Hi ladies - well that was it but been in hospital ever since! Got home a day ago and still recovering! However I have the most beautiful baby girl called Katie!
I went in when I was having 3 minute contractions and they gave me a sweep and told me to go home. That hurt!
All night carried on with awful pains and being really sick. Spent hours in the bath and shower but didn't really help! Wasn;t prepared for the pain at all! Decided to go back to hospital when having a contraction each minute and typically it had snowed so we had to drive extra carefully with me shreaking at each contraction!
Got there and they monitored me eventually and blamed machine for babies heartbeat dipping at each contraction. Still only 3cm dilated. They wanted to send me home but I begged and they admitted me.
Speant next six hours having pethidine (went loopy!), gas and air ( was very sick) and using birth ball. Partner still bursts out laughing at images if me in nothing but maternity knickers bouncing on a birthing ball and gasping on gas and air - look crazy - me?
Anyway, when things got really bad I begged for an epidural. This worked in all but one buttock which was interesting! When I was monitored again the midwives were concerned that the heartbeat of baby was again dipping at each contraction. They wanted to put on a scalp electrode which meant breaking my waters and so we agreed. I had an enormous contraction and the heartbeat stopped so they burst waters immediately. It then seemed like the bed was covered in poo! Baby was really distressed and as the next contraction came the heartbeat stopped again. Luckily the epidural had worn off as it meant they could then use the dose for a c-section as thats where I was suddendly whisked off to ... Talk about terrified.
I was strapped down, pulled around and opened up within literally 3 minutes. The cord was wrapped around Katie's neck twice and everytime I contracted it strangled her. I was killing my own baby! So she was out and luckily okay. Daddy was given her and they had cuddles. I couldn;t see her and was getting pretty stessed - also felt really sick. I then strated being sick and strapped to a table on your back this is not a nice experience! At first this was normal but after half an hour the anaethetist was really worried. What I hadn't realised is that the crash team had been called and I had lost in excess of 2 litres o f blood at that point! I started panicking when people kept rushing around and looking concerned. I didn't know we had been in theatre for 2 hours and my husband kept crying.
Anyway I had a last injection of something which appeared to stop the sickness and the sewing etc was complete. I was then transferred back to a bed and wheeled back to the delivery suite. I remember being unable to focus on anything and my mind was swimming. Nothing made sense but I was given Katie to hold with a nurses help and cried all the was back to the suite.
I lost 3 litres of blood in total and although a transfusion was talked about I wasn't given one! I spent less than a week in hospital which was exhausting and got home a few days ago and I still feel dreadful! I look like death warmed up and have so little energy! But I have the most beautiful baby ever. I didn't know you could love something so much!
I wish everyone loads of luck with their births - please insist on having a qualified midwife assess your foetal heart monitors - the first lady was a care assistant ( unqualified) and it could have meant the difference between me living and dying! Also could have had a stillborn at home if something had prevented us from getting to the hospital! Sorry to sound so serious, it is a truly amazing experience being a mummy. I am so happy ( and emotional!).