Introductions please....

Nice to see you in here Cazza, 9 dogs thats fantastic! I have one 2 year old lab and he takes enough time on his own :o) WIshing you a happy and healthy 9 months x
My name is Fi and i live in Salisbury, Bump is my second child as i gave birth to Jasper John a year ago on the 15th July... I was very surprised to be pregnant but am making the most of it and am overjoyed that my little family will be that little bit more complete

I live with my husband Liam, Jasper (of course) my cat Jeffery and two housemates called Mitch and Scott who both drive me to distraction and i cannot wait to live alone with my family!

I am a photographer by trade and this makes up my favourite hobby too, i also love juggling with fire and playing on the guitar and Ukelele...

I am thoroughly enjoying this pregnancy, i dont feel ill all the time and can continue life as normal, the only thing i am a bit concerned about is that now i have to start putting Jasper in a pushchair rather than carrying him everywhere (i have carried him exclusively since he was born) and how many more nappies there will be to wash

Oh well... onward and upward - i am looking forward to labour and birth if that puts anyones mind at ease lol
Hi my name is Rachael and I'm 24. I first met my husband 7 years ago. We dated and parted after 6 months but 5 years later we got back together. We got struck on a bombshell last November with finding out i had PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and that I wasn't ovulating at all. We wern't actively trying but it turned our world upside down. We were both wanting a family and it was scary being told we possibly couldn't. But hubby said he would stand by me and in Jan this year I started taking Metformin and then he proposed! We got married on May the 14th and on the last day of our honeymoon we found out we were pregnant! And the strange thing is we had only been trying for 3 weeks and it turns out we must of got lucky on first or second attempt!

We are both over the moon and keeping our fingers crossed that this lil blob grows n grows into a happy healthy baby.

I have a very nerdy hobby: Geocaching! But i also like to read and go for nice walks. We are also owners of two bearded dragons called Lula and Giggsy!

Enough with the essay now. I'm sorry if this one has sent people to sleep. :nap: :lol:
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I'm Laura, 27 and live just outside Glasgow. OH is 33 and we've been together 8 years next month. This is our first child. I'm a bit of a worrier, so looking forward to the next few weeks hopefully passing quickly! Can't wait for bump to grow, to be a mum and have our own wee family :)

Blimey! Some of you guys are all action and exciting. I'm just gonna slope off and hope you don't notice how boring I am.
I'm ema-Louise, I'm 25 (26 next week), my OH is 29 and we have been together for 3years. I have an 8year old son from a previous relationship.
I experienced a very horrible cancer scare back in 2007 which lost me and ovary and part of my fallopian tube and was told I had a slim chance of conceiving naturally, but got the all clear :-) yeah! my OH got a sperm test and found out he had a low count which left us with a 25% chance of natural conception
Due to this, me and my OH decided to try pretty much straight away, had 4 chemical miscarriages and referred to the infertility clinic. Me and my Oh had a heartbreaking 16months worth of trying with no joy, infertlity doc finally prescribes us clomid to start on my next cycle but I ended up my AF not arriving as I had my miracle BFP :-)
My OH works in the motor trade, does vehicle signs, window tinting etc, he loves it. I'm a carer but currently off work just now. We live in sunny Scotland :-)
Still very scared that my wee miracle gets taken away from us, but so so excited :-)

hi emma, just wanted to say, what a journey to your bfp!!! all the best wishes in the world xxx
i started this thread before going into hospital a few weeks ago and only just got chance to read it thanks to jomc bumping it up! love reading about you all. NK i totally agree, some of these ladies make me feel ashamed of my lack of excitement in my life lol!

all newbies, please keep adding :)


I am Sarah, I'm 35 from Surrey. I have been with the hubbie since 1996.

I am a bit overweight and in the older mum category, so I am dreading the comments about that when I see the midwife.

This bean will be my second child, so I have got a bit of an idea whats ahead of me.

I am a stay at home mum, so at least don't have to sit at an office desk for 8 hours a day this time! yippee!!!!
HI All,
I'm Emma, I'm 33 so I guess in the older category as well with my OH who is coming up 34. We aren't married (yet) but live together in Cardiff. We've been together for 4 years and have a house and dog so practically married anyway. I've been off the pill since january after various concern but were playing it safe. so smudge came a little bit of a surprise. i'm due end of Jan and v excited. Only down side is that I planned a holiday in Borneo in 3 weeks time that appears perfect for someone not pregnant (see advice needed). Everything from hot springs, altitudes and malaria risk! Added to the fact that I'm teaching at a uni in KL for 2 weeks as of next week before my OH comes out. Off to GP on wednesday to find out what is advisable/not but also waiting to see what I'll be up to doing in 3 weeks time!
I'm Jo, 33 from Reading. My husband is 49 (yes, he'll be 50 next Feb!), we've been together 13 years, married for almost 10. This is our 4th pregancy having 3 m/c's, all before 2004 when we lived in the US for 3 years, and we hadnt tried again until April this year. I'm a very keen horse rider (main reason why I haven't wanted to get pregnant for past 7 yrs, plus we've been renovating our house for the past 3 years), I bred my own horse who I've now had for 17 years and ride 6 days a week, and I'm also breeding another one which is due next month (very excited!). I also enjoy cycling and running although this is on hold for the moment :-(.
Am trying not to get too excited about this pregnancy after my previous experiences, but fingers crossed this time. Am hoping to get an early scan but not sure how these things work in England/Berkshire. I have my M/W appt next week (7 wks) so guess I'll find out more then.
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we have been married for 7 years but together for over 20

it takes time to decide whether he's 'the one' good on you! ;)


I'm not one to be rushed :D

Same here, me and the OH have been together 9 years already and no plans to be married in the immediate future, although we are engaged :) xx

Also this is our first baby xx

iv noticed actually that a lot of ladies have been with their OH's longer than i would have thought as being the average. i thought me and OH had waited too long at 7 years :) xxx
we have been married for 7 years but together for over 20

it takes time to decide whether he's 'the one' good on you! ;)


I'm not one to be rushed :D

Same here, me and the OH have been together 9 years already and no plans to be married in the immediate future, although we are engaged :) xx

Also this is our first baby xx

iv noticed actually that a lot of ladies have been with their OH's longer than i would have thought as being the average. i thought me and OH had waited too long at 7 years :) xxx

Nah, took him that long for him to persaude me to get me knickers off.

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