ICSI/IVF - Anyone going through this or about to, post here....

i keep thinking that the results dont change anything...what ever they say it has still been a year and a half and i am not pregnant!!

Yeah, but it means that you won't be not pregnant for another year and a half ;)

You either have a problem tht can be fixed or you don't have a problem and statistically you should be pregnant within the next 6 month :)
Well back and OH sperm results (2nd lot) have come back worse then is other one....

He has around 1 million per m/l as before, but this time they can see his sperm is not swimming fast and are lazy!

They have advised us to go for the ICSI treatment, as he still have some sperm! They have advised us to go for some couselling first though, as it can be a ordeal to go through out our ages, because i'm only 25 and my OH is 27 years old...We are awaing another appointment, as I need to go for a scan to see if everything is working with me down there...

Well I do feel a bit upset, but there's nothing you can do about it is there?

Donna x
Aw Donna, sorry they came back even worse :hug:

Your right, there isn't much you can do about it... Just remember that you are in it together.

It hadn't occurred to me that younger people might be more in need of counselling, i personally feel more assurred by the fact i'm younger.

IVF success is hugely dependant on the age of the women and at 25 i just feel thankful that i'm not older :)

You'll be alright, you'll see :hug:
Thanks Louise

Just a bit sad and mad at the same time....I just feel I can't talk to anyone in my family because there's no one who has ever had this problem in both our families, so they don't know what it feels like do they?!

Lucky I have you girls on this forum as well, good to know I can speak to someone who is going through the same situation

Donna x
Sorry they didn't have any better news for you Donna, but it sounds like they're moving forwards which is a good thing. :)

Just wondering, what is ICSI?
Hey Hunni


ICSI - Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection....it is used on couples where the male has low sperm count, but still have some good live sperm, they basically give your the usual fertility drugs to start the process and then they extract your eggs and place your OH sperm into the egg and plant it back into you. It's a bit like IVF

Donna x
Donna - i think that is the whole source of my upset because I just blah blah blah about whatever is in my head. I like to communicate, I hate keeping things in my head, but it's like you say - no one seems to understand and even the people who you expect to understand because they have been through it don't seem comfortable to talk about their feelings.

Kizzi - ICSI is just a type of IVF, but it's mainly used when the issue is malefactor and pretty dire. Normal IVF involves about 100,000 sperm cells to be put with each egg to fertilise... It allows for more natural selection. ICSI is used if there isn't enough healthy sperm, so instead they take a sperm cell and inject it directly into the egg and no natural selection occurs. Plus there is a risk of the egg being damaged.
Thanks ladies, it's one of those things I've heard people talking about but haven't actually got my head around what it was. One of those things you don't think you'll need to know about when you start ttc.

Really hope it works out well for you when you get there hun. :)
Well ladies I am 1 day late for my period, but not holding out much....
You're a day late Donna?!

I suppose you gave up testing...?

It would be so amazing if you got a BFP :good:
Still no AF or any period symptoms, just got lower backache!

Ordered some Pregnancy tests, should be here tomorrow, just incase you never know...I am normally regular as a clockwork and came out in hot and cold sweats this morning
I've got everything crossed for you Donna! It would be amazing if you didn't need to go with the ICSI, but at least you have that to fall back on. Keep us posted!

A quick update on our progress: I've been on the down-regulation drugs for 3 weeks, and on the stimulation injections for 5 days. It's all going pretty smothly, no crazy side effects or anything. I've got a scan on Thursday to see how the stim is progressing. If all goes well, I'll be doing an HPT round about on Xmas day!
DH is being amazing giving me the injections every day. I don't think I could do it myself :-s

Best of luck to you all - if you have any questions about the whole process, feel free to give me a shout while it's all fresh in my mind :-)
It would be fantastic if this was it for you. :)

Fingers crossed.
Thanks Kizzibea, I know we'll all get there in the end one way or another. Just wish we could all get there sooner rather than later!! :-)
And best of luck to you - it's past my bedtime now but I will read your blog next time I'm logged on, when I'm more awake :-)
No AF still! Been feeling sick this morning and backache slightly....had no AF symptoms!

I am testing when my tests come through lol No post down here because we have snow upto our knees!

Keep you all updated!

Donna x
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Bloomin eck, just walk to the shop already ;)

We've not seen our post man for about 3 days nows :shock:
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Well AF turned up today this morning, having really bad pains and clots!

I know in the back of my mind it weren't going to happen

Donna x

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