I see a line - I definitely see a line

Are you gonna wait for FMU to test on branded? Oh I'd have to say hold off if you can - it will improve result......I know we all want to know NOW but honey wait if you can, what is another day? OMG bet you're up early to see about the IVF so maybe just do it now and then you can cancel appointment. What am I like? Test, wait, test, no wait, no test ha ha (madness kicking in)
OMG Star fish!! :yay: You are pregnant!! You are going to be a Mummy!! Congratulations!! :yay:
congratulations your going to be a mummy :) if you want a clear test go and get a cb digi this is as strong as mine was and my cd digi came up pregnant 1-2 weeks quick run to the supermarket well dont run now as you need to take care :)
OMG Congrats hun!!!! Defo see a line, a really clear one!!!!

Def def def a line it's clearer than what mine was with exactly the same test x x congrats xx

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OMG thats SO clear. Congratulations, Ive been feeling so down all day but all these BFPs have made me feel nice :) X
Santas starting to work his magic girlies so fx he gives a few more BFPs :-)
OMFG!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! So exciting starfish. Pee on another stick NOW! xxxx
Wow i can see more than two line there does that mean its twins lol
lol i think this is a really clear strong test how many dpo?
i agree with midnight!! woop woop! happy safe healthy 9 months! xx
Congrats hun, def a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT NEWS!
Ooooh Starfish. I can definitely see a line. So happy for you. xxx
Thats a deffo BFP! congrats, go do a clearblue digi to get it in writing :lol:
Oh my!!!!!! this is awesome star fish!!! Congrats lovely!!!! And don't worry about all the fags and booze - a million people have done it before you not knowing and you are not the last and all is fine!! I am SO pleased for you!!

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