Im worried . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Im worried for the last week or so ive felt baby moving on and off (no regular yet) but for the last 2 days and today (so far) Ive not felt anything. I just thought it would be getting more often and stronger everyday not just disappear. Should I be worried??? Also had fizzy pop last night and that didnt work, but i didnt lay down as someone has told me to do. Should I be worried? x
last 2 days i have not really felt my boy much i think they turn around and kick towards the back and then you dont feel it? today he is kicking of again tho.
but if you are concerned i think you should give your midwife a ring and maybe she will have a little listen with the doppler?
I wouldnt worry too much at this stage, its still early for movements. I felt mine for a few days really well, and then he has changed positions and i dont feel him anymore, But I know he is still moving, Because in the morning he is always curled up on one side and its a big lump where he is sleeping, then a couple hours later hes gonee!
Thanks, might just try and hang tight for a few days then ring midwife, looked on net and also says its not frequent in first few weeks. x
i know a girl that is 22 weeks pregnant and she has never felt her baby atall! i think its just really diferent for everyone.
I think they say not to worry until 25 ish weeks? As baby is still relatively small and if they are in an awkward position ie facing your back then they're too weak for you to feel x x sometimes I feel Seb all day and sometimes only in the morning and at night x Seb moves loads after I drink cold things or-weirdly-eat cucumber x you could try this and definatly lie down afterwards x x
its so hard not to worry it maybe its just kicking your placenta and layed so you cant feel it i never feel kicks at front so its only when baby kicking down i feel things it does get more as days go on or should i say it kicks harder im sure it will be kicking you silly soon
Perhaps you've been a little busier so you haven't noticed as much? My boy tends to have quiet moments but I'm not worried as he's still quite small and I have an anterior placenta.

Have an ice cold glass of water and a lie down see if you can feel the baby then. Xx
If you tell your m/w that bubs hasn't moved that you know of for a couple of days she will listen with the doppler for you but I had the same thing about a week ago and it just turned out that bubs has turned and faced my back for a while.
My lad is usually hyper but on Thursday i hadnt felt much for 24 hours ... i was worried sick. Went to bed and after 20 mins the bouncing bump was goin mad lol he was quite-ish last night and today have felt a couple but nothing big. I think it varied from day to day :oooo: If in doubt check it out tho hunnie xx

I haven't felt my baby move at all yet. But as the others say, ask the midwife to check with the doppler if it is worrying you.

I wouldnt be worried, Ive only just started feeling movement and didnt feel anything for a few days then it happened again, you arent always aware and could miss something sometimes when at wk or busy
hey hun....try not to worry i have only start feeling the little one wiggling for the past week or so, and some days i dont feel anything at all. Its prob because we get busy during the day so there is no need to worry as they start growing in size and the space starts getting limited we will feel more, its going to be different for everyone...try not to worry...xx
I am the same as mumma2bubba i useva doppler every now and then which reassures but i only ever feel kicks down at the mo and i only felt them from yesterday and that was after cold juice too x
THANKS SO MUCH everyone, really reassuring to read your posts. Im enjoying being pregnant, but its such a constant worry. Will try the advice and if nothing I will ring monday! I have been very busy at work and things, so it might be that! Thanks again xxx

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