If i didn't know better....

Yeah they're both 25's!!
thats whats really confused me!!! maybe tesco's only pretends to be?!??
CB are the best tho! Y didnt he get u one of them???
Slap him 4 me! :twisted:
OOooh I can see a line I can see a line!!!

Exciting stuff!! Get down Tescos and buy another 12 clearblues right now!! :lol:
Before he's just gone out to work i said (doing puppy dog eyes)
"can you get me a clearblue test"

As soon as i opened the test i said "i've used one of these before and i didn't like them"

they gave me BFN last year when every single other brand gave me BFP!!
theres still hope yet then! Just need a clearblue! ALWAYS keep a handful in the cupboard for your MPD (Mega Peestick Day) !!! The day u use ALL of your tests in one day!!
i haven't had a MPD for agggggggggeeeessss.... Well, errrmmm March!! :oops:

will defo build a stock back up!!!

:lol: Think I'm going to need to order some more tests, only got 3 cheapies left and I am bound to do them all tomorrow so will be in trouble on Sunday!!

Good luck HayleyB, things look promising! :cheer:
i have a MPD every week honey!! comes with being on cycle day 54!!!
i do when i get upto CD 45....
that hasn't happened since Nov time?

Am still sat here looking at the strip from the CB test.....
don't know what to think!!!

(oh and looking at my avatar and thinking of the irony of me sat there naively doing that faint line!!!)


alanis morisette eat your heart out!!!!

don't know what to think!!!

Ooooh :hug: It looks really good hon! I know how you must feel, I'd be desperate to do another 20 tests straightaway!
he still didn't leave me the bank card....
he's quite useless!!!
i've just searched downstairs for it!!!! :shakehead:
how long ago did he leave?? meet him half way!! We cant wait!! lol :wall:
Have you rung him in a strop and demanded he come back?? :lol:
I really can't....
he's got 25 jobs he still needs to do and 20 of them are for before 6... he'll never get them done!!!
HayleyB said:
I really can't....
he's got 25 jobs he still needs to do and 20 of them are for before 6... he'll never get them done!!!

Awwww :hug: Well I hope you get chance to sort things out tonight, we'll be all excited for you! :hug:
Thanks Wobbles!!!
Even though he's got the bank card have managed to get some stuff off ebay (progesterone cream?) to try and help it stick!

Cos I know the card details off the top of my head!!! *mwah ha ha* :twisted:

he's text me to ask how i'm doing, think he's worried i'm gonna get too excited, he really won't want me to this time cos he's the one who's picked up the pieces!!!

On the plus side i'm not back in work for 2 weeks, so really can chill out!!!


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