the smell of coffee????

Mrs P

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2005
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Hi all,

I was walking around a shopping centre this weekend and found the smell of coffee made me feel really sick! Also the smell of McDonalds. Me and DH went out for a drink in the evening and although i havnt been drinking for about 3 weeks i ordered a bottle cider and all i could taste was bitter alcohol which made me feel sick, then i was sick!

Anyone else experienced this?

I think AF is due this week, i had all my dates from January logged in the calendar of my phone which was stolen :x I havent had any stomach aches, but DH says not to get my hopes up, im sick of getting BFN :cry:

Hello Mrs P

My mum when she was pg with me said that the smell of petrol fumes made her feel really sick. It's funny because the 14 months that I have been ttc, mum has said to me, does this coffee make you feel any different - and it never did!!! It sounds to me as though you are having pg symptoms, can't you test and see what you get?!!

hi im a big coffee drinker at least 4 cups when get up in morning and at least another 10 throughout the day but from 3 and a half weeks pg i cant stand the smell of coffee and if i drink it im sick im sticking to tea now xxxxx
just tested, BFN :cry: no AF yet, is it too soon?
awww sorry mrs p big hugs to you hun may still be too early when is af due xxxxx
Thanx rach, i think AF is due this week, but ive waited 6 weeks before now with a BFN result!

Ill just wait and see if AF appears, if not ill go to the docs.

good luck mrs p i hope af stays away for you xxxx
Hi Mrs P
My AF is due this week too, I've noticed that certain smells make me feel sick too. I don't smoke but an aquaintance of mine does, she always smelt of stale smoke which wasn't to pleasent anyway but the last few times I've seen her the smell seems alot stronger and made me feel like running to the bathroom. also my son made a painting at school that also made me feel nauseous even my perfume made me feel ill lol.
hi suz, i was sat in a pub at the weekend and someone stubbed a cigarette out in front of me and was nearly sick!! maybe im too early to show up on a test :? hopefully AF will stay away!
Hi again,
I tested on monday (4days before af) and got a BFN, but I decided to test again this morning as I was sure I was pregnant, have tender nipples (this never happens to me) no sign of af cramps (usually get the 4 days before af) and my urine smelt very strong (sorry if tmi).

any way I got a very faint BFP sort of a shadow but deffinatly there, I used clearblue. I'm gonna test again on friday when af is actully due just to make sure.
which day is your af due maybe you can test now to (if testing early FMU always use FMU)

OOOHHH how exciting suz!
Let us know how you get on wont you!?
Good luck for friday.................... :D
sounds like congratulations might be in order suz xxxxx
HI Mrs P

I've heard of people going off food or drinks when they are pregnant. Good luck keep us posted.

Sounds like CONGRATULATIONS is due SUZ..... Good luck testing Fri... you must be on needles and pins....

Hi Suz, I'm in same situation this week. I did two tests both faint lines wont sink in though. Am due AF Fri/Sat. I'll test on sat again. Congratulations I know you are pregnant , wish I could convince myself. I will accept it once Sat has been & gone without AF.
Good luck
Lorrie x :lol:
Mrs P. you should test again in a couple of days. Taste & smell are usually a sign, they definitely are for me. Good luck xx :) Lorrie

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