Bit worried re: movements


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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a few weeks ago i started feeling baby - finally!!!! anyway last week i didnt feel her at all and my mum looked quite worried - i keep using the Doppler and can still hear a strong heartbeat so know she must be ok but its worried me, last night i felt two kicks but then nothing, so in over a week i have had two kicks and that's it!!

Is that normal???
The kicks will get more frequent hun, prob around 27 weeks you will feel them more ofetn, they say to look out for 10 a day from 28 weeks i think, so i think your ok but if your worried just give the midwife a bell to be sure :hug:
it could just be the position the baby was in last week, but i would call your midwife for reasurrance :hug:
If you're worried you should speak to your MW so that you can be checked out properly.

If you baby is lying facing your back you'll feel less movements etc so it could just be that.

I'm getting loads of kicks all the time now and you're only a couple of days behind me. I've started to be able to see my tummy move when the baby moves now too. Saying that though, I've been feeling movements since about 16 weeks so I must have a right active baby (not sure where it gets that from!!) When I first felt it move it didn't move everyday and the movements have got stronger and more frequent as the days have moved on so your baby could just be catching up.

Speak with the MW and get yourself checked out. It will put your mind at rest if nothing else.

:hug: :hug:
id speak to your midwife if youre concerned but its only recently that ive start feeling him move/kick everyday :hug:
~*Leanne*~ said:
[quote="Mrs_Jay":39q99dpd] him

:shock: HER i will have you know young lady ;)[/quote:39q99dpd] :rotfl: i meant him as in my little one ;)
Mrs_Jay said:
[quote="~*Leanne*~":17lrtw0c][quote="Mrs_Jay":17lrtw0c] him

:shock: HER i will have you know young lady ;)[/quote:17lrtw0c] :rotfl: i meant him as in my little one ;)[/quote:17lrtw0c]

oooops!! my mistake - i didnt read it properly - :rotfl: i'll let you off ;)
I'd say it sounds normal. Especially if you are hearing her heartbeat just fine :)

Chances are she is kicking into your placenta so you won't feel a thing. But she is in there kicking away :) Or just facing a different direction is all :)

I'm sure your MW can explain and check

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