any buddies?

Thanks Keidi
And 1 is better than none.
Mine were slightly tender the other day but not so much anymore. Had cramps from 2dpo which also stopped the other day. Driving myself insane. So excited for testing though. Just hope the witch doesnt win again this month. :) FX for you Keidi.
If that bitch of a witch comes I will be soooo angry. Saturday seems a long away, not sure I can last until then without testing again, I'm so weak!
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Haha, we will all get our BFP eventually! Then she can see what its like to lose!!!
I think im going to test saturday aswell. So lets hope we both get our BFP!!!
and me I WANT MY BFP!!! :cry: :cry:

so fed up of the waiting now if witch turns up (in my heart of hearts i know she will) then i am gona get so drunk for my bday!!
Good luck ladies. I hope you all get your BFP this week. Sending you lots of:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
How you feeling today Mrs Wigglez and Stephanie?

I've had cramps on and off all day today, but not eaten much so could be just my stomach trying to eat itself. My boobs feel sore if I touch them, like they do a few days before AF is on her way.

I with you, if AF does turn up, I'm on the beer/vodka this weekend. I've had one glass of wine since Xmas and it will all be for nothing!!
Hi kedi, :wave:
Jus woke up (as on nights) - I had a nosebleed again this morning as I was leaving work and I never get nosebleeds but 1 last wk an 1 this wk strange?? The ward clerk in work was like, you know what nosebleeds early sign of???? She had 3 in early pregnancy!! So even tho not nice they do seem positive as like I said never had them before!!
Had some lower backache and af type cramps on an off through night but nothin else x boobs feel ok to touch today x
Did eBay cheapy with first wee wee but bfn!! :cry: I'll test again properly with 1st response on fri cos I'll need to know if I can drink or not as away for bday with 8ppl!!
I must have been very tired last night working out my dpo. I worked it out today and its either 10 or 11 i think.
Anyways, Bledding has stopped completely now, so FX it was implantation. Testing either friday or sunday and hoping for BFP!! ofc. Been having waves of nausea today, which, working in a kitchen does not help!! Still going on now. A few minor cramps last night but not so much today. Im just so confused at the moment, i have NEVER been early in my life so the bleading the other day could not have been the witch, unless she is just like sticking 2 fingers up at me. lol. Been slightly emotional today over silly things. I spilt some sanitiser on the floor and started crying. What the hell? Feeling much better now though. Still feeling sick but hey! i can deal with that, im actually welcoming any symptoms now, as long as the :witch: doesnt appear!!!
How are you all??
:dust: :dust:
Stephanie - It could possibly have been implantation bleeding, I assume if it was the witch you would have a lot more than spots. And sickness today, it certainly sounds good for you (don't want to get your hopes up though hun!)

Mrs Wigglez - that is strange have a couple of nosebleeds, I didn't know that was a possible symptom.

Ooooh I'm so excited for you both.

How the hell are we going to get through the rest of the week??? It's only Tuesday!!:cry:
I agree with kedi sounds like implantation wHooooo x
Can't believe there's 3 of us in the same spot!! Fx well all be moving to tri 1 come next wk!!

I got a good feeling about us all!
The nosebleeds I googled it- and as my blood pressure is ok it's 1 of 2 things stress which I've had loads or pregnant so fx it's the latter x
Im so nervous to test though, Because of the sill BFN
Dont know how much more disappointment i can take.
I have been trying for a year now,
Would be amazing though, Me and the ex OH trying for a year, We break up, had sex after the break-up and this is when i get pregnant. How ironic that would be.
FX Still crossed for everyone!!!
I had BFN today and i know how heartbreaking they can be so if youve got the will power hold out until AF is due! :nopoas:

its very much sods law- :rotfl: me and hubby have had 2 massive arguement this month and i would like to take a break from ttc to get us back on track - its my bday and got big weekend of drinking planned and here i am thinking this is actually it!! i would be over the moon obviously and the drinking wouldnt bother me!
FX crossed for us all - i will try not to test with FR until fri now but i got ebay cheapys so i will probs still pee on that tomoro:poas:
I think were past getting back on track now. We were trying to sort things out but ended up having a huge fight on sunday night into monday afternoon and are now not speaking.
So if it is a BFP on friday looks like i will be joining the single mummies club!
Friday best hurry up... As long as i dont let my :poas: side get the better of me :)!!!
I also know how you feel girls, we've been trying for over 2 (can't bring myself to say 2.5 years yet!).

My December cycle lasted for about 42 days, I tested around 6 times and always BFN then the witch got me. (last 5 cycles were about 28/29 days) I started googling symptoms to see if I had any and didn't think I did. This is how I ended up finding this forum and suddenly found I wasn't the only one. I've not left the forum since haha!!:dance:

This month I took some advice from the ladies here and tried the OPKs, so this is the first month I've truly known when I've OV. We BD a couple of days before and on OV day and then I spent 30 minutes with my legs in the air.

I'm so hopeful this month but truthfully I have no idea if I am imagining the symptoms. I am getting stomach cramps, but I'm slightly constipated so this could be the answer. I think my nipples are sore but they only hurt if I poke them. I feel bloated tonight but I've eaten crap food all day and if I'm constipated I'm bound to be bloated.

My head is spinning from all the questions and what ifs. I am away for work tonight, so alone in a hotel room, I brought the internet cheapie HPTs with me and my trusty pee pot, so no doubt I'll test again tomorrow. :shock:

I'm prepare for the BFN tomorrow morning but I'm still not prepared for the witch!!
Sorry to hear you girls are having a shit time in your relationships. I hope you sort things out xxx
Is the :witch: Late for you Keidi?
FX for tomorrow morning!!!!

Nah not yet, I'm expecting it this Saturday, if she comes 14 days after OV. I'm mentally trying to slap the bitch down.

Thanks hun, I'm sure it will be a BFN tomorrow, it's too soon but I'm a :poas:.

Looking for a cheeky light line though, under any light possible. haha!
i think me and hubby just been tense been on 3 wks of nights out of 4wks!! never helps and added pressure of ttc and a few work issues i think i have been 100 times more irritable and its all crap!! i think we have moved on now tho a big clear of the air and its all good again thursday and fri well have a large time to chat some more before friends + my sis arrive so FX well have BFP and back to fully enjoying each other = having a fab bday weekend!

stephanie my friend and sister were single mummies from early on and have been fab- they both have stable partners again now and alls good - hope you can work it out with OH but if not its not all bad x x big massive :hugs:
Kedi Your AF is due the day after mine.
Heres to BFP to us all!!
And i know i could handle it, and i kno0w he would still be involved so its not all bad. I have an amazing family that i know will support me through it all.
Getting some dull cramping atm but not like cramping if that makes sense. Feels like pressure a little bit. And i have been bloated the past few days so my FX still.

Hope its all of our months!!!
the way you describe the cramping or not is the same as me- kinda cramping but not really got more back ache now back im a nurse with moving patient i do get back ache!!
my AF is due on fri or sat not quiter sure - was 37 days last month so would be fri but 14dpo would be sat!!

BFP to us all and off to tri 1 we go x

right :offtopic:i need something to take my mind off things!!
im just starting my 3rd night shift so :( what do you ladies do? age? live?
im a cardiac nurse, 24 - 25 on monday!, live in bristol but am welsh x

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