Implantation Rage

Well that will teach me for testing at 9DPO when I know I'm not going to be pregnant anyway! An evap! Haha 😡
I've seen millions of these over my time ttc x
Sorry Lozza. I tested at 8dpo so silly of me. I'm 10dpo now and feeling strong lol.

Hope when you test next time you get that bfp xx
Aw that's frustrating. Still early days for you yet, plenty of time for you to get those two pink lines xxx
arg! they're pretty convincing evaps!
I know, but they ate definitely evaps in the flesh. Serves me right testing at 9DPO. I am convinced I'm out anyway. I think I just like peeing on sticks x
Lozzaste - they look very convincing!! Have you tried a FRER just to be sure? X
No, as its still only 9DPO. They were evaps, as the lines went after a while. It was too early anyway! I've never got one before 10-11 DPO.
I will test again tomorrow, probably every day until AF arrives, even if BFN :-D x
I wish I could! My boobs were sore from 3dpo onwards and got unbearably sore on 6-7dpo. Now I'm 10dpo, they have got better but are still a little sore :S I'm confused cos I thought they'd stay sore til AF. What's your opinion?

Hoping for a BFP for you! X
I too am feeling total contempt for everyone who comes across my path, and I cant put a finger on why i have this anger.

I am not activley ttc, however if it was too happen it would be lovely. I actually joined this as I was wanting too find out if the weird 1 day period i had was infact IB!!!

Any way ladies who are ttc. I hope it is all good news for you, wish you all luck :) xx
I wish I could! My boobs were sore from 3dpo onwards and got unbearably sore on 6-7dpo. Now I'm 10dpo, they have got better but are still a little sore :S I'm confused cos I thought they'd stay sore til AF. What's your opinion?

Hoping for a BFP for you! X

I had very sore boobs from ovuulation until about 6-7dpo then they got better, and didn't start properly hurting again until after AF was due........which is what also happened when preggo with my daughter !
I've got no symptoms apart from the Sunday rage :)
Bfn again this morning, but that's ok, as I say I didn't expect it this month anyway xx
Sorry Lozza, so pleased to read your positive outlook though xx
Positive on occasion, downright annoyed on others!
It's talking so long to get a BFP again and what's worse, I've lost 2 at 11.5 weeks so even if I DO get a BFP I won't be able to enjoy it. Not that that is a prob as its another month of BFN. It's ok though as it means my holiday will be more laid back (booze, bad foods, not puking etc)
I was in a boots today getting lunch and I picked up an FRER. Peed on it on the train and BFN. Day 21 bloods were normal too. Anyway, I have really really sore boobs so in the absence of a BFP, then AF will be rocking up early. Mind you, I am 10DPO, who knows! X
Positive on occasion, downright annoyed on others!
It's talking so long to get a BFP again and what's worse, I've lost 2 at 11.5 weeks so even if I DO get a BFP I won't be able to enjoy it. Not that that is a prob as its another month of BFN. It's ok though as it means my holiday will be more laid back (booze, bad foods, not puking etc)
I was in a boots today getting lunch and I picked up an FRER. Peed on it on the train and BFN. Day 21 bloods were normal too. Anyway, I have really really sore boobs so in the absence of a BFP, then AF will be rocking up early. Mind you, I am 10DPO, who knows! X

So sorry to hear about your two angels Lozzaste, I know that pain and completely understand about not being able to enjoy it. I do the same as you, find a reason to be glad it's not a BFP. So much so, if I still don't have it by Christmas we're booking a cruise for next summer!

Stay positive, FX and :dust: for your BFP soon x
Thank you :) Sorry to hear you've been through it too :-(
Finding positives in negatives is the only way not to go insane, I think!
Cruise sounds good! Fx for your BFP too! Xxxxx
10 dpo is still early hun xxx
I think I've had a BFP before at 10 (that was when I was new to all the TTC talk though and had no idea how to count actual DPO! So I may be wrong) I just peed on another stick. Bloody things, they are so cheap, I can't help it!
The FRERs are NOT cheap, £10.49 for two! Wtf x

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