Wow! I've just checked back on this and have been inundated with all these wonderful messages full of love and support and just had a good happy cry!
I can't believe how nice you all are, when i know how hard it is seeing someone else get theirs but not you, but I'm glad if our (rather lengthy) struggle has given hope to even one person that it will happen in time.
Samsgirl! Congratulations on your engagement!! That's just fantastic news!! I work part time as a wedding planner so PM me anytime if you want some free advice xxx
Applecider (very cool name) I'm 37, really have left it very late. I didnt realise it would be so hard!
Sylvie, Mushy, Princess, Lander, Tracey, Louise, Positivity, Vicky, M2A, Laura, Kez, Maybe, too many of you to write all the names. I miss you girls loads already and it's only been a week. Thinking of you all the time and sending love and light (and

of course!) xxx