

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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I thought I was getting AF earlier cos got some mild cramping and there was a touch of spotting....only when wiping though! sorry tmi...

I am cd 25 today and ov'd exactly 2 weeks ago...

Did a cheapie HPT earlier and there was nothing......but....I did a cheapie OPK test too, the green ones off ebay/amazon....and there is quite a dark 2nd very dark!.........i know these sometimes pick up the bfp flopsy..remember hers very well...

hmmmmmm...... xx
Yes this is true, omg fingers crossed for you hun!!!! xxx
Yes this is true, omg fingers crossed for you hun!!!! xxx

it looks as dark as it did when i was ovulating.....there is no mistaking the line..

omg..i'm shaking now!...... :shock:

well....just done a digital opk...yes i am addicted! ha ha

It was not a positive...which is confusing as the other one did have a dark line....

hmmm.......who knows!! I will wait a day or two and see if af actually appears and do a fmu HPT.....

omg xx
Wow hun fingers crossed eh!

Sounds good try and hold on in there, only time will tell.

Good luck xxx
well ladies.....AF well and truly got mistaking....she's in full flow!!!!

Oh well....let's take the positive from this....a 26 day cycle not too bad 2nd month off the pill. At least I sort of know where I am now...cos I had a 27 day one first month and now a 26 day one.....

Feel like poo....had forgotten how painful the cramps can be...

No, my HPTs were supposed to arrive yesterday and didn't so assume they'll be here today. (TMI ALERT). Have saved FMU just in case! :D x
No, my HPTs were supposed to arrive yesterday and didn't so assume they'll be here today. (TMI ALERT). Have saved FMU just in case! :D x

inside you or in a pot?? please say in a pot cos i have this vision of you sitting cross legged and in pain xx
Bah - i go to bed and miss all the excitement :(

Sorry AF got you Samsgirl, there are a lot of positive OPKs flying around at the moment.

Remember that LH fluctuations can happen as other hormonal changes occur so although they might seem promising, it's best to wait for the HPT to turn before getting your hopes up :(

Glad you can take the positives for the situation though :)
It's a shame AF got you but you've really inspired me to take the positives from these things - thank you :eek:)
Lol! In a pot. :p Hopefully the postman will be here soon! x x
It's a shame AF got you but you've really inspired me to take the positives from these things - thank you :eek:)

well you have to just take a step back sometimes and look for the OH just gave me a big hug when i told him my period had arrived and kissed my forehead. bless him......and I just thought 'you know what, i'm so happy....a little one will make it special, but my life is amazing'...It took me 32 years to find my 'one' and i'm a very lucky lady...

it will happen when it's supposed to happen.....for you too xx
Lol! In a pot. :p Hopefully the postman will be here soon! x x

ha ha....i hope he arrives soon too!!!! have u hidden the pot or is it sat on the windowsill so the postman can see it!!! He might get a wriggle on then.... lol xx
Lol I hid it! :D

I'm feeling pretty relaxed about testing, if its a BFN, I'm still not out, plus I may well have OVed later than I thought so it doesn't really matter. :) x x
Lol I hid it! :D

I'm feeling pretty relaxed about testing, if its a BFN, I'm still not out, plus I may well have OVed later than I thought so it doesn't really matter. :) x x

well as they say, you're not out til the witch arrives....and she's well and truly at my house at the moment so i don't think she's coming your way just yet!! xx
Aw. :(

My last cycle was about 50 days, something like that anyways. Today is CD45, no sign of AF at all! It's a bugger because I have some events lined up and I've laid off the alcohol because I have no idea where I'm at in my cycle. :confused: x x

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