick or am I going to be really slow or non progressive at a certain stage.
I guess if I had to get induced I may be concerned about super quick and super strong contractions rather than a gradual build up actually
I'm really excited about it all. However the bit I fear is going overdue LOL only because I keep getting excited and then think no it could be ages yet! Doh waiting is lame! X
One of mine is my waters breaking in bed or on the sofa, my other is my OH being stuck somewhere. We live in north Essex but he works in Maidstone in Kent, Just know its going to snow in January and he drives a stupid rear wheel drive BMW that gets stuck if a snow flake hits the ground withing 10 miles of the car... Ok that might be a little ott but you know what I mean. Luckily he works a lot from home so I have my fx he's not in the office that day... Would make me major panic! X
I'm scared of stitches and tears! Oh and the fact that people have said things about it being a total blood bath afterwards :shock:
I'm bricking it x

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The pain isn't something I'm worried about, of course I'm scared, but I'm more excited if anything. Every time I get pains now I get a little excited :D

What concerns me the most is baby's safety, I want her to be safe and come out safely more than anything. I've heard so many complications during childbirth and it really scares me. Another thing I'm worried about is not getting to the hospital on time, I live half an hour away from the local hospital. My parents want us to stay in their house if it starts snowing any time soon or if I don't have her by Christmas Eve, because the hospital is only 10 minutes away from their house. Neither me or my OH drive either, so we're depending on his mum (who lives 5 mins away) or my parents (who I'm sure will put their foot down in the car) to take us to the hospital. And if neither of them can take us, we'll have to get a taxi or an ambulance.

My waters breaking in the bed I'm not bothered about, let's hope the electric blanket isn't on at the time though, I might start a fire :lol: xxx
Aw rachael, it's not like that for everyone though :hug: some people don't tear at all and no stitches in sight :hug:

See, my o/h works in Scotland and we live in Northern Ireland. I'll be gutted if he's not here for the birth, but it doesn't worry me as such. My parents are both in England so they couldn't get here either at the drop of a hat. I've got it into my head that I'll be fine just me and the midwives :lol: may be a different story if that actually happened :oooo:
I am pretty excited about it all to be honest.. Then again.. Let me come back to this question when Im closer to my due date, bet the answer has changed lol x
I'm scared of stitches and tears! Oh and the fact that people have said things about it being a total blood bath afterwards :shock:
I'm bricking it x

ditto for that. i'm terrified of episiotomies and tears. i have accepted that it will be painful, my monthly flows always kept me doubled over in pain till i took some strong painkillers, i figure labor should be about three to five times that so i'm kinda prepared. i'm super excited though, i cant wait to hit full term and see my LO. and i also dread pooing as i'm pushing, cant bear the thought of OH seeing that.:shock::shock:
I'm scared of stitches and tears! Oh and the fact that people have said things about it being a total blood bath afterwards :shock:
I'm bricking it x

ditto for that. i'm terrified of episiotomies and tears. i have accepted that it will be painful, my monthly flows always kept me doubled over in pain till i took some strong painkillers, i figure labor should be about three to five times that so i'm kinda prepared. i'm super excited though, i cant wait to hit full term and see my LO. and i also dread pooing as i'm pushing, cant bear the thought of OH seeing that.:shock::shock:

My monthly flows had me in absolute pain as well, sometimes I'd throw up because it was that painful :shock: No doubt labour is going to have me puking up everywhere like something out of the exorcist. It's all very worth it in the end though :) Oh yeah, and cringe at OH seeing me squeeze for Britain, the poo I'm not so worried about though, he's seen worse :lol: xx
I'm worried about going into labour when hubby is at work, my son is at school and my dad is at work and there being snow everywhere. I live down a really awkward street to get down and cars struggle to get up and down it in the snow and ice. Only me and my dad drive in my family (we have a very small familt and my hubbys family live a 2 hour drive away). Obviously I cannot drive myself into hospital and my dad can't get dow my street in his car. I'm worried about how I'm going to get Thomas out of school and to my mums and how I'm going to get into hospital :(

Other than that, I'm not worried about the labour itself. I kinda know what to expect and even when pregnant with Thomas, the labour didn't scare me.

Don't like the thought of my waters breaking in public as when they broke my waters in the hospital with Thomas, there was LOADS of it. Very embarrassing. lol. x
The only thing that worries me so far is my waters breaking in our bed :shock:

Have you got the large bed pads you can put under you in bed to soak up the waters if they break in bed?.....can be used in car or anywhere u want? Think my sister got them from mothercare, def good to have nearer the time and have just in case xxx
In our spare room we have a matress protector that is rubber backed so I'm going to steal that to put on our bed. Actually i've already taken it out of the spare room and have just washed it this evening so I'll put it on our bed tomorrow. That should take the brunt of anything lol. I was thinking on a bin liner for the car seat :rofl: put maybe one of the pad things would be more dignified :rofl:
Pain!!! (I'm a wimp) And tearing, and piles.
Aw rachael, it's not like that for everyone though :hug: some people don't tear at all and no stitches in sight :hug:

See, my o/h works in Scotland and we live in Northern Ireland. I'll be gutted if he's not here for the birth, but it doesn't worry me as such. My parents are both in England so they couldn't get here either at the drop of a hat. I've got it into my head that I'll be fine just me and the midwives :lol: may be a different story if that actually happened :oooo:

I do hope so, I'm trying to stay positive about tearing etc but then people insist on telling me their horror stories :/.

This is a really good thread btw, gives us chance to share our fears and hopefully get some reassurance :) thanks xx
I'm usually totally in control with pain - says she who has never been in labour before :oooo:

I have IBS and when it plays up the pain does nearly floor me, the worst time I thought I might actually die there an then on the loo and that is no exaggeration. Yet I was totally calm and silent, although the sweat was pourring out of me. My miscarriage was also painful but I stayed calm through it too (bar sadness). I find it difficult to imagine stronger pain than my IBS that worst time, we shall see, bet you a grand I eat my words after birth :lol:
Aw rachael, it's not like that for everyone though :hug: some people don't tear at all and no stitches in sight :hug:

See, my o/h works in Scotland and we live in Northern Ireland. I'll be gutted if he's not here for the birth, but it doesn't worry me as such. My parents are both in England so they couldn't get here either at the drop of a hat. I've got it into my head that I'll be fine just me and the midwives :lol: may be a different story if that actually happened :oooo:

I do hope so, I'm trying to stay positive about tearing etc but then people insist on telling me their horror stories :/.

This is a really good thread btw, gives us chance to share our fears and hopefully get some reassurance :) thanks xx

Are you trying natal hypnotherapy? It's excellent for calmness :good:

I'm waiting for myself to have a meltdown about it, I think maybe I'm in denial about how I will actually be in reality :lol:

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