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TTC IVF/ICSI anyone going through this ??

Hey Bidsy,
Thanks so much for posting. It gives us hope for a little natural miracle :-)
Thanks for your story Bidsy, it is good to hear success stories, gives us hope.

Bead, ICSI is IVF however for ICSI they actually inject good sperm in the egg instead of it trying to find it's way there naturally. It's a good option as they choose the best sperm. Try to have a look on the internet at more info, I did a lot of research before I went to the doc and it really helped answer my questions.

I am due for my egg retreival in maybe 2 days, (my second IVF try).
hi ladies, can i join you? lol

my OH's count came back a 5mil and 20%mobility so things arent looking good for us. We have been referred to the infertility clinic to then be told we need to pay for treatment due to me having my son to a previous relationship.
We went and got my 21day blood test and that didnt come back good either, 14.5! so we are now sitting waiting on yet another appointment at the infertility clinic, but tbh i dont know what good it will do to go if weve already been shown the door due to lack of funds.

Just feeling at a loss at the moment. After my lil one was born (now7) i didnt want anymore kids, then i miscarried and that was the icning on the cake for me, then i meet my OH and now i want nothing more than a child with him, but cant seem to get it :-(

Its good to know theres others out there that are in the same situation, but not cos i dont wish this on anyone, but its good i can talk to someone about it other than my OH xx
Maddog30 - wishing you the very best of luck in a couple of days. Hope all goes smoothly, and thanks very much for the info. I did so much research about ttc naturally, and IVF/ICSI is all a bit of a mystery to me.

Hi Ema-Lou! Don't ever give up hope. 5 mil and 20% is better than nothing at all, it may just take a while longer. We'll all get there in the end Xx
How are things with you Peachypam??

Bead, yes IVF/ISCI is very complex, I am due for egg collection tomorrow but only 2 good size folicles so not looking good, but trying to stay hopeful ! I researched a lot on the internet, I know sometimes it's not good to look at medical problems on the interent, but because I am in China and I can't understand the langauage then I had no choice but to do my own research.

Ema-lou, I have same problem as you, my levels are really high, thats why I can now only do micro Ivf/icsi. Not as many injections so not as good a chance, but decided to try and it's cheaper. I know it's hard financially, we already spent 4.5K on our 1st try.

Anyway, as Bead says, don't give up!
I need to join this forum. We have just seem a specialist (yesterday) and they said that it is prob unlikely that we will get pregnant naturally. my oh's sperm count is low and they are lazy-motility was 6% on one test and 12% on the other. I also have problems, i only have one ovary and not really sure wot condintion its in due to me having chemo. so, we are having some more tests done-another sperm count for the oh, blood tests and ultrasound for me as i have been having pain in my ovary for the last month so she wants to make sure i dont have a cyst. then, if oh reasults are bad then she would recommend ivf straight away as wouldnt want to do any internal tests on me incase it upsets my ovary!

i was in shock yesterday i think, but today it has really hit me that this might never happen for us. i know we still have options but, still a major reality shock. how sucessful is IVF meant to be? and is the sucess rate on the NHS the same if you went private?

im sorry for the long story...but that is me!

I would be grateful for any info regarding IVF and coping with it all.x
thank you for all your confidence in this happeneing for us, its kind of nice to know im not alone.

I kind of know how you feel hayley, i have one ovary too, and my ovulation results have came back at 14.5, so i have the IVF clinic in october, dunno what they are gonna do tho as i have no money lol.

I got my ovary and part fallopian tube removed in september 2007 due to my sister having ovarian cancer in febuary 2007, i got scans and tests etc and turns out because my sisters cancerous ovary had ruptured and i had a cyst the size of a golfball on my ovary, they werent taking any chances and removed it.

Im glad to say all my biopsys etc came back clear and my sister has had the all clear too and now has a 2yr old son :-)
Hi ema-lou,

Im sorry about you and your sister having to go through that, but on the plus side at least your sister has been able to conceive with one ovary. that must have been a scary time for you both to find out you both had cysts. My tummor was totally random and very very rare, so i am extremely lucky that it didnt spread and that the chemo did what it did!

How long did it take you from when you saw the specialist to then see someone regarding IVF and is there then a waiting list for you to go on? I think its a bit unfair if you wont be able to get treatment coz you already have a son as your circumstances are totally different now-with you having a ovary removed and your partners sperm count-i bet you would be able to appeal to the local PCT and your specialist would be able to help do that. If we have to go down the IVF route we will have to appeal as we want it done in birmingham but dont live there!

We have some more test results to come back and then we will be told if we need IVF-i just wondered if we are told that we need it how long it will take to start.
I am quite keen to know when the IVF treatment would be starting as i have soo much to sort before then-i need a job, i want to move...arrragh!

I have just bought some pregnancy suppliments for me and the OH and am hoping it might increase his count, his fags must also go tomorrow. I know i am also the problem but there is nothing i can change about me but i can definitely try and change his count! well im going to try!

sorry if i dont make much sense.xx
you make total sence sweetie.
Im sorry to hear you had to go through chemo etc, its not a nice experience, i wasnt on the recieving end of it but i had to watch my sister go through it and it was horrible, she had to get a blood transfusion aswell, she was very ill but so much stronger now, and i can honestly say because i got that scare too its made me realise how much life is meant for living!

We got referred for a consultation in January and we had an appointment in the febuary. We had to give OH's sample in before we got referred and then he had to give another one once we were referred and i had to get my 21 day blood tests. Thats as far as weve got at the moment. I went to the doctors for my back and he asked me if i had heard anything from the infertility clinic, and because i hadnt he chased them up about it and ive got another appointment in October. It took roughly a month to hear from them.
Im not sure what they are exactly gonna do as they know we havent got the money, but my doctor seems to think i should be entitled to some clomid.....

I know that it is possible to Concieve naturally , 6months after my operation i fell pregnant to my ex, resulting in a miscarriage which then broke us, but im happier now than i was then so put it down to a blessing in disguise.

My specialist was a horrible lady, i was ready for hitting her! We are new to all this so dont know what all the ins and outs are yet, went to our appointment and she didnt exactly make us feel very confident. She told us straight away that we WILL NEED ivf, no question about it, told me i had to loose weight and then asked us to pay 5K, it was pretty brutal to be honest, so not looking forward to our october appointment lol. She didnt even scan my insides which there is clearly a problem due to my low ovulation result.
When are you due to hear your results??x

Well had the 2nd go at IVF/ICSI and again my eggs are bad. Been told we would need a donor egg. so devestated, I am only 31 and my ovaries have given up. :wall2:
Hi Maddog,

Im sooo sorry about your eggs...have they said why they think it didnt work? i kinda know how you must be feeling, my eggs could be 'dead' due to chemo but there is no way of knowing till we go down the ivf route. and if it doesnt work that will mean that we will have to consider doner eggs-do you think you will do that? I hope you are okay. x

Hi Ema Lou,

we dont get any test results back till oct or nov-whenever i can get another app as im not waiting till jan! I have just had my untrasound app come through which is good and my OH sperm test is in a few weeks. My consultant was really good and very helpfull, she said that she didnt want to do a internal scan unless she had to coz she didnt want to 'disturb' my ovary-maybe that is why you werent offered one? also, she has given me a mmr (or something like that)blood test which checks my ovarian reserve, can be done anytime of the cycle and will show the condintion of the eggs on your ovary...you should definitely ask for that. The nhs really annoys me at times-i cant believe that you dont qualify for treatment coz u already have a kid, what about your partners count, doesnt that count?? madness!
I have started a new job today so my mind is not on ttc which is good, have dedided that i am not going to do any of the ttcing stuff anymore-cant really see the point!

this is what has annoyed me, its me that has a child from a previous and my OH doesnt, so because i have hes not entitled either, its shocking :-(

Im defo going to look into more options but going to lay it on the line when i go back to my consultant in october.
Its good that your job has got your full attention at the moment, im kinda feeling the same as you, whats the point??xx

What are your options maddog? Surely theyve gave you some sort of idea on options xx
Well hello everyone.I've not logged on for ages as nothing has changed for us.
Maddog i'm so sorry about your news.How are you feeling my love?You have been so positive until now.Keep your chin up.
We are just gonna wait until Jan/Feb time to start ICSI.We have an appointment at our GP on Monday to see if we can get all our blood work done on the NHS.
Think we need to get tested for HIV and hepatitis.Also I need a smear and OH has to get some kind of chromosone test?
My period is due on Saturday but to be honest I dont even get my hopes up anymore.
I was speaking to a girl who got her little boy on the 5th attempt at IVF.She said she went to Spain as things are so much more advanced there.She also said Belgium had far better success rates than Britain.
Its so hard for all of us but great to have this forum to be able to support each other.xxx
Hi there, thanks for all your messages.

Well I am feeling totally devastated, my husband and I have had so much bad luck in our lives and this tops it off, I am going through the 'Why me' 'Why us' . We have had such a rough ride thats why we wanted our own baby, to give it so much love and attention. The doc recommended donor eggs which I will never consider, even my sister has offered her eggs but it is not an option I/we would like to consider. I can't believe I am 31 and been told my ovaries are not functioning! We have waited for a baby as we wanted to be financially secure and so I don't have to work only to find out this! we already spent 10K on this! Anyway I will go to UK I think for a 2nd opinion, I think the answer will be the same but at least we tried. Its just a shock as the problem was with my husband and now by doing IVF it seems the problem is with me! Its awful how you have to go though IVF to find out this, we were so hopeful but now feeling at a total loss. I know there are people out there with far worse probs than me/us so trying to think about that, it's just so hard to take in.
Maddog, think you have to get a second opinion.So hard for you and OH being so far away and having to cope with all this.
I am thinking of you and know all the girls on this forum are there for you also.xxx
Hi there, we tried for over seven years to have kids, finally had 1st IVF with ICSI and had a lovely sonin 2008, second time same routine and pregnant again baby due next year.
Hang on in there, had a difficult time first round with side effects but quite honestly think all the stress and worry made me feel so much worse, second time around was a breeze think your body knows what to expect and you take it in your stride, my advice would be do not stress I know its easier said than done but its very true, relax and do someting romantic with your partner to take your mind off the worry and anxiety and will pray for you GOOD LUCK!
Thanks for sharing your positive story Hayem. We're due to start IVF (UCSI) in January. Were hoping to start before, but they won't now due to long clinic closing time over Xmas. Oh well, a few more months won't hurt I guess.

Maddog - sending you big hugs. I don't log on very often these days, but we're all wishing you the very best of luck and are here for you if you need to talk/rant etc. Xx
Hey Everyone

We just found out my partner has a very low sperm count and I am ok, so they have offered us the ICSI option...but we need to go and have the HIV/Heptitis tests done first, then it starts, which will be after christmas I guess...

I am very scared because I have heard you need to be put asleep when you have your eggs removed, id this right? If it is then I don't think I can go through it, as I have a phobia of being put asleep or being sedated...can't you have it done under Local Anaesthetic?

Can anyone give us any advice of what the procedure is? x
Hi BabyLover
I've heard it can be done both ways... our treatment has been brought forwards, we'll be starting the week after next, so I'll try and get more info for you asap.

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