Is anyone worried about Labour??

Im worried about pretty much all of it lol but mostly baby actually being here and me not knowing what to do!
I'm having visions of me dropping the baby during bath time or something, now the thought of that gives me palpatations seriously
Actually - yeah I kno what you mean about the bath nightmares! I really am a clumsy person too so I'm terrified if I drop baby in the bath!!
I'm already thinking that I'll have to put a flannel on my hand that I'm using to support the baby so i'm more non-slip :lol:
Hmm I'm not too sure if hypnobirthing would be for me, my concentration is rubbish. I'm easily distracted haha!

Oh and instead of a baby bath I have one of those chairs you put in your own bath tub and you wash them in that, saves you have to hold them over the bath. My stairs scare the crap outta me they're so steep!
What bath unit have you got? I have one of those seat thingymajigs that you put in a bath..

Starting to think an actually baby bath n then putting seat in that will be more ideal for my clumsy hands...

I wonder if it would fit.. Hmmmm

Haha - new item added to the shopping list - more flannels with super grip!
I can't remember the make, my mom got it me and its still at hers. But it's like a plastic chair, looks kinda like a carseat that grips to your own bath tub, apparantly they're a lot easier to top and tail with x
im looking forward to labour (clearly im a completely naive first time mum :oooo: ) but i am worried about once he arrives that there will be something wrong with him, i just can't shift it from my head :(

I've bought a wee baby bath that you can cart about. My plan is to put it in the shower in our en-suite so I can kinda sit on the floor and put the baby bath in the bottom of the shower unit to save me leaning over our bath. Does that make sense?? when the baby is bigger i'll get a seat to put in our bath. My main issue with our bath is that it's MASSIVE and really difficult to lean over :roll:
im looking forward to labour (clearly im a completely naive first time mum :oooo: ) but i am worried about once he arrives that there will be something wrong with him, i just can't shift it from my head :(


Thats natural though isn't it? I worry about that too, even though nothing ever showed up on a scan it's always in the back of your mind.

I'm sure the wee man will be just fine though :hug: xx
Honestly my dad dropped me when I was a baby cos my sister wanted picking up and I slipped put his arm lol I was and am fine lol also my mum bashed my head on the cot when she had the runs once lol!

Nothing to do with baby scares me justgiving birth to it lol

im looking forward to labour (clearly im a completely naive first time mum :oooo: ) but i am worried about once he arrives that there will be something wrong with him, i just can't shift it from my head :(


Thats natural though isn't it? I worry about that too, even though nothing ever showed up on a scan it's always in the back of your mind.

I'm sure the wee man will be just fine though :hug: xx

its really silly of me, i've been told he is fine, had extra scans but it plays on my mind everytime we do something like paint the nursery etc :roll:

o/h's mum dropped him and he hit his head on a radiator :( no wonder he's a bit strange ........
Yeah you do realise that we will all be worrying, every day for the rest of our lives now?? oh god :faint:
Do you kno what worries me..

My baby being bullied in school!

I'm thinking well ahead here lol

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