Introductions please....

aw, lovely jomc, my first friend in tri 1 :wave: i would LOVE to board a dog, must be amazing!! xx

Its great, DH picks him up after work each evening an drips hin back for training each morning an we also get him all weekend. Just goin to be so hard to give him up when he gets paired with his full time owner :-(
Hi everyone, I'm Toni, I'm 31 and live in Dewsbury which is near Leeds in West Yorkshire. Hubby is 39 and we've been married for just over 3 years, been together for 9 years. He's a teacher and I'm a civil servant.

My hobbies include aerobics, when I can be bothered, badminton and vegging out in front of the TV. I also love knitting and can't wait to start knitting for my own lo. I've done lots of little things for family and friends so can't wait to do my own stuff.

I came off the pill last August, then we waited a few months to start TTC as we have holidays booked and if we got pg straight away then wouldn't be able to travel this summer. So spent the time between August and December tracking BBT and getting cycle back to being regular and just understanding it. We started TTC properly in January, and got the BFP on 1st May, so cycle 4, which I think we've been really lucky to do. Just hoping and praying now everything sticks and we have a healthy happy bean in there!
Hi all! :wave:

I'm Lisa, I'm 38 years of age and live in Bridgend, South Wales. This is my first pregnancy but my OH has children from previous relationships. I work as a Buyer in the Steel Industry.

OH is 40 and works in Retail Management, have been together about 6 yrs and lived together for 4 of them.

Took us about 5 months of TTC before we got a :bfp:

Still waiting for first midwife appt (she keeps standing me up!) And hoping I have my dates slightly wrong and baby isn't really due Christmas Eve! :doh:
Hi ladies, My name is Kirsten and i turned 31 in April (boo!!!). I have been together with my wonderful hubbie for 8 yrs, married 3.5yrs. Took the plunge and came off the pill in May 2010 but didnt properly start trying until my permanent job in Pharmaceutical clinical research started Nov2010. Got my first BFP in Dec10 but MC'd at 5wks :-( All good now and had BFP on 8th April 2011!!! Am so excited especially since we will be having a baby by christmas (if all goes well) which was my dream for this year!

I live in the new forest, hampshire and have 2 dogs that keep me active. Walking the golden lab and b/w cocker everyday at least twice. I also loan a horse and ride 2-3 times a week. I have had a massive debate on whether to stop as soon as i got my BFP but i think until i show i will keep going as its something i have done for years and i do wear a body protector at all times. Apart from that i love seeing my friends, eating, reading and watching films. I am going to start pilates tonight for the first time in years as this i can do for the rest of my pregnancy and also start swimming regularly (i.e. more than once a month!).

Oh i have rambled on here, sorry, bit of a talker!! :-)
Hello ladies, I think this is a great thread. :)

My name is Claire and I am 24, 25 in June and this is my first pregnancy. I had the copper coil which was removed in January 2011 but we didn't ttc until march, so got my BFP after 2 cycles I don't know who was more shocked me or OH!! We have been together for just over 9 years and are engaged but no plans to wed just yet.

I currently work as a cleaner in a leisure centre whilst studying bookkeeping from home and the OH is a car mechanic. I can't wait to add a LO to my life as at the mo I don't get up to much and I am looking forward to filling it with a bundle of joy (and crying and pooping!!) :D
Hi my name is Lauren, I'm 25 as is hubby and we've been married 8 months and together 8 years in August. We live in Hampshire and I'm a radiographer (snap Cat-also love my job :o)) & hubby is an Architectural Assistant- almost an architect! (7years down on 8 years worth of training!!! - it's taking forever lol!)
My hobbies include our gorgeous dog whose a 2yr old black lab who I endlessly attempt to train in various activities - currently gundog stuff, crafting, (have just bought a very cute baby knitting book to try and teach myself), reading and general slobbing watching tv!
Waiting for BFP - please let me know how you get on with the pilates im quite interested in starting to help my back out before carrying around a big lump! Looking forward to getting to know you all over the next few months, FX to us all that all is well xx
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Hi, my name's Seren and I'm from Bristol! :wave: (Sorry I just had to type it in my best Blind Date voice)

Been with OH for 10 years and married for 3. We were trying for 2.5 years and then I got my BFP the night before our first meeting with the fertility clinic. Sadly we lost that one, but a mere 2 months later and we were pregnant again. (Blowing kisses to my accupuncturist who may have worked wonders).

My husband is a Chef, so my main hobby is eating. I'm a total geek when it comes to tv and films (sci-fi etc), (looking down at my Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock t-shirt) also a bit of gaming, and throw in my passion for antique books and I dont have much time left. Oh, I do have a very very boring job that I hate, but I'm only a temp, so who knows what I'll be doing by next month. xx
I'm ema-Louise, I'm 25 (26 next week), my OH is 29 and we have been together for 3years. I have an 8year old son from a previous relationship.
I experienced a very horrible cancer scare back in 2007 which lost me and ovary and part of my fallopian tube and was told I had a slim chance of conceiving naturally, but got the all clear :-) yeah! my OH got a sperm test and found out he had a low count which left us with a 25% chance of natural conception
Due to this, me and my OH decided to try pretty much straight away, had 4 chemical miscarriages and referred to the infertility clinic. Me and my Oh had a heartbreaking 16months worth of trying with no joy, infertlity doc finally prescribes us clomid to start on my next cycle but I ended up my AF not arriving as I had my miracle BFP :-)
My OH works in the motor trade, does vehicle signs, window tinting etc, he loves it. I'm a carer but currently off work just now. We live in sunny Scotland :-)
Still very scared that my wee miracle gets taken away from us, but so so excited :-)
:wave: Im Amy, 22 end of July, work in Retail where ive learned to hate all customers :)
my OH is 22 and also works in Retail Management, been together 5 years,
have a 3 year old together whos starting primary in september (nooooo!!)
hobbies.. hmm what r they again? :P shopping, gym, swimming,
pregnant on 4th cycle so very lucky :) :)

ps.. The Only Way Is Essex is the BEST!!
i work with a girlie from essex and cant take her seriously..
shuuuu up!!!! x

Kanga.. we have the same due dates :D xx
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yay!! Young mum 21 how cool is it to have a due date buddy? :yay: xx
Another Irish refugee here :)
I'm Sinead, I'm 37 (38 in Aug!:shock:) live in NZ and have been married to my OH who's 29 for 4 and a half years. We have a little boy who's 2 and a half and we live in New Zealand now (hubby's a Kiwi) and are dairy-farmers. We spent several years in London before we moved to NZ, hubby working as an engineer and me in Finance in the City.

Better stop writing now before this turns into a book :)
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Hi all, my names Dani and I'm from Wales, I'm 21 and this is my first pregnancy, so a little bit frightened but excited at the same time.

Me and the OH have been together since New year but have known each other a couple years. This will be his first as well.
Hello, I'm Susanne, I'm originally from Austria, but have lived in this country for 12 years now. I live in a village near Cambridge, and this is my third pregnancy - first time lucky this time around, whereas with the other 2 it took us forever... I'm 34 years old, and my children are 8 and 6.
Waiting for BFP - please let me know how you get on with the pilates im quite interested in starting to help my back out before carrying around a big lump!

Well pilates was good, relaxing and also a good workout. I have dodgy hips and lower back so am quite concerned a big baby bump might be agony but i think pilates will help me strengthen those muscles and carry the baby better so i am def keeping it up from now onwards!!! I still ache from Monday's class! :shock:
Hello, I'm Janine. I am 37 (38 in June). DH is also 37 we have been married for 7 years but together for over 20! Let's just say it took us a while to decide to start a family. We are both techno geeks and work in IT. Really looking forward to taking some time out to look after my bubs.
I am Ceris, 29 years old, my husband is Tony 30 years old..
We got married last august and have been ogether for over 5 years.
We have a pub together in Warrington (north west between Manchester and Liverpool) and i have a large dance school too! (hence the pink hair!)
I have been broody forever, and had an ectopic and M/C so excited and worried all at the same time for the little peanut!

the dance school takes up all my time at the moment, but i have 7 dance teachers who are all fantastic and very supportive, so i know the school will be fine when i am too huge to jump around with the children...

I dont drink (unusual for a land lady!!) but love to go out when i can...
Husband has an obsession with the xbox and at the moment fussing over me like crazy!! not sure how long it will last!!

don't know what i would do without my pregnancy book "what to expect when you're expecting"... it is amazing.. or my body pillow, which is the only thing allowing me to get a few hours sleep!

i am looking forward to being HUGE!!! as a dancer and teacher i have been through hell with making sure i have always been the correct size etc... so cant wait to let it all out and be massive!! (i have a bump already, and i LOVE IT!! so used to having a flat stomach!! its great to feel a little round belly!!)

i am very lucky to have had 3 scans already, got dating scan in 2 weeks, and nuchal scan next week... bit nervous!!

anyway, thats me....

nice to meet you all!
hi all, i'm Pammi and this is my first baby, I am currently 5 weeks and 4 days my due date is the 17th of January and i'm totally excited about it and totally scared and nervous, ive never been around a pregnant person before so i have no idea what to expect i'm glad ive found a forum i can ask all my questions to no matter how silly they sound :)

i'm from ayrshire anyone else from around that area and about the same stage of pregnancy as me?

love Pammi
hi im vicky and im 24 from lancashire. Iv only just found out im pregnant after a blighted ovum/d&c 8 weeks ago. have no idea how many weeks pregnant til i go to docs next week. im excited and a bit scared too. Last pregnancy was a shock but made me realise how much i want this baby.

My partner and i have just bought our first house and so excited with all the changes.
Im a hairdresser and love it, and hobbies tend to be shopping, cinema and catching up with friends( used to be partying) .

wanting tri 1 to pass quickly so i can relax a bit more and enjoy

nice to meet u all x
bumping this up as a few more bfps................... :)
Hello I'm Carol and I'm (a very young at heart) 40 year old!!

My wonderful OH Simon & I have been together for 23 years, married for 22. He's a Road Traffic Sgt and I work in the Office of the Dog Section.

We have 9 (yes really!!) dogs, 3 cats and several chooks!! They take up alot of time but I also run dog training classes and do behaviour consults too. I adore papercraft and cooking and love a good chick lit book!!!

This will be our first and yes we did leave it til the last minute!!! My health always prevented it before but after a MMC in January a chance meeting with a wonderful Gynea surgeon gave us hope and here we are!!

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