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Early labour signs


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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I've had a nice Lil run in with false labour but can someone pls give me the brutal honest truth about what signs to look out for when labour Is beginning. Besides the obvious losing plug or waters breaking. I know some Ppl don't lose their waters til they are mid labour (4-6 cms).......

What are the initial signs? What should I look out for?
What is that pain u get in the top of ur minge? Is it where babies head is scraping a nerve or something? Cos it hurts like hell
OOO i will be keeping my eye on this thread :)
Yeah me too lol
I'm in agony.....I wanna roll around like G I Joe but I'm in too much pain to do that.
Bump contracting like a gooden. More painful than bog standard BH but less painful than full on labour contractions.
I wanna climb the Walls already :/
Aww bless u. my lo has been behaving the past day still feelin him move but not like hes trying to batter me lol was really uncomfy this morning tho as u wud put it pains in my minge haha and last night he was not wanting me to sleep.
I just feel like am not gnna notice the start of labour or summat stupid lol
I think u will notice lol I'm sure the body must do some bootleg stuff.
I just want confirmation. All these websites glamourise labour. I want the raw truth of what is gonna happen or what could happen.
yeh a mean people that say it doesnt hurt am sorry but tearing down there must hurt! Just must if u do.
i think theres too many signs of "labour" like period pains ect people can experience them for weeks ect
Exactly. I dnt want the glamourised version. My brain can't process it. It can only process facts (on certain things).
As i know there's pain involved I don't want anything but truth lol
Yeh i know that were supposedly built to forget the pain ect but still means were gnna suffer it even if we do forget it wud just like to be prepared lol
Yeh i know that were supposedly built to forget the pain ect but still means were gnna suffer it even if we do forget it wud just like to be prepared lol

Here here!!!
I understand it as period pains. Plug loss dontnkesn anything as I have been losin it for nearly 2 weeks, and my labour hasn't started! But yeah, if your waters break you are prob about to be in labour lol. X
My waters didn't break wiv any of mine...wiv my 1st they was broken at 7cm and my 2nd was broken wen I was 9.5 cm! All I can say is whatever pains u've had,multiply that by 100 and ur nearly at what a labour contraction feels like,their is honestly no pain like it but it's a positive pain,u know there's gonna b a baby at the end of it which spurs u thru it. As for the 'ring of fire' u just have to push thru it but if u wanna know what it feels luke then open ur mouth as wide as u can then stretch it with ur fingers,that's what the stingin feels like xx
My waters didn't break wiv any of mine...wiv my 1st they was broken at 7cm and my 2nd was broken wen I was 9.5 cm! All I can say is whatever pains u've had,multiply that by 100 and ur nearly at what a labour contraction feels like,their is honestly no pain like it but it's a positive pain,u know there's gonna b a baby at the end of it which spurs u thru it. As for the 'ring of fire' u just have to push thru it but if u wanna know what it feels luke then open ur mouth as wide as u can then stretch it with ur fingers,that's what the stingin feels like xx

lol i am on my 6th and i am sat here stretching my mouth with my fingers to see what it feels like, I dont need to do that i still rememebr that burning feeling especially as i only felt it 12 months ago lol.
Lol...it was the best way I could think pf describin it...it's been 9 years since I felt it last (c section last time) and it's def somethin u don't forget but also somethin no1 prepares u for,wen I had my 1st I honestly thought I was gonna rip in 2 but only had a graze xx
I bet everyone who reads that will try the mouth open and then stretching thing :rofl:
I was so high on the gas and I never really felt the ring of fire. I knew the head was coming out so I put my hand down and felt her head but i honestly don't have any memory of the pain and I had a 2nd degree tear.
Lea the raw truth is that it hurts, what more do you want? Lol
Loooooooooooool @ PP

That's good enough for me lol
my early labour signs was A LOT of 'snot'. gross yes but the truth yes! HELL OF A LOT OF 'SNOT' and then contractions lol which when you get them its weird but as far as i remember i did just know!! ot was the same as a period pain but 'sharper' and took my breath awy a bit more even at first, and was completely unexpected...i dunno if that explains it well enough....... also, one morning i woke up and turned to phil and said 'i think ive wet myself' and it was my waters slowly going! lol. What i do know is that when my waters fully went i remember thinking 'wow, if this happened at the pub or anywhere else there would be NO mistaking it'. xxx
my early labour signs was A LOT of 'snot'. gross yes but the truth yes! HELL OF A LOT OF 'SNOT' and then contractions lol which when you get them its weird but as far as i remember i did just know!! ot was the same as a period pain but 'sharper' and took my breath awy a bit more even at first, and was completely unexpected...i dunno if that explains it well enough....... also, one morning i woke up and turned to phil and said 'i think ive wet myself' and it was my waters slowly going! lol. What i do know is that when my waters fully went i remember thinking 'wow, if this happened at the pub or anywhere else there would be NO mistaking it'. xxx

Was your snot from your nose or discharge? I'm blond, these things need clarified lol

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