Implantation pain


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2016
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I'm 6dpo and yesterday I got two stabbing pains on my right side, pelvic area. Can you get implantation after only 5 days?

Also the Ovia app keeps telling me it wants to track my moods. Does anyone know how emotions are different if you have conceived? Thanks.

Am really hopeful for this month!!
Hi Sunflower. I think technically you can implant at 5 dpo but it's unusual, I believe around 9 days is the average.

The only difference in my moods when I conceived were that I didn't get the usual pre-af "rage" which normally happens for about a week to a week and a half on the lead up. I'm not raging for the whole week and a half you understand :) Just occasional bursts.

Good luck.
Syd - LOL! You sound like me, except my 'burst of rage' lasts at least a solid 3 days before!!! This was also my clue when I conceived because according to my husband I was raging for a whole 2 weeks lol he said 'thank god it must have been baby hormones, thought I was going to have to divorce you' when I first told him I was pregnant lol. Oops!

Sunflower, the pain could have been ov? Did you definitely of 6 days prior? I find the stabby side pain is the most reliable to go with opposed to the apps and OPK's! Ovia asks a lot of questions, not sure how much of it is really relevant!
I guess it's not impossible ClaireDoll. I had positive ovulation test Monday, stabbing pains Tuesday, then EWCM disappeared and BBT went up a few days later and breasts got sore. Plus the rage started. These stabbing pains were on the following Sunday. It's really depressing if it was ovulation as it will mean we missed it this month. Glad I'm not the only one who gets ragey!
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The average day for implantation is 9dpo. If you go to a site called countdown to pregnancy there is an implantation calculator, you might find it interesting.

However! Looking back in my diary I had weird pains (that felt a bit like ov pains) and a bit of cramping on both 5dpo and 6dpo this cycle. I then got a really faint bfp in the evening of 10dpo so it is possible I was implanting then as my hcg levels are naturally low and take a while to build up. Good luck!
Thanks Snowbee, that's really encouraging. I am also feeling wiped out, which I've read can be a symptom. Fingers crossed!:)
Hi sunflower, I am 7dpo and had exactly the same feeling day 5. Mine was like pinching in one spot. I am also shattered, thirsty n ravenous. Trying to stay positive x

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Yay! Mine too, like pinching/stabbing. Eating lots too. Good luck to you... I guess we'll both see soon!
I'm 8dpo and have had little 'niggly' feelings in my right lower side? Nothing obvious enough to get excited about...also I feel slightly nauseous, still nothing major...for once I really want to wake up and feel sick and dizzy lol! xxx
Rosiettc, that sounds promising. Fingers crossed for you. I'm 8dpo too :)
Do you ladies have any other symptoms? I think my minds running wild. X

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I'm just shattered and a bit breathless. Do you have any others? Apparently cravings can start now.
Well feel daft but I have a thing for pink tinned salmon on bread with sweet chilli sauce . Its like I have to have it. not normal for me. My nipples are so sore, my boobs keep panging what I mean is it comes n goes but really hurts. I am irritable and bloated. I can't ignore all of this and if it's pms I hope it doesn't happen next month. past few months I have been fine. something hubby noted x

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I had taken a break from ttc, so maybe now I am back my minds playing tricks. X I hope not x

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Mmmm...salmon is full of B vitamins. I am cravings sausages. It's so difficult to know. There's been so many months where I was almost certain I had pregnancy symptoms and then AF came and I was so upset. Only 4 days til we can all take a pregnancy test according to my app. I really hope this is the month for you :)
Sausages nice comfort food. I am the same had symptoms before and then AF arrives. Last night I text hubby at work as had strong cramps and now I have them again. Somethings happening. I had convinced myself for months I am premenopausal too old . Bad eggs the lot. Gp says my hormones are fine. When will be the earliest you would test? I normally hold off asI had a month when I was going to buy test n bam AF arrived. Felt so stupid and annoyed at myself. My periods have been irregular but for the past few months they have levelled out again. It really is an emotional rollercoaster X

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I got really bad pains at 6dpo, just on one side. I was and still am convinced they were implantation pains. And I'm now 20 weeks pregnant so fingers crossed for you!! �� xxx
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Thank you. Congratulations on a healthy pregnancy. it's the waiting and trying not to symptom spot that gets to me. I am going to add flatulence , peeing more (or is that my age) haha and I am convinced my sense of smell is stronger. Although it is good most of the time. Xx

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thanks Princess, that's reallly encouraging. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Augustus, you're right. It's such an emotional rollercoaster. You've definitely got some good signs. Do you track BBT? It's meant to go up a second time in the luteal phase if pregnant. Mine just went up again today but it's not conclusive. I'm still not sure whether to test. I do find the whole testing thing stressful and usually use the BBT line instead, but I'm feeling so impatient. My fertility app says testing in 3 days. My cycles are normally 28 days so I should know one way or the other pretty soon. Part of me doesn't believe it'll ever happen, I've had so many negative pregnancy tests.

Have you had your egg quality tested? I think they can do that. There's nutritional things you can do to help egg quality and things like fertility yoga. That's a good sign that your periods have leveled out and that your hormones are fine. That can be a huge hurdle. My cycles were also irregular and I had hormonal problems but they're pretty regular now.

We'll get there!
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Hi Sunflower, I haven't tracked bbt this month. I do have a thermometer so maybe next month. I haven't had my egg quality tested?

I try to eat well but this month I have struggled as been super hungry. Feel bloated and horrible today. Definitely my hormones. Thinking it's not going to be this month and I have just had an awful cycle. X

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